Placating the Parents

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The room fell silent. All-Might and Aizawa exchanged glances, Vlad King looking thoughtful. It was Nezu who broke the silence, his calm voice bringing a sense of relief to the room.

"Indeed. Mokami and Momo will also be living here. As will all of us. We believe in the security measures implemented."

Mokami was still fuming, his eyes reflecting his anger. His gaze was met by Momo's calm one. Slowly, she reached out and put her hand on his arm. The simple gesture was enough to diffuse his anger. His clenched fist relaxed, and he nodded at her in silent gratitude.

"Mokami, the kitchen..." a concerned voice rang out. It was Kyoka Jiro's mother. "How safe are the cooking bots, especially with inflammable materials and all? My daughter's... Well, you know Kyoka."

A couple of the parents and students chuckled at her obvious concern for Jiro's Quirk - sound and vibration generation.

Mokami nodded, understanding her concern. "Each cooking bot is equipped with a state-of-the-art fire suppression system. They're also programmed to avoid flammable materials and to shut off instantly if they detect any signs of danger. And even if an accident does occur, the kitchen is built with fire-retardant materials that can withstand up to 3000 degrees Celsius. It's as safe as it can get."

Mrs. Jiro seemed relieved, and she thanked Mokami for his detailed explanation.

Next, Mr. Ashido took the floor. "What about the decor, Mokami? We've heard about the personalization device, but are there any restrictions? My daughter is... eccentric in her tastes."

There were a few chuckles and giggles, clearly from those who were familiar with Mina's flamboyant personality.

"Every student is encouraged to personalize their space as they like," Mokami said, a hint of amusement flashing in his eyes. "As long as they don't compromise the integrity of the houses or violate school regulations, they are free to decorate as they wish."

Mr. Ashido nodded, a pleased smile on his face. His gaze landed on Nezu, "And the school curriculum, will it be impacted by these changes?"

Nezu smiled gently, "No, the school curriculum will remain the same. The new housing is designed to facilitate the students' Quirk development and provide a safer environment. It won't interfere with their academic progress."

The conversation continued, with each parent raising questions and expressing concerns. Mokami and Nezu took turns answering, with occasional inputs from All-Might and Aizawa.

During a pause in the questions, Mokami took a moment to observe the students. Uraraka was talking with Asui, both of them were examining the cleaning bots with interest. Midoriya was in a corner, undoubtedly filling another page in his never-ending Quirk analysis notebook.

His gaze moved to Ashido, his girlfriend, who was talking animatedly to Hagakure, her invisible excitement resonating in the room. He smiled, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. The girls, who had been flirting with him earlier, now seemed more interested in exploring their new living environment.

Just then, a voice broke his train of thought. It was Mrs. Bakugo, her voice filled with an undeniable concern. "What about emergency evacuations, Mokami? How quickly can these houses be evacuated?"

Mokami nodded, understanding her concern. "Each house is equipped with an advanced emergency evacuation system. The exit points are strategically placed, and the emergency routes are designed to allow quick and safe evacuation. In case of an emergency, the AI system will guide everyone to the nearest safe exit."

Reassured, Mrs. Bakugo thanked him. The room was filled with a buzz of chatter, parents and students alike discussing the houses and the new security measures. The initial shock had passed, replaced with a sense of hope and gratitude.

Throughout the discussions, Mokami remained composed, answering each question with a calm patience. It was evident that he took the safety of his fellow students seriously and was determined to do everything in his power to protect them.

A question from Iida's father brought his attention back to the crowd, "Mokami, the advanced security measures are impressive, but what about maintaining them?" Mr. Iida asked, his tone strict yet respectful, much like his son's.

"Good question," Mokami answered, his tone carrying a hint of appreciation. "Every piece of tech we've used is designed to self-maintain to a great extent. However, for more complicated issues, school's student body who specialized in tech understand the technology used here and can fix any problem that may arise."

Mr. Iida nodded, looking satisfied with the answer. As he sat down, another parent stood up.

Mrs. Uraraka looked anxious as she addressed Mokami. "What about the... incidents? How do we know this security is going to be enough to protect our children?"

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at Mokami, waiting for his response. His features hardened for a moment, before softening as he replied, "We can never predict every threat, Mrs. Uraraka. However, what I can assure you is that this security system is the most advanced and comprehensive that can be created. It was designed with every possible threat scenario in mind. It's built not only to resist but to adapt. To learn from every encounter."

The room fell silent at Mokami's words. His sincerity was apparent, and it seemed to put most of the parents at ease. However, Mokami knew that some worries remained, and it was only natural. After all, the recent incident was a harsh reminder of the dangers their children faced.

As the parents gradually departed, leaving the students behind to explore their new environment, Mokami found himself standing next to All-Might, whose gaze was focused on the students.

"You've done well, Mokami," he said, his voice filled with respect. "This... all this... it's more than any of us could've done."

Mokami merely nodded, keeping his gaze fixed on the students. "It's the least I can do for them, for all of us."

With that, the meeting was officially adjourned, but the discussions and exploration continued well into the night. The students were excited to discover their new living area, and the parents were relieved that their children had a safer place to stay. And, at the heart of it all, stood Mokami, the student whose vision and dedication had made it all possible.


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