Putting On a Show!


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Knowing Mokami's nature and protective side, Momo decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. She approached Toru, Mina, Itsuka, Yui, Pony, Asui, Reiko, Ibara, and a few others, sharing her concerns and suggesting they all work together to help Mokami relax and enjoy the party. They all agreed, eager to support their friend who had always been there for them.

The plan was set into motion as the girls surrounded Mokami on the dance floor. Momo took the lead, grabbing his hand and pulling him in for a dance. "Come on, Onii-chan, let's dance!" she exclaimed, her eyes filled with determination.

Mokami hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by the sudden attention. But seeing the genuine smiles on the girls' faces, he decided to play along. After all, he was used to flirting and dancing with many of them, and this was just a lighthearted way to celebrate their achievements together.

As Momo twirled gracefully, Mokami moved with her, their bodies in perfect sync. The music pulsed around them, drowning out his thoughts and worries. Momo's eyes never left his, and her unwavering support helped him let go of his concerns for the time being.

After a while, Momo gave Mokami a knowing smile and released his hand, allowing Toru to take her place. The invisible girl giggled as she danced with him, expertly navigating the dance floor despite her invisibility. "You really need to loosen up, Mokami," she teased, her laughter infectious.

Mina was next, her pink hair bouncing as she moved energetically with Mokami. Her spirit was contagious, and Mokami found himself laughing along with her. "That's more like it!" she cheered, giving him an approving nod.

Itsuka stepped in, her strong presence reassuring. "You've always been there for us, Mokami," she said softly, her eyes locking onto his. "Now it's our turn to be there for you."

Yui, usually shy and reserved, mustered the courage to dance with Mokami. Her cheeks flushed with color as they swayed together. "You've helped me so much," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "I just want you to be happy."

Pony, Asui, Reiko, and Ibara took turns dancing with Mokami as well, each expressing their appreciation and support for him. He could feel the warmth of their friendship and the trust they had built over the weeks of training.

The night continued, with the girls taking turns dancing and laughing with Mokami. They shared stories of their experiences and memories from their time together, each one reinforcing the bonds they had formed. Mokami's heart swelled with gratitude for these incredible people who had become such an essential part of his life.

As the music shifted to a slower tempo, Momo found her way back to Mokami, her hand reaching for his once more. "I hope we've managed to take your mind off your worries, even if just for a little while," she said, her voice gentle and sincere.

Mokami looked into her eyes, the love and concern he saw there making him feel truly seen and understood. "You have," he admitted, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Thank you, Momo. Thank you, everyone."

The girls exchanged glances, their eyes shining with pride and affection. As one, they pulled Mokami into a group hug, surrounding him with love and support.

As Mokami looked around at his friends and loved ones, he felt a sense of gratitude for the experiences they had shared and the connections they had formed. His girlfriends beamed with pride as they stood by his side. Momo, always close to Mokami, wrapped her arm around her twin brother, reflecting on their shared journey.

In the midst of the celebration, Jiro raised her glass, proposing a toast. "To our incredible growth and the amazing bonds we've formed," she declared. "May we continue to support and uplift one another as we become the heroes we're meant to be."

The students cheered, clinking their glasses together in agreement. As the laughter and conversation filled the air, Mokami felt a profound sense of belonging. He knew that, with the support of his classmates, his girlfriends, and his sister, he would continue to grow and thrive as a hero.

The evening of the last day, students all gathered to put on a show. Each group displayed their unique talents, celebrating the bonds they had formed during their time together. The first group to perform was a musical ensemble consisting of Mokami, Mina, Jiro, Kaminari, and Tokoyami. Their theme was that of a rock band, and the audience eagerly anticipated their performance.

Mokami stood confidently at the center of the stage with his guitar, ready to take on the role of lead vocalist. Mina was prepared to dance along to the music, her excitement radiating through her movements. Jiro, who had been flirting with Mokami, joined him on vocals and guitar, while Kaminari played the keyboard and Tokoyami manned the drums.

As the music started, the group's energy was contagious. Mokami's powerful voice blended seamlessly with Jiro's, their harmonies striking a chord with the audience. Mina danced gracefully, her movements adding a visual element to the performance. Kaminari's fingers flew across the keyboard, and Tokoyami's steady drumming provided a strong foundation for the band.

Throughout the performance, Mokami and his girlfriends exchanged knowing glances, their love and support for one another evident in their smiles. The other girls in the class, all of whom were aware of Mokami's polygamous relationships, cheered the group on, admiring Mokami's talent and composure.

As they started, Mokami's lyrics took on a determined tone, reflecting the students' commitment to becoming heroes and protecting their loved ones from the ever-present threat of villains:

In the face of fear, we'll rise as one

Heroes in training, second to none

We'll stand against the villain's might

With courage, strength, and hearts alight


Together we stand, united we fight

Beneath the stars, we chase the light

We'll face the darkness side by side

Our love will be our shining guide

The bridge of the song showcased the students' resilience and their unwavering desire to make a difference in the world, while acknowledging the challenges they would undoubtedly face:

Through trials and pain, we'll forge ahead

For justice and peace, we'll fight 'til the end

No foe can break our hero's creed

We'll rise above, to plant love's seed


Together we stand, united we fight

Beneath the stars, we chase the light

We'll face the darkness side by side

Our love will be our shining guide

As the song drew to a close, Mokami's voice resonated with the emotions of the entire group – pride in their growth, love for one another, and determination to become the heroes they were destined to be.

As the song reached its climax, Mokami's voice soared, earning a round of applause from the audience. The lyrics, which he had penned himself, celebrated the camaraderie, growth, and love that had blossomed among the students of Class 1-A and 1-B:

Together we stand, united we fight

Beneath the stars, we chase the light

We'll face the darkness side by side

Our love will be our shining guide

The final chorus rang out, leaving a lasting impression on all who listened:

Together we stand, united we fight

Beneath the stars, we chase the light

We'll face the darkness side by side

Our love will be our shining guide

As the last notes faded, the audience erupted in applause, cheering on the band's heartfelt performance. Mokami and his friends exchanged proud smiles, knowing they had shared a special moment that would not soon be forgotten. Together, they had faced the challenges of their training and forged unbreakable bonds, ready to face whatever the future might hold.

The band members shared a group hug, celebrating their successful performance. As they exited the stage, the second group prepared for their acrobatic display.

Group 2's theme was Circus Acts, and each member showcased their unique abilities in a dazzling performance. Toru took to the aerial silks, her invisible form creating a mesmerizing visual as she soared through the air. Ojiro demonstrated his martial arts prowess, his tail providing an added element of grace and agility.

Uraraka, utilizing her quirk, performed breathtaking gymnastics routines, defying gravity as she tumbled and flipped effortlessly. Asui, ever flexible, wowed the audience with her impressive contortion skills, bending and twisting her body in ways that seemed impossible.

Yui, shy but determined, took center stage as she juggled a variety of items, each one growing and shrinking as she tossed them into the air. The audience watched in awe, captivated by the spectacle before them.

As Mokami watched from the sidelines, he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for his classmates and the unique talents they possessed. He glanced at his girls, Momo, Mina and Pony, who stood beside him, their eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Everyone's really putting on a great show, huh?" Mina remarked, her voice full of admiration.

"Absolutely," Momo agreed. "We've all come so far during our training."

Mokami nodded, smiling as he watched his friends and loved ones shine on stage. "I couldn't be more proud of everyone," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth.

As the acrobatic display came to a close, the audience erupted in applause, cheering for the performers as they took their bows. The students reveled in the moment, celebrating their hard work and the bonds they had formed during their time together.


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