Invisible Delight [R-18]

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Toru burst into Mokami's room, her face a mixture of anger and worry. "Mokami, what are you doing to yourself?!" she demanded, her voice full of concern.

Her sudden entrance jolted Mokami out of his intense focus on the simulation. Blood dripped from his nose, evidence of the immense mental strain he had been under.

"Toru, I... Nothing, I was just making sure everything is fine," Mokami stammered, his voice weak and tired.

Toru's anger softened, replaced by a deep concern for Mokami. "That's no excuse to push yourself this hard," she scolded gently, stepping forward and taking his arm. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

Mokami didn't resist, allowing Toru to lead him to the bathroom. She sat him down on the closed toilet seat, then perched on his lap, taking a damp cloth and gently dabbing at the blood on his face.

"You need to take care of yourself too, you know," Toru chided softly as she cleaned his face. "I know you want to protect us, but if you push yourself too hard, you won't be able to help anyone."

Toru softly cleaned Mokami's face, while he tenderly held her waist. As she tended to him, their eyes met, and the air between them seemed to crackle with unspoken tension.

"Toru," Mokami whispered, his eyes never leaving hers. "Thank you for taking care of me."

She smiled softly, her cheeks taking on a slight pink hue. "Of course. It's my pleasure. You do so much for us, Mokami. I just want to make sure you're taken care of too."

Mokami couldn't help but smile back, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. "You're always so thoughtful, Toru."

The bathroom was silent for a moment, the air thick with emotion. Toru finished cleaning Mokami's face and set the cloth aside. She remained perched on his lap, her fingers now gently tracing the lines of his face. Mokami's hand slid up her back, pulling her closer to him.

"You know, Mokami," Toru murmured, her breath warm on his skin. "You really shouldn't underestimate yourself. You're incredible. You've been doing such an amazing job keeping everyone safe, even when it's hard."

"I appreciate that, Toru," Mokami replied, his voice low and warm. "But I couldn't do it without the support of all of you."

Toru's eyes sparkled, and she leaned in a bit closer. "I'm always here to support you, Mokami. You know that, right?"

He nodded, his eyes locked on hers. "I do, and I'm grateful for it."

The space between them seemed to shrink, their faces mere inches apart. The warmth of their bodies radiated between them, and Mokami's heart raced in his chest. He could feel Toru's breath on his lips, and he knew that she felt the same pull towards him that he felt towards her.

"Toru," Mokami whispered, his voice barely audible. "You are so damn cute."

Her cheeks flushed a deeper pink, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she closed the remaining distance between them, her lips meeting his in a soft, tender kiss.

Their kiss was gentle at first, a delicate exploration of the connection between them. As the seconds passed, however, the intensity of their emotions bubbled to the surface. Mokami's arm wrapped around Toru's waist, pulling her closer as the kiss deepened. Her fingers threaded through his hair, anchoring her to him.

When they finally broke apart, both were breathless, their cheeks flushed and eyes wide. They stared at each other, their faces still close, and Mokami felt a sense of wonder wash over him.

"That was... wow," Toru breathed, her eyes shining.

Mokami smiled, his heart swelling with affection for her. "It really was, wasn't it?"

Toru laughed, the sound like music to his ears. "I want you to do what you did to Mina this morning," she said with only little louder than a whisper, her face burning with embarrassment.

Mokami couldn't help himself and kissed her once again, as he took her to bed while kissing.

As their kiss continued, Mokami ran his hands along Toru's body, savoring the feeling of her skin underneath his fingertips. She moaned into his mouth, arching her back against him as he pressed against her harder. He pulled away from her slightly and began to undress her slowly, revealing more of her beautiful form with each piece of clothing removed. With a smile playing at the corner of his mouth, Mokami leaned down and placed a trail of soft kisses along the length of her neck.

The sight of Mokami stripping off her clothes set a fire inside of Toru, making her squirm beneath him. She eagerly lifted her hips to allow him access to remove her skirt, and then reached out to unbutton his own shirt.

Mokami leaned forward and pressed his lips to Toru's, starting with a soft peck before increasing pressure, opening her mouth with his tongue. He moved to nibble on her earlobe and traveled lower to her neck, enjoying the taste and scent of her skin. After leaving a trail of kisses all along her collarbone and shoulders, he shifted to knead her breast gently before suckling on her nipples.

He then worked his way further down below the belly button, placing hot kisses that made her writhe and beg for more. By the time he reached the top of her sex, she was already dripping wet and ready for whatever he had planned next. Gripping onto her inner thighs tightly, he positioned himself between them and parted her legs with his thumbs, diving right in for a long, slow lick. Mokami relished the sounds of her gasps and whimpers, loving how responsive and sensitive her entire body had become.

Mokami lavished attention on Toru's clitoris, circling it teasingly with his tongue and applying gentle suction to bring out its engorged state. His fingers found her entrance, slipped one digit inside to prepare her for the depth of penetration soon to come. Meanwhile, Toru bucked and writhed in delight, unable to contain herself any longer. All control was lost in the sensations cascading upon her: his expert touch and his ardent kisses, combined with her desire to experience the blissful ending.

When Mokami slid another digit inside her, the sensation was explosive; Toru's body convulsed and arched with the force of pure bliss, tears streaming down her face as an intense climax rocked her world. With the slightest withdrawal, he plunged back in, eliciting yet another seismic wave rushing throughout her. In this dance of give-and-take, Toru could hardly keep track of how many orgasms she experienced. It all blurred together in a haze of perfect ecstasy.

Catching his breath, Mokami propped up on his arms above her, smiling with contentment. Toru gazed back at him dreamily, admiring every feature on his handsome face, from the curve of his eyebrow to the shape of his nose. Their gaze locked, holding each other captivated for endless moments.

And just when Toru thought things couldn't get better, Mokami urged her head towards his groin, wordlessly communicating his intent without breaking eye contact. Toru took charge, pulling him closer, feeling a triumphant surge run through her veins at being able to return pleasure tenfold.

She greeted him with fervor, running her tongue along his entire length and marveling at his flavor - the zest of saltiness, muskiness and sweat intermingling intoxicatingly. Faster now, her movements were driven by innate instinct to create the most pleasurable encounter possible. When she enveloped him entirely, Mokami's body spasmed involuntarily with gratification, his hips pulsing and pushing back against her throbbing grip. It wasn't long before he warned of approaching release with raggedly muttered words, prompting Toru to double her efforts, taking him as far back into her mouth as physically possible.

A fierce growl rumbled past his lips as Mokami filled her mouth with copious amounts of semen. Overwhelmed by the rich burst of salty and sweet flavors mixed with his natural scents, Toru continued to tend to him even after his trembling ceased. It was clear he appreciated the gesture deeply. Mokami held her face softly, gazing appreciatively at Toru while caressing the side of her cheek lovingly.

They lay there entwined for some time, talking about everything from mundane topics like school or family, to profound insights about life or dreams for the future. No matter where the conversation went, it flowed freely between two people who trusted and adored each other deeply. The tension and worries that had plagued Mokami earlier seemed to have vanished, replaced by the warmth and love he felt for Toru.

"You know, Mokami," Toru murmured softly as she traced patterns on his chest with her finger, "I've never felt this close to anyone before. I feel like I can tell you anything."

Mokami smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "The feeling is mutual, Toru. Our connection is something special, and I'm glad we have it."

Toru sighed contentedly, snuggling closer to Mokami. "I know it's not easy for you to balance everything, but you've done an amazing job so far. You're always there for us when we need you, and you've made us all feel so loved and protected."

Mokami's heart swelled with affection for Toru, and he tightened his arms around her. "Thank you for saying that, Toru. I promise I'll continue doing my best to protect all of you."

Toru looked up at him, her eyes filled with admiration. "I know you will, Mokami. That's just who you are."

They lay there in comfortable silence for a while, basking in the warmth of their newfound closeness. Eventually, Toru's stomach growled, making them both laugh.

Mokami grinned. "Hungry?"

Toru nodded, blushing slightly. "A little."

"Let's get something to eat, then," Mokami suggested, sliding out of bed and pulling on his clothes.


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