Three Weeks

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The morning of the third week began with the crisp air of the Cavern City mingling with the warm aroma of breakfast prepared by a team of students. The cavern's walls glistened with moisture, and its high ceilings, adorned with artificial stars, created a calm atmosphere. As Mokami and Momo worked together to cook for their classmates, they exchanged proud glances, recognizing the progress they had made so far.

The focus of the third week was on stealth, reconnaissance, and adaptation. The students began each day with their usual physical training and conditioning exercises, followed by Echo leading the morning sessions. Echo, an expert in sound manipulation, taught the students how to track targets and gather information discreetly. Mokami, with his keen senses and martial arts skills, excelled in this aspect of training.

Asui, who had been flirting with Mokami, found herself impressed by his stealth abilities. "You're like a ghost," she remarked playfully, her eyes gleaming with admiration.

Mokami chuckled, "I guess I have a knack for blending in."

The afternoon sessions were led by Mistwalker, who emphasized training in low-visibility conditions and sensory awareness. Mokami's strong bond with the girls around him, Momo, Pony, Mina and Hagakure, helped him adapt to challenging circumstances. The five communicated seamlessly, their trust in each other evident.

Momo remained close to Mokami, offering her support and guidance whenever needed. Their twin connection and shared quirk made them a formidable team.

In the evenings, Terraformer and Lumina led workshops on outdoor survival skills and navigation. Afterward, the students would gather for relaxation and bonding activities. Mokami continued to deepen his relationships with his girlfriends, as well as with the other girls in the class who flirted with him.

On one such evening, Jiro and Itsuka joined Mokami, Mina, and Hagakure for a friendly game night. As they played, the girls teased Mokami lightheartedly. Their laughter filled the air, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

The fourth week focused on advanced combat and rescue techniques. During the morning sessions, the students sparred with the Subterranean Sentinels and participated in mock battles between Class 1-A and Class 1-B. Mokami, with his martial arts prowess and creation quirk, stood out as a formidable combatant.

In one memorable match, Mokami faced off against Todoroki, showcasing his improved skills and creative use of his quirk. The students cheered them on, and Momo couldn't help but beam with pride as her twin brother demonstrated his growth.

The afternoon sessions revolved around advanced rescue techniques. Mokami worked closely with Yui, who shyly flirted with him as they practiced first aid, disaster relief, and crisis management. He offered her gentle encouragement, making her blush as their connection grew stronger.

Meditation and relaxation sessions, led by the Subterranean Sentinels, helped promote mental well-being and resilience in the evenings. During these moments, Mokami often found himself lost in thought, reflecting on his relationships with Momo, Mina, Hagakure, and the other girls who had captured his attention.

The fifth and final week of training focused on assessments and practical examinations. Each morning began with individual evaluations, and the Subterranean Sentinels provided personalized feedback to the students. Girls received high praise for his growth and adaptability.

During the practical exams, Mokami demonstrated his improved skills in simulated missions alongside his classmates. In one mission, he worked with Pony to rescue civilians from a collapsing building. Their strong bond, forged by their ongoing flirtation and intimacy, was evident in their seamless teamwork.

After the mission, Pony playfully nudged Mokami. "We make the best team," she said, winking at him. Mokami smiled, acknowledging their unique connection.

The evening of the final day, the students gathered for a celebration and awards ceremony, recognizing their achievements throughout the training program. Mokami's relationships with the girls who flirted with him had grown stronger during the past five weeks. The students had become a tight-knit group, trusting and relying on one another.

Sitting next to Momo and the other girls, watching the party going on, Mokami was still restless despite the smile on his face. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, that there was an undercurrent of danger lurking beneath the surface. For the last five weeks, no one else had come close to the camp since the first week, and Aoyama had never sent a message. He didn't know if the League wasn't going to attack or if they had other plans, but he was still as paranoid as ever.

Every night before bed, Mokami would battle in simulations for at least an hour, honing his skills and trying to prepare for the unknown. He had even planted more security devices throughout the Cavern City to ensure their safety. But the nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach just wouldn't go away.

In the anime, the League had attacked to kidnap Bakugo due to his villain-esque attitude. However, this time around, he wasn't like that. During the Sports Festival, Momo had crippled his quirk, preventing Bakugo from acting out. Was that why the League had given up on attacking? But weren't they against All-Might? Shouldn't they attack to send a message? There was something missing from the equation, and it troubled Mokami deeply.

As the party continued, Mokami's thoughts wandered, trying to make sense of it all. He knew he needed to stay focused, but the growing concern within him made it difficult.

Momo leaned in, noticing Mokami's distant expression. "You seem worried, is everything okay?"

Mokami forced a smile, unwilling to burden her with his concerns. "Yeah, I'm just... thinking about our training and how far we've come."

Mina chimed in, playfully nudging Mokami. "You've been doing great, Mokami! We all have! Just try to relax and enjoy the party."

Mokami nodded, trying to appear more at ease. "You're right, Mina. We deserve to celebrate our progress."

As the celebration carried on, Mokami's inner turmoil continued to gnaw at him. He couldn't help but feel that something was about to happen, and he needed to be prepared.

In a quiet moment, Mokami found himself reflecting on his relationships with Momo, Mina, Hagakure, and the other girls who had captured his attention. He was grateful for their presence, their support, and their trust. But now, as the threat of the League loomed, he couldn't help but feel fiercely protective of his friends and loved ones.


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