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Mokami and Momo were wide awake and eager for the day ahead. Today, Aizawa would be revealing the results of the end-of-semester exams. The anticipation was palpable as they prepared breakfast alongside their family.

As Momo and Mokami worked together in the kitchen, the aroma of freshly made crepes filled the air. Nejire was chatting animatedly with Eri, while Mika and Eire prepared the table for their large family breakfast.

Suddenly, Momo caught sight of Mirko emerging from the shower. Mirko appeared jittery, her eyes bloodshot and her body convulsing as if something was tickling her from within. Momo, concerned for her friend and mentor, rushed to her side.

"Mirko, are you okay? What's wrong?" Momo asked, her voice filled with worry.

Mirko looked at Mokami, a mixture of arousal, fear, submission, anger, and hatred in her eyes. She couldn't find the words to explain what she was feeling, her body trembling uncontrollably.

Mokami glanced over at Mirko, his face deadpan as he returned his attention to the crepes he was making. He was glad to see she acted submissive now. If she dared to act like the other day, he would end her misery there and then.

Momo sniffed the air, catching the scent of the shampoo Mirko had used. "Did something happen during your shower? Maybe you're having a reaction to the shampoo?"

Mokami looked at Momo and softly said, "She's okay, Momo-chan. Leave her be."

Momo hesitated, her eyes filled with concern, but she trusted her brother more than anything. If he said Mirko would be alright, then she believed him. Helping Mirko to her room, she returned to the kitchen to assist Mokami with breakfast.

As she rejoined Mokami, she saw Eri perched on his neck, laughing as they tossed crepes into the air. Eri tried her best to catch the crepes with plates in her hands. Mika and Eire giggled as they set the table, and Nejire and Ryukyu watched the whole scene with warm, contented smiles on their faces.

Momo couldn't help but smile at the sight of her family, their laughter filling the room. She felt a sense of belonging and warmth that she cherished deeply. As she took her place next to Mokami, she playfully flipped a crepe into the air and caught it with a plate, earning a round of applause from her family.

Nejire beamed at Momo and Mokami, "You are getting so good at making breakfast Momo-chan! I remember when we first started living together, and everything was a mess."

Mokami chuckled, "Yeah, she had come a long way since then. Practice makes perfect, right?"

Eri, still perched on Mokami's neck, clapped her hands excitedly. "Nii-chan, can you teach me how to make crepes too? I want to learn!"

Mokami ruffled Eri's hair affectionately. "Of course, Eri-chan. We'll teach you together, right Momo-chan?"

Momo nodded, her eyes shining with happiness. "Absolutely! It'll be so much fun."

The family sat around the table, enjoying their breakfast together. Meanwhile, Mokami prepared a plate for Mirko and took it to her room. He rudely opened the door and entered.

Inside, he found Mirko standing at the edge of the bed, her hands shaking non-stop. Upon seeing him, she crawled back onto the bed, a mix of emotions clouding her face.

"Now, now, Mirko-chan. No need to be afraid," Mokami said softly, as he created a table out of thin air and placed it in front of the bed. "Like I told you, if you don't threaten my family, I have nothing against you."

"I know, Mokami, I know," Mirko replied hastily, afraid to upset Mokami with her tardiness. "I promise it will never happen again. I learned my lesson."

"Good," Mokami smiled, gently patting her hair. "Be a good girl, okay?"

"O-okay," she answered with a smile, relieved by Mokami's kind gesture.

With that, Mokami left her room and rejoined his family at the table. As they continued to eat, Momo couldn't help but notice the serious expression on Mokami's face.

"Is everything okay, Onii-chan?" she asked, concerned.

Mokami looked at her and nodded, forcing a smile. "Yes, Momo-chan, everything is fine."

Not wanting to press the issue further, Momo accepted his answer and returned to her meal. The atmosphere at the table was cheerful and lively, but Mokami's thoughts were elsewhere. He knew he needed to keep a close eye on Mirko and ensure she wouldn't pose a threat to his family. The safety of his loved ones was his top priority, and he would do whatever it took to protect them.

As the meal came to an end, Mika and Eire began clearing the table while Momo, Nejire, and Eri went to prepare for the day ahead.

Eri was still homeschooled by the family members and sometimes with the robots Mokami and Momo created. Nejire was supposed to work with Ryukyu, but now that her hero office was closed for the time being, Nejire too was going to school on a normal schedule.

As they prepared to leave, Mokami took Nejire and Momo's hands, and the trio started to walk to school. The house was close by, but Mokami loved the walk there with the girls by his side.

"So, are you excited for the results, Momo-chan?" Nejire asked, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Momo nodded, smiling nervously. "I'm a bit anxious, but I'm also excited to see how we did."

Mokami squeezed Momo's hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, Momo-chan. I'm sure we did great."

Nejire nodded in agreement. "Absolutely! You two worked so hard, there's no way you didn't do well."

As they continued walking, Momo's thoughts drifted to the events of the previous day. "Oni-chan, I wanted to ask you about Mirko. I couldn't help but notice that she was acting strangely this morning as well. Is everything okay?"

Mokami hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Mirko's just having a tough time adjusting to the situation. She's strong, though. She'll be fine."

Nejire chimed in, trying to change the subject. "Hey, have you guys heard any rumors about what the next semester might hold for us at school? I heard there might be some new courses and maybe even some new teachers."

Momo's eyes lit up, her curiosity piqued. "Really? That sounds interesting. I wonder what kind of courses they'll be offering."

Mokami shrugged. "Who knows? I guess we'll find out soon enough."

As they approached the school, they could see their classmates already gathered in groups, excitedly chatting about the upcoming announcement of the exam results.

"Hey, Mokami, Momo!" called out a familiar voice. They turned to see their classmate, Kirishima, waving at them enthusiastically. "Come join us! Everyone's talking about the exams!"

Mokami and Momo exchanged amused glances before joining their friends, who were all buzzing with anticipation.


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