Ultimate Moves


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Team 1-A and 1-B were huddled together in the training grounds, a rare occasion initiated by their collective educators. It was a robust ensemble of pros that overlooked the scene—All-Might, still the Symbol of Peace even in his waning form, Aizawa with his stern gaze, Vlad King with his imposing stature, Present Mic with his boisterous energy, Cementos, the man of unbreakable discipline, Midnight with her enigmatic allure, Ectoplasm with his silent intensity, and Principal Nezu, the genius with the calculated gaze.

The occasion? Ultimate moves training.

Mokami, a serene figure in the middle of the spectacle, shared a solid fist-bump with Shoji, followed by a solid one with Kirishima. Sero, with a grin on his face, exchanged a nod with Mokami while Todoroki, less expressive, met his gaze with an acknowledgment.

"Welcome to ultimate moves training!" Present Mic boomed, his voice echoing across the training grounds. All eyes were on the teachers as their announcement filled the area with anticipation.

All Might stepped forward, his muscular form showcases the respect he commanded. "As you know, an ultimate move isn't just about power—it's a signature of a hero's strength, a symbol of their resolve." His gaze swept across the students, his words inciting courage in them. "Today, we've combined classes 1-A and 1-B to broaden your perspectives. Use this time to learn from each other, share ideas, and most importantly, encourage one another."

Aizawa continued, his gaze as steely as ever. "You've all grown as individuals, but it's important to remember that we operate in a world where teamwork often makes the difference between life and death. Each class has its strengths, but together, your abilities can complement each other in ways you may have never considered."

Vlad King, arms crossed, nodded in agreement. "In the field, you'll seldom be isolated. Learning to work with others, knowing their quirks and how to best utilize them... That's how you'll become not just good, but great."

The students, with determination in their eyes, echoed affirmatives.

As the teachers wrapped up their inspiring speech, a certain figure in the assembly caught Mokami's attention. Principal Nezu took a step forward, eyes twinkling with unmistakable excitement.

"Allow me to introduce a new addition to our faculty," he announced, gesturing towards the entrance of the training grounds. All heads turned as a striking woman sauntered in. Sahar—the well-renowned pro hero from Egypt, with whom Mokami had interned previously.

Mokami's heart hitched in his chest at the sight of her. Sahar's eyes—mysterious, and as deep as a desert night—immediately found his, and a soft smile danced on her lips. For a brief moment, the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of them.

The training grounds burst into whispers and murmurs at Sahar's grand entrance. While Mokami remained composed, a hint of surprise flickered in his eyes—of all people, he had not expected to see her here.

"Sahar, you're welcome to take it from here," Nezu indicated with a smile, and she stepped forward, her gaze never leaving Mokami.

"Thank you, Principal Nezu," she responded, her voice smooth as silk, eyes still locked on Mokami. "I'm honored to be here at U.A. High. And as a hero, my aim is to mold all of you into the best versions of yourselves."

Sahar's gaze finally shifted from Mokami to the rest of the students, instilling a mix of awe and anticipation. She held their collective attention effortlessly—a testament to her commanding presence.

Sahar's arrival sent a wave of excitement through the students. She had a reputation that preceded her, and her affiliation with Mokami made it even more thrilling.

She gracefully moved towards the center of the training grounds, the murmur of awe from the students slowly dying down as she raised a hand to command silence. Her eyes twinkled with a mischievous glint as she prepared to begin.

"Do you know what binds us all here? Why we're here, risking our lives, doing what we do?" She asked, her voice carrying authority and warmth in equal measures.

"Because we want to be heroes?" piped up Mineta, looking up at her with eager eyes.

"That's a part of it, yes," Sahar acknowledged. "But there's more. Behind every hero is a story, a struggle that fuels our determination, our will to protect and to serve. I'll share mine."

Her gaze moved towards Mokami, a smirk dancing on her lips. "You all know Mokami and I worked together during his internship, correct?"

The collective nods and affirmations from the students were all the cue she needed to continue.

"It was an adventure, to say the least. Our task? Capture a notorious criminal known as the Chameleon. Our plan? Create a fake ancient artifact so authentic it would lure him out," she explained, her voice filled with amusement.

Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she turned to Mokami. "But who could have predicted how well Mokami would craft that fake artifact? It was so convincing that it drew the attention of the King himself. Talk about an unexpected twist."

Laughter rippled through the group, Mokami chuckling along, not at all fazed by Sahar's friendly jest.

"I mean, the King was so convinced he sent his Special Ops to ambush us! It was like a scene straight out of an action film!" Sahar continued, the students hanging onto her every word.

"But Mokami," she shifted her gaze back to him, a smile dancing on her lips, "he was the ace up our sleeve. His composed nature, his quick thinking... In the heat of the moment, he was able to get us out of the country. An entire operation foiled because of his wits."

She paused for effect, a gleam of pride in her eyes. "It took months of hard work, but here I am today, thanks to Nezu and our very own Mokami."

The students erupted into applause, their eyes filled with admiration. For Mokami, it was a reaffirmation of respect from his peers, and from Sahar, it was a sign of unspoken gratitude.

"Today, we're here to train. To sharpen your quirks, your strategies. And, if you're lucky, to make your own stories," Sahar finished, her eyes sweeping across the sea of excited faces.


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