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As Toga continued to watch in awe, the villain strapped to the table was watching in dread. His eyes darted between Mokami and the newly-formed figure, his face a mask of terror and disbelief.

"You... you can't be serious," the villain stammered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of his own heart.

Mokami's gaze shifted to the villain, as if just remembering his presence. He regarded him coolly, his voice carrying a note of disdain. "You see, Mr. Pedo, I possess the ability to create anything, so long as I understand its atomic structure. It may sound simple, but it means I can produce virtually anything. However, what is the atomic structure of a soul?"

The villain's face contorted with confusion, his voice barely a whisper as he stammered, "What are you talking about?"

Mokami smirked as he glanced at his lifeless creation. "There's no formula for a soul. In fact, there wasn't even proof of its existence until recently." His grin widened as he continued, "I discovered how to split my own soul to give life to my creations. But in the end, I still found myself unable to be ruthless."

As he spoke, a hummingbird darted through the air with lightning speed, eventually coming to rest on Mokami's shoulder. It affectionately pecked at his earlobe, displaying an uncharacteristic tenderness.

Toga was taken aback by this revelation. She had no idea Mokami possessed such an ability. Rising from the bed, she wrapped a sheet around her naked body and cautiously approached him.

"I was too soft," Mokami admitted, his voice steady and detached. "I couldn't bring myself to send my creations into dangerous situations. I can feel the connection between us, as if they are part of me. I imagine this is how a father might feel." He paused for a moment before continuing. "But I have one more ability - the power to alter the structure of things. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

Toga, the villain, and even Mokami himself couldn't help but feel the weight of his words, as the true extent of his abilities and his newfound determination began to reveal themselves.

"You have a soul too, Mr. Pedo," Mokami began, his voice cold and detached. "I admit, it's a corrupt one, probably as black as the abyss, if the lores of religions are any true. Actually, do souls even have colors? New discoveries always fascinate me." Mokami started to walk around the villain, studying him with keen interest. "Well, no matter. Today, we will see if I can restructure something I cannot understand fully. It worked when I created Chidori." He said, tilting his head to gesture at the hummingbird on his shoulder.

The villain, bound and vulnerable on the table, trembled as Mokami's words sank in. His eyes widened in terror, his breaths coming in short, shallow gasps as he tried to make sense of the horrifying situation he found himself in. "What?" he managed to choke out, his voice barely audible.

"Well, I should stop explaining such complex things to simple people," Mokami mused, his tone mocking. "You are nothing more than a despicable pedophile who terrorizes small children. All I can hope is that you can redeem your horrible existence by becoming my minion, and actually do some good for society once in your life." Mokami's eyes turned icy, as though daring the villain to defy him.

As Mokami spoke, his right hand began to glow with a black light. A feeling he had only experienced once in his life, when he was four years old, surfaced within him, and he felt power surging through his body. In the next instant, he felt his hand lock onto something, and he willed the black light to shine even brighter.

Toga watched in awe as Mokami lifted his hand, still shrouded in black light, from the villain's chest and placed it gently on the lifeless body he had created just minutes before. As the light shifted from black to white, the lifeless body began to twitch, and its vacant eyes slowly filled with emotion.

Toga stared in shock as the villain's eyes glazed over, their previous terror and desperation replaced with a vacant, lifeless gaze. His body was still breathing, but it was evident that his essence, his very soul, had been ripped away from him. He had been reduced to a mere shell, as empty and devoid of life as a discarded husk.

As Toga struggled to process the horrifying scene before her, she heard a rustling sound. Her gaze was drawn to the once-lifeless body Mokami had created. It was no longer lying limp on the floor but had risen to its knees, its eyes filled with an almost fanatical devotion as it looked up at Mokami. The intensity of its gaze was nearly palpable, as if Mokami was its one and only deity.

"Rise, Akio," Mokami commanded, his voice resonating with authority and power. "From this day forward, you shall be my first and most loyal agent."

The newly-named Akio rose to his feet, his posture rigid with determination, his eyes never wavering from Mokami's face. He exuded an air of unwavering loyalty, as if he would follow Mokami to the ends of the earth without question.

Toga watched this exchange with a mixture of awe and trepidation. She had always been aware of Mokami's unique abilities, but witnessing them in action was another matter entirely. The transformation of the villain into a soulless husk, and the subsequent creation of Akio, was both awe-inspiring and terrifying in equal measure.

She couldn't help but notice the change in Mokami himself. The composed, level-headed man she knew had been replaced by a fierce, determined figure, seemingly bent on exacting vengeance upon those who would harm his friends and loved ones. His possessiveness over Momo and the others had pushed him to the edge, and Toga feared what he might do next.

Mokami turned his attention back to the motionless villain, his voice cold and dismissive. "Now that your soul has been removed, you are no longer a threat. You will remain here, a husk of your former self, until the day you die."

With that, he turned his back on the empty shell of a man, focusing his attention solely on Akio. "Your training begins now," he said, his voice firm and unyielding. "You must learn to harness your new abilities and serve me in the fight against evil."

Akio bowed deeply, his fervor and dedication shining through. "I am at your command, Father," he replied, his voice unwavering.


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