Second Day

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The following morning, students of Class 1-A and 1-B were awoken at 5 am sharp by the sound of their teachers, Aizawa and Vlad King, accompanied by the Subterranean Sentinels. The first day had been a grace period for them to rest from the travel, but from now on, they would be expected to rise early for morning exercises.

"Alright, everyone, up and at 'em!" Aizawa called out. "We've got a full day of training ahead, so don't dawdle!"

The students groggily got out of bed and changed into their training gear. They gathered outside, where the Subterranean Sentinels were waiting for them.

"Today's training will focus on enhancing your quirks," Terraformer began. "Each of you will be participating in physical training and conditioning exercises tailored to your specific abilities. These exercises will help you develop your quirks and grow as heroes."

The students looked at each other nervously, knowing the day would be challenging, but they were determined to give their all.

The physical training began with a warm-up led by Echo, who encouraged the students to stretch and loosen up their bodies. The warm-up was followed by a series of quirk-specific exercises, with the Subterranean Sentinels providing guidance and supervision.

As the students split up into groups based on their quirks, Mokami found himself surrounded by a group of girls, including Asui, Jiro, Itsuka, Hagakure, and Yui. They were all eager to begin their quirk-specific training and improve their abilities.

Echo stepped forward to address Mokami and his group. "Alright, everyone. Your quirks are all unique, so we've designed a series of exercises that will help you develop and strengthen them.

As the students gathered around Echo, he began to explain the exercises they would be working on. "Alright, Mokami and Momo, you'll be working together on your Creation quirk. We've set up a series of stations where you'll have to create specific items under a time limit. This will help you both to improve the speed and precision of your creations."

Mokami and Momo nodded, understanding the purpose of the exercise. They moved to the first station, where a list of items they needed to create was displayed. The two siblings glanced at each other, amusement in their eyes, before they began. The list of items Echo gave to them was way too easy. But they didn't see the reason to show off.

As the students began their quirk-specific exercises, Mokami and Momo made quick work of the list of items Echo had provided, creating each object with speed and precision. After a while, they decided to challenge themselves by making more complex items, smiling at each other as they pushed their limits.

Mokami watched as the girls in his group prepared for their new training program. They were eager to improve their quirks and discover new abilities based on the suggestions they had made during their journey to the training camp. Echo and Lumina approached the group, ready to introduce the customized training exercises they had designed.

"Alright, girls," Lumina began, her voice energetic and encouraging. "Based on your feedback and your individual goals for your quirks, we've come up with a specialized training program for each of you. Remember, these are just ideas for now, but with hard work and dedication, you'll be able to develop these abilities and enhance your quirks."

As Lumina and Echo detailed the new training exercises, the girls listened intently. Hagakure was the first to step up, eager to expand her Invisibility quirk.

"Okay, Hagakure, we're going to work on extending your invisibility to other objects and people," Echo explained. "We'll start by trying to make small objects invisible, and gradually work our way up."

Hagakure nodded, focusing on a small rock in front of her. With concentration, she attempted to channel her quirk to the object, hoping to make it invisible. Meanwhile, Asui was excited to work on secreting different substances from her skin. Lumina guided her through various exercises, helping her practice controlling the different substances and exploring their potential applications in combat or rescue situations.

Jiro's training focused on manipulating sound waves. Echo encouraged her to experiment with different frequencies and vibrations, pushing her to develop her quirk further. As Jiro practiced, she found herself able to create powerful sonic blasts and even communicate telepathically with her classmates.

Itsuka and Yui, both excited about the potential of their Size quirks, trained together under Lumina's guidance. Itsuka practiced changing the size of different parts of her body, while Yui concentrated on controlling the size of other objects and people.

As the girls worked on their new training exercises, Mokami watched with a smile, proud of their determination and progress. Occasionally, he would offer advice or encouragement, further boosting their motivation. The girls appreciated his support and their relationships with Mokami continued to deepen.

The morning continued with the students of Class 1-A and 1-B fully immersed in their quirk-specific training exercises. Each one pushed themselves to their limits, eager to grow stronger and develop new abilities. The Subterranean Sentinels closely monitored their progress, offering guidance and support when needed.

As the sun began to shine, it was finally time for breakfast. Taking a well-earned rest, the students sat and discussed animatedly their new developments. They formed small groups, eagerly sharing their experiences and progress with one another.

Mokami, Momo, Mina, Asui, Jiro, Itsuka, Yui, and Hagakure were huddled together, enthusiastically discussing their training. "I can't believe how much progress we've made already!" Asui exclaimed. "My new ability to secrete different substances will definitely come in handy in rescue missions."

Jiro chimed in, "Yeah, and I never thought I'd be able to communicate telepathically with my sound manipulation quirk. That's going to be so useful!"

Although the name they came up with was telepathy, it was actually a pretty simple concept. Mokami was using it for a long time now by imitating Jiro's ability, and very poorly at that. By sending carefully modulated sound waves directly to the hearing center of someone's brain, she could potentially communicate with them without ever speaking a word out loud.

The implications of this were staggering. She could carry out a covert conversation in the middle of a crowded room, or transmit sensitive information to someone without the risk of interception. With Jiro's power, it was all within reach. Mokami was using Nigel to do the same to either send sound waves to people directly or make sure everyone could hear him in a crowd, but Jiro's ability was even more frightening.

There were also potential downsides to consider. If Jiro's sound waves were too intense or poorly controlled, they could cause serious harm to the listener's hearing or even interfere with other brain functions. And if the technology fell into the wrong hands, the consequences could be catastrophic. That is why he didn't introduce this power to her before she developed her abilities.

"It's amazing what we can achieve when we push ourselves," Itsuka added, smiling at Mokami. "And having such a supportive group to train with really helps."

Yui nodded shyly, agreeing with Itsuka. "Hmm."

Mokami smiled at his friends, feeling a sense of pride in their accomplishments. "You're all doing great, and I know we'll continue to grow stronger together."


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