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Toga lay on the bed, her face reflecting the contentment she felt. Her eyes followed Mokami as he worked diligently at a table on the other side of the lab. It wasn't long before he stood up, his expression filled with determination, and strode purposefully toward a hidden wall. As he approached, the wall slid aside, revealing a dimly lit cell that held a haggard and disheveled man inside.

The man, known as the "Shadowmaster," was infamous throughout the city for his malevolent deeds. With his vast network of political connections and a cunning mind, he had consistently evaded capture and punishment, leaving a trail of chaos and despair in his wake. But now, he was at Mokami's mercy, trapped within the confining walls of the hidden laboratory.

As Mokami entered the cell, the man's heart raced with a mix of fear and desperation. The memories of their previous encounters flooded his mind, each one marked by excruciating pain and humiliation. The mere sight of Mokami stirred deep-seated terror within him, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably.

"Please," the man pleaded, his voice laced with desperation, "just kill me! Put an end to this torment!"

Mokami's lips curled into a cold and merciless grin. His piercing gaze bore into the man's soul, relishing in the anguish he provoked. With a swift and brutal motion, he yanked the man's matted hair, forcefully pulling him to his feet and dragging him towards the heart of the lab.

The man's mind raced with thoughts of his notorious reputation crumbling before him. His facade of invincibility shattered, replaced by a stark realization of his vulnerability. In the face of Mokami's relentless pursuit, his once vaunted political connections seemed feeble and insignificant.

Desperation surged through the man's veins, his pleas for mercy echoing within the confines of the cell. But in the presence of Mokami, a figure fueled by a burning desire for justice and retribution, the man's pleas were met with an icy indifference.

"Maybe today," Mokami retorted, his voice devoid of any compassion, "you will finally face the consequences of your heinous actions." With each step, the man's hope for a reprieve dwindled, consumed by the oppressive weight of impending doom.

Toga watched this scene unfold, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew Mokami wasn't a saint. He was far from that. Although he was a warrior of the side of light, he wasn't light at all. He was even darker than most villains she knew. Indeed, most villains were forced to become criminals, and had to fight to survive, but Mokami, he was dark by choice.

She also knew that both Mokami and Momo had a unique quirk – the ability to create objects from nothing, in addition to their martial arts prowess. This made them a formidable duo and a valuable asset in the ongoing fight against evil. Mokami's possessiveness over Momo and his friends only served to intensify his determination to become even stronger.

As Mokami continued to drag the villain into the lab, the man's pleas for mercy grew more desperate. "I can't take it anymore!" he cried out, tears streaming down his face. "Why won't you just end it?"

Mokami's grip on the man's hair tightened, causing him to wince in pain. "You don't get to decide when it ends," Mokami snarled. "You will suffer as long as I see fit."

His voice was cold and unforgiving, making it clear that he had no intention of granting the man the release he so desperately sought. As they approached the table in the lab, Mokami released his grip, allowing the man to crumple to the ground.

"You have a choice," Mokami told him, his voice low and menacing. "You can either cooperate and make this easier on yourself, or you can continue to resist and prolong your suffering. The choice is yours."

The man hesitated, his eyes darting between Mokami and the various instruments of pain that littered the table. He knew that his chances of survival were slim, but he also knew that his suffering would only intensify if he resisted. Finally, he nodded his head in submission, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Very well," Mokami said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. He grabbed the man's arm, hoisting him up onto the table and strapping him down securely.

Toga watched from her position on the bed, her eyes wide with a mixture of fascination and concern. She knew that Mokami was pushing himself to the limit, driven by his determination to protect those he cared about. She wanted to be there for him, to help him in any way she could, but she also feared that her presence might distract him from his ultimate goal.

Toga watched in amazement as Mokami raised his hand, and the room seemed to shift and transform around him. In the blink of an eye, a human skeleton materialized in front of them, suspended in mid-air. Toga's eyes widened as she observed the intricate details, from the individual bones to the subtle curvature of the spine.

In a matter of seconds, the skeleton was engulfed in a whirlwind of activity. Muscles, fibers, veins, organs, fats, and blood began to materialize and weave together, their complex patterns interlocking and layering as if guided by an invisible hand. As the layers built upon one another, the figure began to take on a more recognizable human shape, the skin gradually covering the muscles and organs beneath.

Toga found herself entranced by the sight before her. The man that had been created before her eyes possessed tanned skin, piercing eyes, and dark hair. Despite his lifeless appearance, there was a vibrant energy that seemed to radiate from his body. Toga had always known of Mokami's unique ability to create objects from nothing, but she had never seen him create something so intricate and lifelike.

She knew that, for all his power, there were limits to what Mokami could create. While he could conjure virtually anything from thin air, he could not create living beings. Such a feat would defy the laws of nature and push the boundaries of his abilities.


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