Planning to Bring Down All Might

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Mokami sat in his lab, deep beneath the mansion after he dealt with Mirko, surrounded by countless screens, devices, and scientific equipment. He knew the end-of-term exams were fast approaching, and that he would likely be paired with Momo against All-Might in the physical portion of the test. While the other students were exceptional, Mokami realized that only he and Momo together had any chance of defeating the Symbol of Peace. All Might still wanted to test his successor, but then other teachers would be helpless against Mokami and Momo, thus he thought Nezu would pair the two against the big hero. He decided to plan out loud, considering the pros and cons of each strategy he thought of.

"Alright, let's think about this," Mokami began, pacing back and forth across the lab. "All-Might is incredibly strong and fast, but his time in his hero form is limited. He might be hasty, and haste is the enemy of men. That should give us a significant advantage."

He paused, thinking about the implications of that plan. "But that's risky. If we don't manage to hold him off long enough, we'll be in serious trouble. Hasty or not, he is strong. Not to mention, it could draw too much attention to his condition."

Mokami sighed and continued brainstorming. "What if we focus on exploiting his weaknesses? Momo and I both have excellent control over our Creation Quirks, and we've been training in martial arts for years. We could create weapons, traps, or even barriers to slow him down or limit his mobility."

He shook his head, realizing that this plan could also backfire. "No, that's too obvious. The other students and teachers would notice that we're specifically targeting his weak points. Plus, it wouldn't give me an opportunity to scan his body without arousing suspicion."

Mokami rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "I need to find a way to defeat All-Might that doesn't draw too much attention, and allows me to scan him without anyone realizing what I'm doing. But how?"

After a moment of silence, Mokami snapped his fingers as an idea suddenly came to him. "Of course! If we can manage to immobilize him using a combination of our Quirks and martial arts skills, we can buy ourselves some time to execute a more precise plan. We can create a device that not only restrains him but also scans his body at the same time. It would have to be subtle, though."

He began listing out the details of his plan, excitedly pacing around the lab. "We'll start by engaging him in close combat. With our martial arts training, we can hold our own and wear him down. Then, when he's sufficiently distracted, we can use our Creation Quirks to generate a restraint system that not only holds him in place but also scans his body. And if anyone asks why I wanted to scan him, I can just say to see his weaknesses in case he escapes."

Mokami thought about the potential downsides of this plan. "The risk is that if we don't execute it perfectly, All-Might could easily break free and overpower us. And if we make the scanning function too obvious, we'll raise suspicion. However, if we can pull it off, we'll not only defeat him but also gather valuable information about his condition. Then I can use it to help him openly."

He nodded to himself, satisfied with his plan. "This should work. It combines our strengths, minimizes the risk of drawing attention, and allows me to scan All-Might's body without anyone realizing it. Nezu might still suspect something, but we are working together, he will cut me some slack"

Mokami spent the next few hours meticulously designing the restraint and scanning device, making sure that it would be as discreet and effective as possible. As he worked, he couldn't help but think about the implications of his plan.

"I also need to work on that if I'm going to help him," Mokami mused, a determined glint in his eyes. The thought of helping All-Might with his condition, which he knew about but couldn't reveal how, motivated him even further. He knew that the key to helping the Symbol of Peace would be to gather as much information as possible about his internal organs without anyone else discovering his intentions. It was a delicate balance, but one that Mokami was confident he could achieve.

As he continued to perfect the design of the restraint and scanning device, he also started to think about how he would explain its creation during the exam. He knew that he couldn't simply reveal that he knew about All-Might's condition, so he had to come up with a plausible reason for using the device in the heat of battle.

"Maybe we can say that we wanted to test our limits by challenging ourselves to create a complex device on the fly," Mokami considered, talking to himself. "It would show our adaptability and ability to think quickly in a high-pressure situation. That should be a reasonable explanation."

As the day wore on, Mokami continued to work tirelessly on his plan, refining every detail and ensuring that nothing would raise suspicion. He knew that his plan was risky, but the potential rewards were too great to ignore. Helping All-Might would not only solidify Mokami's own position as a hero but also benefit the entire hero community by prolonging the career of the Symbol of Peace.

Finally, satisfied with his work, Mokami stepped back and admired the design of the restraint and scanning device. It was sleek and inconspicuous, perfectly blending function and form. The device was ready, and now all that remained was to put it into action during the end-of-term exams.

Over the next few days, Mokami practiced with Momo, honing their teamwork and ensuring that they could execute their plan flawlessly. They trained tirelessly, pushing each other to new heights and refining their strategy.

On the side, he was following Bakin as he was giving speeches, increasing his influence even further. Every day, he was getting closer to the seat of presidency.

As the day of the end-of-term exams approached, Mokami and Momo grew more and more confident in their plan. They knew that it would be an uphill battle, but they were determined to do everything in their power to defeat All-Might and uncover the secrets of his condition.

With the stage set, the two young heroes prepared themselves for the challenge that lay ahead. They were ready to face the Symbol of Peace in battle and prove their worth as the next generation of heroes. As they walked into the exam arena, Mokami couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and excitement. It was time to put their plan into action and show the world what they were capable of.


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