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As they were enjoying their rest, Pony arrived and took a seat beside Mokami. "Hey, Mokami! I just wanted to say that your idea for my Horn Cannon quirk was amazing! Being able to manipulate the size, shape, and properties of my horns is going to be a game-changer."

As she spoke, Pony leaned a little closer to Mokami, her eyes twinkling flirtatiously. "You really do have a knack for coming up with great ideas."

Mokami chuckled, a slight smile creeping up his cheeks. "Thanks, Pony. I'm just happy to help. We're all here to support each other and become the best heroes we can be."

The other girls in Mokami's group exchanged knowing glances, amused by Pony's flirtatious behavior. They all knew that Mokami was a great source of inspiration and support, and they were grateful to have him as a friend and ally.

Mina leaned on Mokami with a teasing smile as she looked at Pony. "You know, Mokami helped me with my Acid quirk too, and I couldn't be happier with the results."

Pony didn't want to back down, so she continued to flirt with Mokami. "Oh, really? Well, he has such a brilliant mind. No wonder he's so good at coming up with amazing ideas for all of us."

Asui decided to join in, winking playfully at Mokami. "His suggestions for my quirk have been really helpful too. It's like he knows exactly what we need."

Jiro chimed in, trying to hold back a giggle. "He's not only smart, but also so thoughtful and attentive to our needs. That's a rare combination."

Itsuka nodded, smirking at Mokami. "Definitely one of a kind. I'm so grateful for his help with my quirk. He's always so patient and understanding."

Momo, sitting next to her brother, joined the conversation more subtly. "Onii-chan has always been a great source of support and inspiration. I'm glad that you all see it too."

Yui, a bit shy but determined to be part of the fun, quietly added, "Mokami's been really helpful with my quirk as well… I'm grateful."

Mokami remained composed, "I'm just glad I can help all of you. We're in this together, and it's important that we support each other and grow as a team."

Pony playfully nudged Mokami. "Well, we're certainly lucky to have such a talented and caring teammate."

Mina leaned in closer, grinning. "Not to mention incredibly handsome and charming."

Toru giggled. "We definitely hit the jackpot with Mokami."

Jiro rolled her eyes playfully. "Okay, okay, we get it. Mokami's amazing. Now let's eat and get ready for more training."

The girls laughed, and the conversation shifted to other topics. However, they couldn't help but continue to steal glances at Mokami, each one appreciating his presence in their own way.

Aizawa arrived, his usual stern expression on his face. "Momo, Mokami, you two have made excellent progress with your Quirk training. Instead of continuing with creation exercises, I want you to focus on sparring with your classmates and applying your martial arts skills. You can also create situations where your classmates have to use their Quirks strategically. Understood?"

Momo and Mokami nodded in agreement, excited about the new challenge.

As the afternoon training began, Mokami and Momo helped their classmates by creating various scenarios to test their abilities. They also engaged in sparring matches, using their martial arts skills and pushing their fellow students to new heights.

During a sparring session with Kirishima, Mokami managed to dodge his hardened punches while using his creation Quirk to fashion a soft cushion that absorbed the impact.

"Nice move, Mokami!" Kirishima exclaimed, impressed by Mokami's quick thinking.

"Thanks, Kirishima," Mokami replied, smiling. "You're improving too. Your hardened skin is getting even stronger."

Elsewhere, Momo created a series of obstacles that Uraraka had to navigate while using her gravity manipulation Quirk. Uraraka deftly maneuvered through the course, her concentration and control improving with each run.

"Great job, Uraraka!" Momo encouraged her. "You're getting better at controlling your Quirk!"

"Thanks, Momo," Uraraka replied, a determined smile on her face. "I won't let you down!"

Meanwhile, Mokami was working with Asui, who was practicing her ability to secrete different substances from her skin. Mokami suggested various scenarios in which she could use this newfound skill, pushing her to think creatively about how to apply it in combat and rescue situations.

As the afternoon progressed, Mokami and Momo continued to support their classmates in their Quirk training. They provided feedback, encouragement, and guidance as the students honed their abilities and developed new techniques.

Mina, having been guided by Mokami, was able to increase the viscosity and stickiness of her acid, creating a powerful adhesive that could trap opponents or be used for climbing.

Iida, inspired by Mokami's suggestion, had been practicing using his Engine Quirk to create bursts of speed in different directions, increasing his agility and maneuverability in battle.

Jiro, having developed her sound manipulation Quirk further with the help of Mokami, practiced using her sonic blasts to create powerful shockwaves that could knock opponents off balance or even incapacitate them temporarily.

As the students continued to train and grow, they began to experiment with combinations of their Quirks. Todoroki and Bakugo worked together to create a powerful explosion of ice and fire, while Midoriya and Tokoyami combined their strength and shadow manipulation abilities to create devastating attacks.

The students of Class 1-A and 1-B were making great strides in their Quirk development, thanks in no small part to Mokami and Momo's guidance and support. The atmosphere was electric, with each student pushing themselves to their limits and discovering new depths to their powers.

The Subterranean Sentinels gathered the students for a new challenge. Terraformer stood before the young heroes, his voice echoing throughout the cavern. "Today, we want you to use your Quirks in the most creative way possible. You have fifteen minutes to think of something unique and inventive. After that, each of you will step forward and demonstrate your creativity."

The students exchanged glances, excited and determined to rise to the occasion. They split into smaller groups to discuss their ideas and strategies, helping one another brainstorm and refine their concepts.


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