Date with Inko [R-18]

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Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing great! I have two announcements, and it would be great if you read them! The first is the ending of the previous chapter; "With a determined stride, Mokami continued his walk home, his heart filled with hope and anticipation for the future he and Mina would build together. And yet, that nagging feeling persisted, a subtle reminder that not all love stories have a happy ending."

!!As I stated earlier, there will be no NTR, girls being lost, or any similar concepts, so if you are worried about that, please don't be. That sentence has other meanings, and I wanted to use it to foreshadow a certain event that will take place in one of my favorite arcs of this fanfic.!!

The second announcement is this: I don't know if you have noticed, but most of the later chapters are longer than my previous chapters, especially those with smut. The chapters are either as long as a regular chapter before the smut starts, or they are double or triple long chapters that only contain smut. Also, I try my best to put the smut at the end of the chapter so if you want to skip it, you won't miss any detail. That is all. I hope you all enjoy, and peace!


After saying his goodbyes to Mina, Mokami still had time to prepare and go and see Inko. He felt a mixture of excitement and nerves as he prepared for his dinner date with Inko Midoriya. They had been seeing each other for years, their relationship having evolved into something deeply intimate and loving. Despite their physical connection, Mokami knew that he had never properly courted Inko, and he felt a sense of responsibility to make her feel cherished and appreciated.

He reserved a table at one of the most prestigious and romantic restaurants in town, known for its stunning city views, excellent cuisine, and intimate atmosphere. He picked out a beautiful bouquet of Inko's favorite flowers to surprise her with and even arranged for a limousine to transport them to the restaurant in style.

Inko, on the other hand, had not been on a proper date in years. As she got ready for the evening, she felt the excitement of a young maiden, her heart pounding in anticipation. She carefully chose a gorgeous emerald dress that accentuated her figure and highlighted her eyes, making her feel like a queen.

When Mokami arrived at Inko's home, he was struck by her beauty. She stood at her doorway, a vision of elegance, her eyes sparkling like stars. He presented her with the bouquet of flowers, and she beamed, her face lighting up with happiness.

"Inko, you look absolutely stunning tonight," Mokami complimented her sincerely.

Inko blushed, her cheeks turning a rosy pink. "Thank you, Mokami. You look incredibly handsome yourself."

As they stepped into the luxurious limousine, Inko couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the lengths Mokami had gone to make their date special. It was a testament to how much he cared for her, and she couldn't help but fall deeper in love with him.

Upon arriving at the restaurant, Mokami led Inko to their table by the window, where they had an unobstructed view of the city skyline. The lights twinkled like a sea of diamonds, casting a romantic glow over their evening.

As they enjoyed their exquisite meal, Mokami and Inko shared stories and laughter, their conversation flowing effortlessly. Despite the years they had spent together, there was still so much to learn about each other, and they delighted in each new discovery.

"Inko, I want to apologize for not doing this sooner," Mokami said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I realize now how important it is to show you how much I cherish you, and I promise to make a greater effort in the future."

Inko looked at him with affection, her eyes misty. "Mokami, thank you. It's true that we've never been on a proper date before, but I never doubted your feelings for me. Tonight, however, you've made me feel like the most special woman in the world."

Mokami reached across the table, taking Inko's hand in his. "You are the most special woman in the world to me, Inko. I hope you know that."

Inko, though she knew she was not, did not show it on her face. Mokami cherishing her was enough for him. The fact that he loved her enough to say those words was all she could ask for. She truly loved him, and even if it was only half of her emotions, she was willing to give him her whole heart.

As their dinner came to a close, Mokami leaned in and whispered softly in Inko's ear, "Would you like to dance?"

Inko's eyes widened with surprise and delight. "I'd love to," she replied, her voice filled with excitement.

Together, they danced beneath the shimmering city lights, their bodies swaying in perfect harmony to the soft music that filled the air. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own private universe.

As the evening came to an end, Mokami escorted Inko back to her home, the night air cool and crisp around them. The limousine pulled up to her doorstep, and Mokami helped her out, taking her hand gently.

"Tonight was magical, Mokami," Inko said, her eyes shining with happiness. "Thank you for making me feel so special and loved."

Mokami smiled warmly, his heart swelling with affection. "It was my pleasure, Inko. You deserve every bit of happiness, and I'm honored to be the one to share it with you."

As they stood on her doorstep, Mokami couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bond they had formed. Inko had been a source of love, support, and passion in his life, and he knew he was a better man because of her.

"Inko, I want you to know that our relationship means the world to me," Mokami confessed, his voice filled with emotion. "You've given me so much happiness and love, and I will always be grateful for that."

Inko's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at him, her heart overflowing with love. "Mokami, I feel the same way. You've been an incredible partner, and I can't imagine my life without you."

As they gazed into each other's eyes, Mokami leaned in, his lips brushing against Inko's in a tender, passionate kiss. It was a moment that seemed to encapsulate all of the love, trust, and commitment they had built together over the years.

With their lips still joined, Mokami whispered against her mouth, "I love you, Inko."

He pressed her kiss, as his hand found her cheeks. He kneaded them like a pair of supple dough, as she moaned into his mouth. She pulled his shirt, and dragged him inside. Closing the door with her feet, she pressed him against the wall, and kissed him on his delicious lips. Oh how much she loved those irresistible lips.

Mokami reached out and unzipped her dress, and with a shake of her waist, the dress fell to the ground, around her dainty ankle that shone under the louche lights. He then clapped her bras, and freed her big melons. He grabbed them and squeezed, as she moaned.

"Oh, Mokami. I missed this so much!" she said, as he pressed his hard on to her leg.

Inko dropped to her knees, opened his pants, and pulled out his cock. Her feisty tongue licked his balls, as he put his hands on her head. This was what he loved about Inko. She was such a lustful woman.

"Oh, Mokami. Take me to bed. I want to feel you deep inside me!" she said, her voice filled with need.

Inko then took him by his strong hands, and led him to their bedroom. Mokami laid her onto the bed, and opened her legs. He started to kiss her calves, then her thighs, up to her panties, that were covering her sacred garden. The honey she was secreting from her garden was arousing him with every sniff.

"Mokami, I can't wait." she said with her husky voice. "Fuck me right now, right here."

Mokami pulled up his pants and she unzipped his pants, and she pulled out his as he pulled down her panties. Their pants were off as she laid on her bed, her legs spread, and her head lay on her pillow.

"I need you inside me, NOW!" she demanded.

He dove in, and began furiously thrusting, as Inko moaned loudly, which echoed though the room. As he thrusted, her fleshy boobs bounced up and down. He was totally filled with lust, and he pounded her hard. She felt so good, and he loved her so much. He pinched her nipples, that made her moan louder. She didn't want him to stop. He felt so good inside her. It felt as if he was part of her. She loved feeling him inside her.

As Mokami pounded her hard, she felt as if she was about to break. He was pounding her so hard that she couldn't control herself. She started to scream. He could feel her pussy tighten around his rod. He thrusted harder, and harder, as she scratched him, trying to hold on. She wanted him to fuck her senseless.

Through her ecstasy, she shouted out in Mokami's ear. Her skin was on fire, and she was going to cum.

"I'm gonna cum with you!" Mokami bit her nipple, as he played with the other fleshy breast, and thrusted even faster. He grabbed her waist, and he thrusted himself hard, as he could feel his hot cum shoot up her cunt.

She came, as he did. They both screamed and moaned loudly. Their fleshy bodies were sweaty, and they were both exhausted.

"That was wonderful. I love you, Mokami." she said, with great satisfaction in her voice. She kissed him and gave him a warm hug.

"I love you too." he replied.

Inko's eyes sparkled with happiness and love as she replied, "I love you too, Mokami."

Later that night, they found themselves wrapped in each other's arms, lying in Inko's comfortable bed. The night's passion had left them both feeling content and sated, their bodies entwined in a warm, loving embrace.

Mokami gently drew circles on Inko's back, his touch soft and soothing, while Inko lay with her head resting on his chest, breathing in his delicious scent. The room was filled with a sense of peace and happiness, a testament to the deep connection they shared.

Inko broke the silence, her voice soft and tender. "Mokami, what we have is truly special. I never imagined I could feel this way about someone again."

Mokami embraced her tightly as he spoke, his voice full of emotion. "Inko, I love you too. Our relationship is important to me, and I want to work together to make it even better. Let's continue to support each other and watch it flourish like a beautiful garden."

Inko smiled, her heart warmed by his words. "I'm so grateful for everything we've shared, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for us."

Mokami placed a gentle kiss on Inko's forehead, his love for her evident in his every action. "As am I, Inko. Together, we can face any challenge and overcome any obstacle."

As they lay there, wrapped in each other's love, Mokami and Inko knew that their relationship was an extraordinary gift. They had found something rare and precious in each other, and they were committed to nurturing and cherishing it for the rest of their lives.

The night wore on, the moon casting a soft glow over their entwined forms. As sleep claimed them, they drifted off into dreams, their hearts content and full of love, knowing that they had each other to face whatever life had in store.


You can read up to 20 advanced draft chapters and the Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 18 Euros! You can now support me and have two extra chapters!
