Do Not Toy With Me!

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Mokami walked into his room, exhausted from the emotional intensity of the night, only to find Mirko sitting on his bed, a wild grin plastered across her face. He sighed helplessly and asked, "What do you want, Mirko?" He thought he had put an end to her advances when he had rejected her forwardness, but it seemed she was determined to make his life difficult once more.

Mirko's eyes sparkled dangerously as she looked at Mokami, her voice barely above a whisper. "So, you've returned from a date with your Mom?"

Mokami's eyes narrowed, the muscles in his back tensing as he slowly began to undress. He didn't respond, instead listening intently to her words. "What would happen if word got out about your little secret?" she continued, the implications of her words sending a chill down his spine. Dating his Mom would ruin his reputation, although it might seem innocent, with how secretive Mokami was, Mirko knew she could exploit it.

"Are you blackmailing me, Mirko?" Mokami asked calmly, his back still turned to her as he removed his shirt, revealing his muscular back. Mirko couldn't help but look at him with unfiltered lust, her breath hitching as she gulped. "I want you, Mokami. Since you refuse to give in willingly, I can only force you."

In an instant, Mokami vanished from where he was standing, and Mirko suddenly felt a pair of steel-like hands gripping her wrists, pinning them behind her back. She tried to turn her head, only to see Mokami's eyes filled with bloodlust, staring down at her with a rage that terrified her to her core. The pro hero, one of the strongest people in the country, was now being held down by the very man she had tried to manipulate. His grip on her wrists was so strong that she couldn't even budge.

"Mirko, I thought I made myself clear, but you just can't help pushing it, can you?" Mokami whispered menacingly into her ear, his breath tickling her neck. She was already aroused from the pent-up desire she had harbored for him, and now that she found herself dominated by Mokami, her lust was beyond her control.

Liquid metal emerged from Mokami's hands, encasing Mirko's body. She was capable of destroying normal metal with her bare hands, but the substance that now surrounded her body was unlike anything she had ever encountered. Unable to move, she was carried by Mokami as a hidden door in the wall of his room slid open, revealing a flight of stairs.

Descending into his secret basement, Mokami gently placed Mirko on a bed, his eyes filled with disappointment. "You dare to threaten my Mom, Mirko?" he asked, his voice laced with disappointment. "Just because I don't fuck your lights out?"

As Mokami spoke, his words dripped with a mixture of anger, frustration, and sadness. He couldn't believe that someone he once considered a hero would resort to such manipulative tactics. Mirko's heart raced, her breaths shallow and quick as she realized the gravity of the situation she had put herself in.

Mokami leaned over her exposed neck and whispered to her ear, "You thought threatening my Mom would be the right thing to do?" Mokami touched Mirko's head, and in the next second a chip appeared in her mind. It was connected to her senses, but she wasn't any wiser. It wasn't like the one he created for Toru or Momo, this was a bomb. Since Mirko was a threat to him and his family, he had no qualms about taking necessary actions to remove it when needed.

Aroused by his whisper and breath on her neck, Mirko's eyes squinted, "Please, Mokami!" She moaned. What she didn't know was, the chip was messing with her senses, making her even hornier.

Mokami looked at Mirko with a penetrating gaze as he walked over to the bed where she was, his muscular back turned to her, his abrasive voice making her even hornier. "I'm sorry, Mirko… but I'm not interested in fucking you."

"I do wish you hadn't messed with my Mom, since I respected you quite a lot." Mokami said sadly while touching her sensitive skin "I'll make sure you feel good… but you will never feel enough."

"No, please. No, Mokami!" She whispered.

Mokami turned her to her side, a matter-of-fact expression on his face. "You will know the consequences when you try to blackmail me, Mirko. And now..." he said, pulling her close, his lips brushing her ear as he continued, "You are going to feel them."

Her breath hitched as she felt his finger running on her exposed skin. She felt hornier than ever, yet no matter what she did, she couldn't reach release. Was it because she wasn't touching herself? Mokami ordered the chip to increase her arousal and prevent her from cumming, but he didn't touch her breasts or between her legs. He only ran his finger along her exposed neck and whispered into her ear.

"You will begin to feel very hot, Mirko. And yet, you will not be able to cum. No matter what you do."

Mokami smirked and watched Mirko's agonizing struggle. He didn't need to be close to her body to make her feel good, as the chip in her mind made her do the work. The more she struggled, the worse it got. She tried so hard, but she wasn't able to cum.

Mokami brushed her hair, "I told you I wasn't interested in a relationship based on fleshly desires, and you thought threatening my mom was a better option."

"You caused this by yourself." Mokami said, patting her head. She began to tremble, as her body begged her to cum.

"Please, Mokami... Please, Mokami..." She whispered as an urgent need began to build up inside her. She couldn't stop herself from saying his name like a mantra. His voice and words were only increasing her arousal and she was already beginning to lose herself in the need. She wanted to scream. She wanted to release all this sexual tension she was feeling. Mokami was torturing her, but why? Why not fucking her instead? Isn't she beautiful? Wasn't she the desire of countless men?

"Make no mistake, Mirko. I can see it in your eyes, you are hoping I will make you my sex toy, fuck your breath out, make you a cumming mess, but none of that. I am still not interested in you. Especially not after what you have done." He whispered to her ear. In the next second, metal surrounding her body vanished and she fell to the bed, shivering but not being able to cum, "Play yourself all you want, for 24 hours, you will not be able to cum. No matter what you do. Then, sit and think of your actions. If you threaten my family one more time, it will be your last."

She looked up, her hair tousled and her face was flushed. She couldn't stop herself from begging, "Please, Mokami..."

"You will find your way out after 24 hours. Don't forget to shower before you leave."


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