Setting Things Straight

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As the conversation continued, Pony's grip on Mokami's arm tightened. She could sense Reiko's growing interest in him and felt a pang of jealousy. Mokami, however, remained composed and didn't seem to be bothered by the attention.

As if remembering something important, Mokami turned to Reiko. "Right, Reiko, we should definitely work on your martial arts. They're useful in many situations, as my experience in Egypt proved."

He finished the story with Marital Art on purpose to bring the subject back to Reiko's request. Pony thought she could manipulate him by changing to subject and feeding his ego, but she was too naive.

Reiko's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she nodded eagerly. "I would love that, Mokami. I'm sure I could learn a lot from you."

Pony, still perched on Mokami's lap, couldn't help but feel a surge of possessiveness. She leaned in closer to Mokami, trying to assert her presence. Mokami, however, seemed unfazed by the subtle power play.

"I think it's great that we can all learn from each other," Ibara chimed in, trying to ease the tension. "Our diverse skills and quirks make us a formidable team, and working together only makes us stronger."

As the night grew, they talked a little longer. When it was getting late, Ibara reminded them they would wake up early and they should get some rest. Reiko purposely waited for Pony to join them, but Pony said she needed to talk with Mokami.

"Alright then," Reiko said, her voice heavy with disappointment. "Goodnight, Mokami. And you too, Pony."

"Goodnight, Reiko," Mokami replied, giving her a warm smile.

Pony, Ibara, and Reiko headed for the door. Before they left, Ibara turned to Mokami, a concerned expression on her face. "Mokami, take care of yourself, okay? Don't forget to rest."

Mokami nodded. "I will, Ibara. Thank you for your concern."

As soon as the girls left, Pony looked at Mokami submissively, both jealous and helpless. She knew Mokami was dating multiple women when they started. Mokami had reminded her repeatedly. Still, she felt envy. To claim his interest, she wanted to remind him what she could offer, so she walked sultrily towards him and kissed him passionately.

As they broke apart, Mokami regarded her with a stern expression. "Pony," he said, his fingertips gently lifting her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. His tone was firm, with an undercurrent of iciness. "You were well aware of the circumstances when we started this." His words were precise, leaving no room for misinterpretation. "You know that the terms of our relationship are explicit, and any deviation from our agreement is unacceptable. Do you understand?"

"I never coerced you into this relationship, nor did I deceive or mislead you. You made your decision, and if it was based on the hope of rescuing me from my own nature and securing me for yourself, you are mistaken. I care deeply for all my partners, and I will always treat them fairly. I hope you can come to terms with this reality."

Mokami's delivery of these words conveyed a sense of authority, and at the same time, genuine concern for Pony's feelings. While he couldn't change who he was, he wanted her to understand the situation and find a way to accept it, so they could continue with the unique connection they had built together.

Pony nodded shakily, biting her lower lip. Her posture seemed to sag slightly as Mokami released his grip on her chin and stepped away. The act was all part of the game; Pony needed the constant reminder of just who held the power. It fueled the dynamic between them and heightened their sessions together even further.

"I understand, Mokami," Pony whispered, her voice quivering with both fear and excitement. "I'm sorry for letting my jealousy get the better of me. I know you're a man who values honesty and loyalty."

Mokami nodded, his expression softening slightly. "That's right, Pony. As long as we maintain those values, our relationship will remain strong. But remember, you're free to leave at any time if you're unhappy with the arrangement."

Pony shook her head vigorously. "No, I don't want to leave. I just... I want to be the best I can be for you, Mokami. I want to make you proud."

Mokami smiled, his stern demeanor dissipating. "I appreciate your dedication, Pony. But just know that there is no need for competition. Each woman in my life is special and unique, and I care for all of you equally."

A silence fell over the room, the weight of Mokami's words sinking in. Pony looked down, her eyes filling with tears. "I know you're right, Mokami. It's just hard sometimes, seeing you with the others."

Mokami reached out, gently wiping a tear from Pony's cheek. "I understand that it's difficult, but I need you to trust me. Trust that I'll always be there for you, just as I am for the others. As long as we communicate openly and honestly, we'll be able to navigate these emotions together."

Pony sniffled, nodding in agreement. "I promise to be more open with you, Mokami. Thank you for being patient with me."

He gave her a reassuring smile. "It's all part of the journey, Pony. Now, let's focus on the present and enjoy our time together."

As they spent the rest of the evening together, Mokami made a conscious effort to reassure Pony of her place in his life. They laughed and talked, sharing stories and anecdotes about their pasts. Pony felt a sense of relief and gratitude towards Mokami for understanding her feelings and helping her navigate through them.

As the night wore on, the conversation turned more intimate, with both Mokami and Pony opening up about their fears, hopes, and dreams. It was a rare opportunity for them to connect on a deeper level, fostering a sense of trust and understanding that would be crucial in maintaining their unique relationship.

"I never thought I'd find someone like you, Mokami," Pony admitted, her eyes shining with sincerity. "Someone who can accept me for who I am and not judge me for my desires and needs."

Mokami took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I feel the same way about you, Pony. We may be unconventional, but I believe we have something truly special."

As they continued to bond, Pony felt her insecurities and jealousy begin to fade. She knew that Mokami genuinely cared for her and that her place in his life was secure. She also understood that while their relationship may be complex, it was built on a foundation of trust and open communication, allowing them to face any challenges that might arise.

Though the evening eventually came to an end, the connection between Pony and Mokami had only grown stronger. The vulnerability they had shared with one another had opened the door to a deeper understanding and connection.

As the night progressed, their conversations began to take on a more flirtatious tone, and the air between them grew heavy with desire. Mokami's hand traced delicate patterns on the back of Pony's hand, sending shivers up her spine.

Pony leaned in closer, her breath warm and inviting against Mokami's ear. "I feel so close to you right now," she whispered, her voice low and sultry.

Mokami's heart raced at her words, his eyes meeting hers with unspoken longing. "As do I, Pony," he admitted, his voice barely a whisper.

Feeling the undeniable attraction between them, they moved closer together, their lips meeting in a tender, yet passionate kiss. The intensity of their emotions fueled the fire that burned within them, and they knew they were about to embark on a steamy, unforgettable night together.

As the evening turned into night, and the shadows in the room deepened, Mokami and Pony shared an intimate, passionate experience that further solidified their bond. And though their relationship was far from conventional, they both knew they had something truly unique and special that would continue to grow and evolve over time.

Pony lay on the bed, content yet tired. Mokami sat beside her, running his fingers gently through her hair. The silence between them was comfortable, yet something lingered beneath the surface.

"Pony," Mokami began softly, "I know you might be feeling jealous about Reiko, but I want to remind you that our relationship is built on trust and communication. We've talked about this before, and I want to make sure you understand that I care for all of you equally."

Pony sighed, her eyes gazing at the ceiling. "I know, Mokami. It's just... it's hard to see you getting close to another girl. I can't help but feel insecure."


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