Room Check

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As the group of giggling girls entered Shoji's room, they found the large space dominated by his collection of guitars, a bass, and even a shamisen. They marveled at the fact that the quiet, multi-armed classmate of theirs was also a music lover.

"Wow, Shoji, I didn't know you play," Jiro said, her eyes wide with admiration. She moved over to pick up one of the guitars, her fingers lightly brushing the strings.

"Shoji, you're full of surprises," Momo commented, a smile lighting up her face.

The girls moved on to Kirishima's room next. His room was a riot of color, filled with posters of famous heroes, action figures of the same, and weights scattered across the floor. A single picture of a crimson haired hero stood out among them all.

Asui, grinning, said, "Quite manly, isn't it, Ribbit?"

Yui added softly, "It feels like him... lively and spirited."

The next room was Tokoyami's, and it was as one might expect. The room was dimly lit, cloaked in shadows, a shrine of sorts to Dark Shadow. There was a certain solemnity that filled the room.

"Tokoyami, it suits you," Hagakure's voice rang out, her presence only indicated by the floating clothes.

"It's kinda like a bird's nest," Ashido quipped, her giggles filling the room.

In Ida's room, everything was impeccably organized. His glasses were neatly placed on a stand by his bedside, a stack of books on one side, and his schedule was stuck on the wall next to his desk.

"Your room is as tidy as your character, Ida!" Uraraka chimed, her eyes sparkling.

"I could learn from this," Jiro mused, looking around the room.

They found Ojiro's room filled with martial arts equipment. A small rack displayed several trophies, showing his proficiency in his art. The room was simple, unadorned, yet filled with a sense of determination.

Asui noted, "Ojiro, your room really mirrors your dedication."

Uraraka giggled, "It feels very... tail-y."

When they moved to Aoyama's room, they were met with a sight that was uniquely him. A full-length mirror occupied one wall, a carefully arranged collection of belts and sparkly accessories on the other.

"Very you, Aoyama," Hagakure commented, her giggles filling the room.

"Shining, just like your personality," Itsuka added, her eyes cannot stop twinkling.

Sero's room was unexpectedly filled with artwork. There were sketches and paintings of landscapes, heroes, and classmates, each piece more impressive than the last.

"Wow, Sero! I didn't know you could draw!" Momo exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement.

Ashido laughed, "Sero, you're really talented!"

Todoroki's room was a mix of traditional and modern design, a beautiful balance of his dual nature. A serene Japanese painting adorned one wall, while modern art graced another. The room was quiet, peaceful, like its owner.

"It's cool, Todoroki. A mix of hot and cold," Uraraka remarked, chuckling at her own joke.

"It's very... soothing," Jiro added, her voice soft.

Bakugo's room was as one might expect: explosive. Posters of famous battles decorated the walls, a testament to his drive and ambition. His drum kit sat in one corner, a stark contrast to the rest of the room.

"Your room is... very explosive," Hagakure remarked, her laughter filling the room.

Asui croaked, "Just like your Quirk, Bakugo, explosive!"

Without any hesitation, the girls skipped over Mineta's room. Ashido merely stated, "No need to waste our time there," and everyone agreed with nods and murmurs of approval.

And finally, they arrived at Mokami's room. They slid open the door to find... an almost entirely empty room, save for a sleeping mat. No personal belongings or decorations adorned the room, making it appear more like a zen meditation room than a personal living space.

"Wow, Mokami, your room is... empty," Itsuka commented, her eyebrows furrowing in surprise.

"Mokami, do you really live like a monk?" Uraraka asked, her eyes wide in amazement.

Their astonishment gave way to giggles as Ashido grinned and said, "Or maybe he just doesn't plan on spending much time sleeping in here," implying that Mokami, with his charm and easy-going demeanor, would probably be spending most nights elsewhere. The laughter echoed through the room as they departed, leaving Mokami's stark, minimalist room behind.

The evening turned out to be a fun and enlightening experience. The girls found new sides to their classmates, and they shared some laughter and camaraderie. Amid the laughter and teasing, each room held a piece of its owner's personality, mirroring the diversity and individuality that made Class 1-A so unique.

Mineta, with his usual smirk, suggested, "Shouldn't we visit the girls' rooms too?" He received disgusted looks from everyone present.

"Absolutely not," Jiro stated flatly, crossing her arms over her chest. The others nodded in agreement.

The group of girls recoiled in disgust at Mineta's suggestion, eyes narrowed and arms crossed in indignation.

"Absolutely not," Jiro said, her tone firm. She glared at Mineta, who seemed to shrink under her gaze.

Itsuka, echoing her sentiment, replied, "Your suggestion is highly inappropriate, Mineta."

With the room inspections concluded, the girls of Class 1-A decided to invite Mokami to join them in touring their own rooms. To their mild disappointment, Mokami responded with a polite shake of his head, "I think it would be more meaningful to spend time in the common room," he suggested, "let's invite Class 1-B too. What do you think?" He looked at each girl in turn, his composed demeanor never wavering. There was a general murmur of agreement among the girls, some nodding enthusiastically, others more hesitant.

With Mokami's proposal accepted, the group ventured down to the common room. Momo, Mokami's twin sister, took the lead, sending out a group message to invite the Class 1-B students to join them. Within moments, the students from Class 1-B began trickling in, curiosity piqued by the unexpected invitation. The common room was soon filled with excited chatter and laughter as the two classes merged.

"Let's cook together," Mokami suggested, his gaze landing on the automated kitchen that stood in one corner of the room. There was an enthusiastic agreement from most students, with a few less culinary-inclined ones looking rather hesitant.

As the flurry of preparations began, Mokami found himself flanked by Asui and Jiro. The girls seemed eager to assist him in the cooking process, their actions slightly more forward than usual. Mokami, ever the composed individual, didn't seem fazed by their behavior. His attention was more on the meal preparation, working deftly alongside his sister Momo to start the automated kitchen.

Ashido, Hagakure, and Pony watched from the side, a bit envious but not wanting to crowd Mokami too much. Their eyes occasionally locked with his, exchanging warm and knowing smiles. Meanwhile, Itsuka, Yui, and Reiko seemed to be busy discussing meal plans and what they should contribute. The sight of Mokami surrounded by girls brought a small frown to Yui's face, but she was too shy to express her feelings openly.

Cooking preparations soon filled the common room with mouthwatering aromas. The automated kitchen was a wonder, with students programming it to prepare a range of dishes. Mokami and Momo worked harmoniously together, their quirks of creation enabling them to produce any ingredient that was needed. Their proficiency in cooking was clear, as they moved with ease around the kitchen area, their actions synchronized.

Meanwhile, other students found ways to contribute. Kirishima and Sero, despite their initial hesitation, found themselves grating cheese and peeling potatoes under the watchful eyes of Momo and Mokami. Jiro, Asui, and Itsuka, though they were trying to stick close to Mokami, also ended up helping, cutting vegetables and setting the table under the guidance of other classmates.

Bakugo, surprisingly, took control of the grilling station, his explosive quirk coming in handy to sear meat to perfection. Todoroki offered his dual quirk to manage temperature control, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched Bakugo's fervor. Iida, ever the organizer, was busy coordinating everyone, ensuring the whole operation ran smoothly.

The cooking session was filled with laughter and teasing. As the meal was prepared, students of both classes moved around the common room, chatting and laughing. Conversations flowed effortlessly, and even the usually more reserved students like Tokoyami and Shoji were seen chuckling at Kaminari's jokes and Ashido's playful antics.

Sato, known for his cooking prowess, had taken over the dessert duties. He was surrounded by several students from both classes who were eagerly learning from him. Yosetsu and Tetsutetsu were among those fascinated by Sato's cooking abilities, their eyes wide as they watched him work his magic. The sweet smell of the dessert wafting through the room drew more attention, leading to playful banter and eager anticipation.

Pony, who had been quietly observing, moved closer to Mokami and started a conversation about different cuisine types, their words filled with interest and admiration. Despite the crowded and lively situation, Mokami maintained his usual composed demeanor, his attention focused on the conversation.

Soon, the feast was ready. The table was laden with a variety of dishes, the result of combined efforts and skills. There was a moment of awed silence as everyone surveyed the bounty. Laughter and excited chatter resumed as they seated themselves, the long table resembling a lively family gathering. Bakugo and Todoroki's grilled meats, Mokami and Momo's expertly prepared dishes, Sato's enticing desserts - everything looked mouthwatering.

"Honestly, we should do this more often," Kirishima commented, his eyes gleaming with excitement. His words were met with a chorus of agreement.

Uraraka, her eyes sparkling, took a moment to address the whole group, "It's amazing what we accomplished together!" Her voice filled the room, drawing everyone's attention and prompting a round of applause.

Mokami looked around the room, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the scene. His gaze met Ashido's, Hagakure's, and Pony's. He shared a soft smile with each of them, his possessiveness evident in the way his eyes subtly narrowed when any of the other boys even looked their way. The meal commenced with the clinking of cutlery and the soft murmur of approval as they began to taste the dishes.

When the meal was over, it was followed by a round of appreciative applause and pats on the back for everyone who contributed to the cooking. Bakugo's grilled dishes received a lot of praise, causing the explosive teen to huff in embarrassment, though a hint of satisfaction could be seen in his eyes. Mokami and Momo were applauded for their excellent management and creation of ingredients, while Sato's desserts were declared a triumph.

The evening had indeed turned out to be a fun and enlightening experience. They had all learned more about each other, not only through their room inspections but also through their collaborative efforts in the kitchen. The laughter, the camaraderie, the teamwork - everything echoed the unity and individuality that made their classes so unique. It was a night they knew they'd remember, a night where they'd grown closer not only as classmates but also as friends.


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