End of the Semester


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Mokami and Momo bid goodbye to Nejire, who joined her friends, and walked into class 1-A.

As they settled in with their classmates, Aizawa entered the room, a stack of papers in hand. The room fell silent as he began to address the students.

"Good morning, everyone. I have the results of your end-of-semester exams here," Aizawa announced, his voice steady and calm. "I must say, I'm impressed with your performance."

The students held their breath, eager to hear the outcome. Aizawa continued, "The average score for the class was quite high, and many of you showed significant improvement over the course of the semester."

Aizawa looked at the class with a hint of pride in his eyes. "Every single one of you passed the written exams, which is impressive.

Aizawa thought to himself, knowing that Momo and Mokami had invited everyone for a study session and helped them study. He was happy to have such helpful students in his class. He cleared his throat and began to analyze the battle simulations one by one, starting with the first pair.

"Team Shoji and Kirishima versus Cementoss," Aizawa announced, looking at the duo. "You two worked well together and managed to use your strengths to your advantage. Your teamwork was commendable, and you successfully defeated Cementoss."

Shoji and Kirishima exchanged proud glances and thanked Aizawa for his feedback.

"Next, Team Asui and Tokoyami versus Ectoplasm," Aizawa continued. "Your coordination and understanding of each other's quirks were impressive. You managed to create a well-executed plan and overcame Ectoplasm's challenge."

Asui and Tokoyami nodded in appreciation, happy with their performance.

"Team Ida and Ojiro against Power Loader," Aizawa said, looking at the two students. "Your speed and agility made it difficult for Power Loader to keep up with you. You used your intellect and quick thinking to come up with a strategy that allowed you to win."

Ida and Ojiro smiled at each other, grateful for Aizawa's praise.

"Team Uraraka and Aoyama versus Thirteen," Aizawa went on. "You combined your quirks in an interesting way and managed to outsmart Thirteen. Your creativity and adaptability were key to your success."

Uraraka and Aoyama beamed at the positive feedback, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Team Ashido and Jiro against Nezu," Aizawa continued, addressing the girls. "You both showed great determination and resilience in your battle. Despite Nezu's cunning strategies, you were able to adapt and work together to secure your victory."

Ashido and Jiro exchanged high-fives, their faces lighting up with excitement.

"Team Itsuka and Todoroki against Present Mic," Aizawa announced, looking at the pair. "You two managed to use your quirks effectively to counter Present Mic's sound-based attacks. Your teamwork and communication were exceptional."

Itsuka and Todoroki nodded, grateful for the praise and happy with their performance.

"Team Hagakure and Yui versus Snipe," Aizawa said, addressing the girls. "Your use of stealth and strategy caught Snipe off guard, allowing you to get close enough to handcuff him. Well done."

Hagakure and Yui smiled, satisfied with their results.

"Team Mineta and Sero against Midnight," Aizawa continued. "You two showed great ingenuity in using your quirks to immobilize Midnight, while also avoiding her sleep-inducing gas. It was a well-thought-out plan."

Mineta and Sero grinned, relieved they had passed the challenge.

"Team Midoriya and Bakugo versus myself," Aizawa said, giving the two boys a stern look. "Your rivalry didn't prevent you from working together to overcome my challenge. You both demonstrated growth in your abilities to cooperate and strategize."

Midoriya and Bakugo exchanged glances, acknowledging their progress in working together.

"Finally, Team Momo and Mokami against All Might," Aizawa concluded, looking at the siblings. "You two showed exceptional creativity and strategic thinking in your battle against the symbol of peace. Your ability to adapt and outmaneuver All Might was truly impressive."

Momo and Mokami exchanged proud smiles, grateful for Aizawa's acknowledgment of their efforts.

As Aizawa finished discussing the results, he looked around the classroom, observing the students' reactions. They were all beaming with pride, relieved to have passed their exams and eager to continue improving. Aizawa couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing that he had played a part in their growth.

"All right, everyone," Aizawa said, getting their attention once more. "I'm proud of your progress and teamwork throughout the exams. Keep up the good work and continue to develop your skills. Now, let's move on to the next issue."

Aizawa continued, "Due to safety concerns and the current chaos in the country, the location of the Summer Forest Lodge will change. However, we will still be going."

A mix of reactions spread throughout the class. Some students were surprised, while others were relieved that the trip was still on. Sero sighed, "I already told my parents about the original location."

Bakugo, who had been brooding in his seat, suddenly spoke up. "I should've just taken those villains out when they were stalking us instead of watching from the shadows." His expression was a mix of self-consciousness and frustration.

Ashido quickly jumped in, "Bakugo, that's against the law and not at all heroic!" Aizawa simply deadpanned at Bakugo's comment, not bothering to chastise him further.

Aizawa then declared, "The semester has come to an end, and you will not be notified about the new location of the Forest Lodge. You'll find out when you arrive."

"Aizawa-sensei, can you at least tell us which part of the country we're going to?" Ashido whined. "I wanna shop accordingly!"

"Sadly, I can't help you with that," Aizawa replied, his tone firm.

Mokami, sensing Ashido's disappointment, spoke up. "Everyone, just take a picture and note the size of any clothes you want to bring with you. If you end up needing them, I'll create them for you."

"For real?" Ashido beamed, her eyes shining with gratitude. She then sent a coy smile towards Mokami, mouthing, "Thank you, babe."

With that, the semester came to a close, and the students of Class 1-A eagerly awaited their trip to the mysterious new location of the Summer Forest Lodge. The excitement in the air was palpable, and the students couldn't help but chatter excitedly about the upcoming adventure.


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