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This is the weekly extra chapter.


As night arrived, Mokami lay in his bed, focusing on the semi-mechanical lenses implanted in his eyes. These sophisticated devices allowed him to view electronic screens without actually projecting anything, granting him a unique and private means of accessing information. With the help of Nigel, the AI integrated within his mind, Mokami could monitor the security devices he had planted all around the Underground Cavern City.

"So far, everything seems secure," Mokami mused, his eyes scanning the various feeds displayed within his vision.

Nigel's voice chimed in, "Indeed, sir. The only people currently in the city are the Subterranean Sentinels, and the supplies are being delivered discreetly by drones. The city's location remains largely unknown to the outside world."

Mokami nodded, his face a picture of calm determination. He was well aware that while many people might know the general area where the city was located, finding it without any further information would be a near-impossible task.

"The Subterranean Sentinels seem capable of evacuating the city if needed," Nigel continued. "Based on our observations, they could do so in a timely manner if anyone ever found this place."

"Good," Mokami replied. "That should help keep everyone safe."

As he continued monitoring the security feeds, Mokami sensed a presence near the entrance of the city. He quickly zeroed in on the figure, his mechanical eyes narrowing in concentration.

"Nigel, who is that?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Running facial recognition now," the AI responded.

Nigel's voice broke Mokami's concentration, "The individual is identified as Tomoyasu Chikazoku, a board member at Feel Good, Inc."

Mokami's eyes widened slightly, remembering the name of an organization he had been keeping an eye on for a while now. While he hadn't been proactively dealing with them just yet, seeing a representative from Feel Good, Inc. near the entrance of the Underground Cavern City caused him to feel a sense of unease.

As Mokami observed Tomoyasu, he noticed the tall, lanky man with shiny black hair that reached his waist. He wore a long-sleeved black turtleneck shirt with a black formal jacket on top, and dark pants. His wide gray eyes seemed to hold a sense of determination, while his long nose and wide mouth with notably straight teeth gave him a unique appearance.

Mokami continued to watch Tomoyasu from his room, his mechanical eyes allowing him to observe the scene without being detected. He saw Terraformer, the leader of the Subterranean Sentinels, approach Tomoyasu and take a piece of baggage from him.

Nigel chimed in, "Sir, it appears the baggage contains Hero Equipments, most likely for the students' training."

Mokami furrowed his brow, considering the implications. "Nigel, can you dig deeper into those equipment? See if there's any tracking device."

"Sir, the Subterranean Sentinels have similar devices, and Terraformer has already scanned them. If there is any tracking method, it is not technology-based."

Mokami got up from his bed and began to pace around the room. He had a bad feeling about this.

He looked at the wall as his eyes reflected some of the simulations he created in his mind in case villains attacked. While he was training with students in the morning, Nigel had created a map of the Underground Cavern City. Mokami had asked Nigel to create simulations based on several known villains if they were to attack. Dabi, Shigaraki, Spinner, Mr. Compress, Muscular, Mustard, Moonfish, Magne, Gigantomachia, and at least ten Nomus were among the potential attackers.

Mokami focused on the simulation, watching as his creation Quirk allowed him to build barriers to slow down the villains or to create escape routes for the students.

"Keep the students safe at all costs," Mokami muttered to himself, his eyes darting between the different scenarios unfolding in the simulation.

In one simulation, Mokami created a large wall of ice to block the villains' path, while in another, he generated several large boulders to impede Gigantomachia's progress. Mokami's primary goal was to buy enough time for the students to evacuate without engaging in battle.

"Sir, is arrival of Tomoyasu that significant?" Nigel asked, picking up on Mokami's unease.

"Yes, something doesn't feel right," Mokami admitted. "They wouldn't work with the League and so far, the location of this place hasn't been leaked yet. Either Aoyama doesn't plan to or it is the League that doesn't want to. Either choice is not a solid guarantee, so I want to be cautious."

For now, we need to focus on these simulations. Let's try a scenario where Dabi and Shigaraki manage to break through the defenses."

As Mokami watched the new simulation, he could see Dabi's flames engulfing a portion of the city while Shigaraki's decay Quirk began to crumble the buildings. Mokami quickly conjured a series of tunnels for the students to evacuate through, ensuring their safety.

"Good work, sir," Nigel praised. "I have detected no casualties in this simulation."

Mokami nodded, but his mind was still on Tomoyasu. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

"Let's run a scenario with all the villains attacking simultaneously," Mokami suggested, gritting his teeth.

Mokami's eyes narrowed as he watched the latest simulation unfold. In this scenario, all the villains attacked the city simultaneously, forcing him to confront multiple threats at once. He took a deep breath and prepared himself for the challenge ahead.

As the simulation began, Mokami found himself in the midst of the Underground Cavern City, with villains converging on his position from all directions. He activated the body modifications he had undergone, which granted him ten times the strength, speed, and durability of an ordinary person. He knew that he couldn't afford to waste any time or energy in this scenario, so he had to rely on every advantage he had.

First, he encountered Spinner and Mr. Compress. With a swift, powerful punch, Mokami created a small cage of metal bars around Spinner, trapping him inside. Simultaneously, he used his Creation Quirk to generate a strong magnetic field that pulled Mr. Compress's metal marbles out of his grasp, rendering him powerless.

As Mokami continued to engage the villains, he crossed paths with Muscular and Mustard. He focused his strength and speed on Muscular, delivering a barrage of rapid punches that left the villain reeling. At the same time, Mokami conjured a gust of wind that dispersed Mustard's poisonous gas, effectively neutralizing his Quirk.

Next, Mokami confronted Moonfish and Magne. Moonfish's razor-sharp teeth were a serious threat, but Mokami's enhanced durability allowed him to withstand the villain's attacks. He quickly created a thick rubber padding around Moonfish's mouth, effectively silencing the villain. Turning his attention to Magne, Mokami used his Creation Quirk to generate a powerful magnetic force that repelled the villain, sending her flying into the distance.

As Mokami fought on, he realized that Gigantomachia was quickly approaching. He knew that he couldn't fight the colossal villain head-on, so he had to find a way to trap him. Using his Creation Quirk, Mokami generated an enormous pit beneath Gigantomachia's feet.

He covers the pit with metal as Gigantomachia has a Quirk allowing him to dig through Earth. For Dabi, he uses the same tactic he used against Todoroki, cutting oxygen in the air to prevent him from creating flames. And for Shigaraki, he thinks of tens of simulations in a split second. He cuts off his arms, locks them behind his back, and then starts to think if Shigaraki possibly has more Quirks when his nose starts to bleed.

"Sir, you need to stop. You're pushing yourself too hard," Nigel warns him urgently.

But Mokami does not stop, consumed by the need to ensure the safety of his students. The simulation continues to grow more intense, with Mokami devising even more elaborate strategies to counter the villains.


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