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The training session went on, Momo pushing herself harder with each passing minute. The room reverberated with the sounds of her movement, the impact of her attacks, the creation of her objects. Her superior camouflage made her blend into the environment, only to reappear in another location, surprising the holographic targets.

After an intense hour of continuous training, Momo finally came to a halt, panting lightly but still smiling. "Oni-chan, it's... it's amazing," she gasped out, her eyes gleaming with excitement and satisfaction.

"You're amazing, Momo," Mokami praised, his voice resonating in the cavernous room. The intense training session had ended, and Momo stood panting lightly but brimming with satisfaction. Her new physical modifications had passed their first real test with flying colors, her increased speed, strength, and durability lending her an aura of invincibility.

Mokami rose from his position at the control panel, his eyes filled with pride and admiration. He moved towards Momo, his steps strong and steady, his gaze locked on her. His hands reached out, intending to pull her into a hug, but she held up her own, palm out.

"I'm all sweaty, Oni-chan," Momo chuckled lightly, a hint of color spreading across her cheeks.

Mokami's gaze softened, and a small grin tugged at his lips. He stepped closer, closing the gap between them. "I don't mind, Momo," he said softly, reaching out to lightly tug her hand down. "Come here."

Without further ado, Mokami pulled Momo into a warm hug, his arms wrapping tightly around her. The sweat on her skin was a testament to the hard work she had put into the training session, a physical representation of her determination and strength. Mokami didn't mind it, he was proud of her.

Momo, with a soft sigh, melted into the hug, her arms winding around Mokami's waist. She rested her head against his chest, a content sigh escaping her lips. The strength and warmth emanating from Mokami was comforting, a solid presence she could always rely on.

Pulling back slightly, Momo looked up at Mokami, her gaze filled with affection. "Oni-chan," she began, a small smile playing on her lips, "Can we... Can we take a bath together? Like we used to do?"

Mokami's eyes softened at the request, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. It had been their ritual back then, a time to relax and wash away the fatigue after a hard day's training. It was also a time for them to talk, to share, to strengthen their bond. "Of course, Momo," Mokami answered, giving her a small nod.

Hand in hand, they walked towards the far end of the room where the hidden door was located. Mokami tapped a hidden panel on the wall and the door slid open, revealing a large, beautifully designed onsen. Steam was already rising from the hot water, indicating that it was ready for use.

The onsen was a tranquil place, the atmosphere a perfect blend of serenity and comfort. The water was crystal clear, hot steam rising into the cool air, creating a soothing mist. Smooth stones lined the edge of the pool, while soft lights were cleverly concealed in the design, casting a warm, inviting glow.

Mokami turned to Momo, his eyes conveying a silent question. "You first," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Momo nodded in response, a shy smile playing on her lips. Turning around, she began to undress, her movements filled with a newfound grace and confidence.

Mokami watched her for a moment before he also started undressing, his movements methodical and precise. Once they were both ready, Mokami extended his hand towards Momo, a silent invitation. She took his hand, their fingers interlocking naturally.

They stepped into the onsen, the hot water welcoming them, its warmth seeping into their tired muscles. Mokami led Momo to the side, their bodies submerged up to their shoulders in the steaming water.

Once inside, Mokami guided Momo gently toward the edge of the onsen, his strong arms wrapping around her from behind. His chest pressed warmly against her back, his heartbeat a comforting rhythm against her skin.

"Feeling better?" He asked softly, his voice resonating with the calm water. The steam rising from the bath obscured their bodies, lending a sense of seclusion to their intimate moment.

Momo nodded, relaxing into his embrace. "Yes, thank you," she said. "The hot water is doing wonders."

Mokami's hands roamed her arms, tracing the path of her new Kevlar skin, his fingers exploring the strength and flexibility that lay beneath the surface. "How does it feel?" He asked.

"It feels... amazing," she confessed. "Everything feels so much more sensitive, so much more alive."

Mokami could feel her happiness radiating through her voice, her body vibrating with a newfound energy. He pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder, his lips trailing a warm path up to her ear.

"Good," he murmured. "I'm glad."

They lapsed into a comfortable silence, their bodies entwined in the warm water, their breaths in sync. Mokami tightened his grip on Momo, drawing her closer to him. His heart ached with the need to protect her, to ensure her safety. He felt her heartbeat against his chest, a silent confirmation that she was real, that she was there with him.

His mind drifted back to the training session they had just completed. Momo had pushed herself to her limits, demonstrating an incredible mastery over her new abilities. He could still picture her in his mind's eye, her movements swift and precise, her expressions focused yet filled with joy.

He could see her strength, her determination, her resilience. He admired her for it, his heart filled with pride. Mokami hugged her tighter, the sensation reminding him that she was safe, that she was with him.

Momo's voice broke the silence, her words echoing softly against the tiled walls of the onsen. "Oni-chan, I was wondering... Can we do some spar training next time?"

The question took him by surprise. Spar training was something they had often done before the incident. He turned his head to meet her gaze, his eyes questioning. "Are you sure?"

Momo nodded, her determination shining in her eyes. "I need to know how far I can push myself, how I can use these new abilities. And I want to do it with you."

A warm smile spread across Mokami's face, his heart swelling with admiration for her courage and resilience. He nodded, his hand moving to gently squeeze hers in agreement. "Of course, Momo. We'll do it together."

With that, they settled back into the warmth of the onsen, their bodies relaxed against each other. The tranquil silence enveloped them again, their breathing and heartbeats the only sound breaking the peace. The connection between them was undeniable, their bond stronger than ever.

They soaked in the onsen, Mokami's arms wrapped securely around Momo, providing her with a sense of comfort and safety. They both knew they had a long journey ahead of them, but in this moment, everything felt perfect.

And so, their shared sanctuary continued to be a respite for them, a place where they could leave their worries behind and simply be themselves. Despite the trials they faced, Mokami and Momo found solace in each other's presence, their bond an unbreakable force that propelled them forward, stronger and more determined than ever.


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