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The lively party in the underground cavern city was in full swing. Music reverberated off the stone walls as students and teachers danced and laughed together, their faces flushed with happiness. Even the usually stoic Aizawa and Vlad King had momentarily forgotten their professional personas, joining in the festivities with uncharacteristic smiles. It was a rare moment of carefree bliss for the young heroes-in-training.

Mokami surveyed the room with a slight smile on his lips. He watched as his friends and classmates engaged in lively conversation, some daring to flirt with him, while others shyly attempted to catch his attention. He reveled in the attention but kept an eye on Momo, who was also enjoying the party. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, a nagging sensation that just wouldn't leave him alone.

As the party reached its peak, Nigel alerted him to an imminent attack. Mokami's eyes widened, and he quickly gathered everyone's attention, the music stopped abruptly and only his voice could be heard. "Everyone, listen up! We're about to be attacked. Gather together and prepare for battle!" he announced, his voice steady and strong.

As the students and teachers scrambled to form a defensive position, the enemies' plan unfolded.

A person slipped away from the crowd, her heart racing as she prepared for the mission that had been thrust upon her. She had been with a criminal organization for years, working with The Subterranean Sentinels to infiltrate the Meta Liberation Army. But the appearance of students had changed everything, and now her priority was to assist in kidnapping two of them and escape the scene.

As the party continued at full blast, she initiated her diversion tactic. Animals suddenly attacked the underground cavern city, all disillusioned by her powers. They came from several entry points, causing the alarms to blare simultaneously.

"Get ready!" Mokami shouted, directing his fellow students and teachers. "We need to defend ourselves!"

The attack was swift and brutal. The underground cavern city was suddenly swarmed with animals, electronic devices such as drones and robots modified with guns, and other dangerous threats. Mokami's keen senses were on high alert as he leaped into action, his body altered to surpass human definition. He and Momo sprang into action, using their Quirks to create various defensive measures.

The animals, disoriented and aggressive, charged at the students and teachers with reckless abandon. Mokami, acutely aware of his sister's presence, never strayed far from her side as they fought together. His protective nature was evident as he expertly blocked incoming threats, shielding both Momo and their classmates from harm.

The students and teachers of both Class 1-A and Class 1-B displayed exceptional teamwork and coordination. They used their Quirks effectively, combining their abilities to fend off the relentless assault from the animals and electronic devices. The cavern was filled with the sounds of battle cries, the crackle of electricity, and the impact of powerful blows.

Aizawa and Vlad King, temporarily shedding their stoic demeanor, fought alongside their students. Their experience and leadership were evident as they provided guidance and support, ensuring the safety of the young heroes-in-training.

The traitor, now focused on her mission, blended seamlessly into the shadows, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. She knew that failure was not an option, and that she must complete her task at all costs. The chaos she had created provided the perfect cover for her actions, as she moved stealthily through the mayhem.

The animals and electronic devices continued their relentless assault, and the students fought valiantly. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu formed a solid front, their hardened bodies deflecting the blows of the frenzied creatures. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, with their impressive range and power, sent waves of darkness to repel the enemy, while Uraraka and Sero used their Quirks to trap and immobilize the attackers. Midoriya and Bakugo fought with their usual fiery determination, their powerful blows sending shockwaves through the cavern.

Mokami, ever vigilant, focused on protecting both Momo and the other students, while also seeking out the source of the attack. His instincts told him that there was more to this assault than met the eye, and he knew that he must remain on guard.

Just then, a temporary blackout swept through the cavern, disabling all electronic security measures, including all the light sources except the attacking devices. The darkness provided the perfect opportunity for the assailants to strike. Mokami's senses were momentarily disrupted, but he quickly regained his bearings.

Mokami, Momo, and Hagakure had lenses that allowed them advanced vision capabilities, enabling them to see even in complete darkness. As the light source was taken away from them, Mokami utilized his Quirk to create a strong light source. In case of emergency, he also created night goggles and threw them to his allies while deflecting the onslaught of attacks. Nigel, was unaffected by the blackout and helped Mokami by hacking into electronic devices and redirecting them to attack the animals.

The battle raged on as the students and teachers fought against the onslaught of animals and electronic devices. The Subterranean Sentinels joined the fray. Terraformer, the seasoned leader, manipulated earth and rock to create barriers and obstacles for the attackers. Lumina generated light to maintain visibility in the cavern, while Echo used his sound manipulation abilities to disorient the enemies, but Mistwalker was nowhere to be seen.

Mistwalker continued with her mission, blending seamlessly into the chaos she had orchestrated. She watched as Mokami and Momo fought side by side, the fierce bond between the twins evident in their seamless teamwork. Her heart raced as she knew the time to strike was drawing near.

As the battle raged on, the students continued to display their exceptional skills and adaptability. Shoji and Ojiro worked together to create a formidable physical defense, while Ibara and Reiko used their Quirks to ensnare and immobilize the attackers. The air was thick with tension and adrenaline as the students pushed themselves to their limits, refusing to give in.

"Stay alert! This isn't over yet!" Mokami shouted, his voice resolute and unwavering.

At this point, Nigel took control over all the electronic devices that were attacking them and ordered them to attack the animals instead, giving Mokami and others a respite. But something worse happened at this time. Suddenly, none of the students nor teachers could use their Quirks. Not even Mokami!


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