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"Alright, follow me!" Mokami's voice echoed, commanding attention. His tone, a deep serious drone, wasn't his usual casual self. He was still fuming over the recent events, and it showed.

Parents, students, Aizawa, All-Might, and Vlad King fell into line behind Mokami, who led them through the high-tech yard inside UA High. A myriad of emotions rumbled through the crowd - wonder, shock, disbelief. And, at the core of it all, an undertone of somberness. Mokami had built something here, something impressive, and everyone knew it. They followed him towards the housing complex, watching in awe as the vast alloy fence came into sight, gleaming under the sun.

"This fence," Mokami said, tapping a finger against the metallic barrier, "is composed of the hardest alloys on earth. It's designed to withstand severe force. If an intruder tries to break in, it morphs into spiky spears, covered in a unique compound that's both sticky and slippery. An added bonus, it marks the intruder for us."

The students glanced at each other. It was all very Mokami, pragmatic yet brutal.

"Let's move inside, shall we?" Mokami's voice resonated in the silence, his gaze as stern as ever. He led the group past the alloy fence and towards the houses, built with carbon nanotube pieces, virtually impregnable, resistant to extreme temperatures.

Inside, Mokami went straight into the specifics, his tone unwavering. "Each house is built with Ultra-High Performance Concrete. I've also placed dimension stabilizer gravity devices around the house to prevent spatial Quirks from penetrating the security." He waved towards the automated door, which scanned their collective presences, "The doors are enhanced with a fingerprint, iris, and brain-wave scanner, and soon, we'll have bone chips for heightened security."

All-Might glanced at Aizawa, his eyes wide with incredulity, "That's quite the security."

Aizawa's gruff voice echoed through the room, "Mokami takes no chances."

Next came the tour of the houses. Mokami led them through the crystallized carbon nanotube glass-protected windows, the automated kitchen, the AI surveillance, and the robot assistants. He introduced them to the automated dish and clothing cleaning robots, the temperature control devices in the walls, the cleaning robots, and even encouraged them to decorate and personalize their rooms.

"What about Quirk Training?" Kirishima's voice, always brimming with curiosity, piped up from the crowd.

Mokami turned to him, a ghost of a smile touching his stern features. "Always the pumped up, Kirishima. Yes, all the residents are encouraged to train and develop their Quirks for self-defense and control. We've also built several dedicated areas for it."

Asui, her eyes wide, asked, "Are these robots capable of sparring, Ribbit?"

Mokami's nod was firm. "Indeed, they are. You'll find no lack of training partners here."

Yui, shy but intrigued, pointed at a small box on a table, "And what's this, Mokami?"

He turned, glanced at the box, and replied, "Ah, a personalization device. You can program it to decorate your room as per your preference."

The crowd began to disperse, students and parents alike heading off to explore the new living area. The girls, some flirting and others just genuinely curious, huddled around Mokami, firing off more questions. Yet, Mokami remained unruffled, answering each query with unyielding patience and courtesy. Ashido, holding onto his arm, pointed to a high-tech kitchen device, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"And this, Mokami?"

Mokami chuckled, gently removing his arm from her grasp, "That's our chef-bot. It can cook over five thousand recipes and learn your preferences."

Intrigued, Jiro pointed at a panel on the wall, "And this Mokami? Some kind of control panel?"

"Yes," Mokami confirmed, "That's for the temperature control. It allows you to adjust the room temperature as per your liking."

Their attention diverted, Mokami took the moment to scan his surrounding, his gaze falling on Itsuka, who was quietly observing him. She was one of the few who had chosen to watch rather than actively engage, and he felt a strange respect for her restraint.

But Mokami's attention soon diverted to Momo, who had been keeping him in her vision, never leaving his sight. The recent kidnapping was still fresh in her mind, and she couldn't help but stay close to Mokami. Thinking all these, Mokami's heart ached.

"I think you did great, Mokami," she said, coming to stand beside him. Her words warmed him, reminding him why he had poured so much effort into this project.

"Thanks, Momo." His reply was soft, filled with affection for his twin sister.

After showing them every nook and cranny, Mokami ended the tour, his stern expression easing. He took a step back, his eyes scanning the roomful of excited faces. The parents, though initially shocked, now held an air of gratitude and relief. Their children were safe here, that much was clear.

The parents were escorted to a separate meeting area with Mokami, Momo, All-Might, Aizawa, Vlad King, and Nezu. As they left, the students remained behind, exploring the rooms and the technology within. A low murmur of conversation filled the rooms, punctuated by gasps and squeals of delight as they discovered new features and perks. But under the surface excitement, there was a tangible tension. The recent incident with Momo was still fresh in everyone's minds, and it had affected them all in one way or another.

Mokami looked around the room, his eyes landing on Uraraka. Her usual cheerful demeanor was noticeably subdued. Asui, despite her flirtatious demeanor earlier, also had an anxious look in her eyes. Even the usually exuberant Ashido was not her usual self. It was as if the kidnapping had cast a shadow over their usual joviality, reminding them of the dangers that lurked just beyond the walls of their school.

Mokami took a deep breath and addressed the room. "I know you're all still worried about what happened with Momo. It's understandable. But I assure you, these houses are as safe as they can be. I've put my all into them. I've poured my sweat and blood into making sure you'll all be safe here."

A parent from the crowd, Mr. Shod, Negaraki Shoda's father, stood up. His face was ashen, lines of worry etched deeply into his features. "But what about what happened to your sister? How can we trust—"

He was cut off by a harsh look from Mokami. "My sister... my twin was kidnapped. Do you think I'm not aware of how serious that is?" His voice was firm, almost accusatory, as he pointedly looked at each parent. "This isn't just about your children's safety; it's about mine and my sister's too. If I didn't believe these houses were safe, would I live here? Would I let Momo live here?"


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