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The abrupt, invasive trill of a cellphone cut through the lingering silence like a hot knife through butter. Gilan reached into his pocket and brought out his phone, casting a quick glance at the screen before answering. His dark eyes flicked up to Kurogiri, the unspoken request clear in his gaze.

Kurogiri obliged with a nod, stepping back from the group as his quirk activated, warping the air around him into a swirling purple vortex. The portal buzzed with energy, creating an eerie hum that echoed around the room. The tension spiked as the villains watched the portal, unsure of what was about to emerge.

Moments later, an agent of Gilan stepped through, a young man close on his heels. The teen was tall, with a lanky build that spoke of adolescent growth spurts and the promise of further muscular development. His skin was the color of honey, a warm golden-brown that contrasted starkly with his raven-black hair. It was a messy mop that fell into his vibrant green eyes, a shade so vivid it seemed to glow in the dim light of the lair.

His face was an image of contrasts - youthful features sharpened by the hard edge of arrogance that sat on his high cheekbones and the dangerous glint in his eyes. His smile was a perfectly rehearsed charm, all white teeth and confidence. It gave him a charismatic allure, but beneath it lurked a hint of threat. The aura around him was like a coiled spring, tension humming beneath a veneer of cheerful audacity.

"Everyone," Gilan began, his eyes never leaving the newcomer. "This is Akio."

"Hello," Akio said, his voice was smooth, like polished stone - cool and undeniably hard. It had the ring of practiced ease, belying the dangerous undertones.

"I hear you're in need of more capable hands," he continued, his green eyes sweeping across the room, taking in the stunned faces of the villains present. He allowed himself a small, knowing smile.

"And who told you that, boy?" Shigaraki spat, his voice filled with suspicion. His red eyes bore into Akio, trying to gauge the intentions behind that smug smile.

Gilan cut in before Akio could answer, "Akio possesses a unique quirk, one that allows him to absorb and convert energy. He absorbs kinetic energy and uses it to enhance his speed or strength, absorbs thermal energy to manipulate fire or resist cold, and he can convert absorbed electrical energy into powerful electric shocks or use it to enhance his reflexes."

There was silence as the villains absorbed this information, their gazes falling on Akio with a new understanding. His capabilities could be a game-changer, a powerful asset in their impending battle against the Meta Liberation Army. But they were still wary. Was it too good to be true?

The memory of the mayhem caused by a similar teen in the city square flooded their minds. Justice Bringer, the symbol of justice and hope for the city, lay slain at the feet of a boy no older than their new recruit, his energy absorption and conversion quirk turning him into a one-man wrecking crew.

The scene played out in their minds in vivid detail – the city in chaos, buildings reduced to rubble, and the city's beloved hero's lifeless body splayed on the debris-strewn ground. The boy had been ruthless, his eyes devoid of any remorse or fear. It had been a clear demonstration of power, one that had shaken the city to its core. The boy's appearance was uncannily similar to Akio, their quirks identical. The fact sent a chill down their spines.

A dark chuckle erupted from Dabi, breaking the silence that hung over them. "So, you're the one who offed Justice Bringer, huh?" His voice was laced with amusement, though his eyes held a hardened look. The others shot him glares, but he seemed to shrug them off.

Akio met Dabi's gaze head-on, the corner of his lips quirking up in a small smirk. "If you're asking whether I killed him," he began, the amusement clear in his tone, "then the answer would be yes."

A stunned silence followed Akio's admission, the villains exchanging uneasy looks. The sheer audacity of the confession had left them speechless. Stain was the first to break the silence, his voice a low growl, "You took a life without a just cause."

"Justice is subjective," Akio retorted with a nonchalant shrug, "What one might perceive as justice, another might see as oppression. I simply removed an obstacle."

"You're just a kid," Dabi muttered, an odd mix of respect and disgust clear in his voice. Despite the gravity of Akio's actions, he couldn't deny the strength the boy possessed. It was a terrifyingly promising power, one that held potential for both destruction and protection.

Shigaraki leaned back in his chair, his red eyes never leaving Akio. "And why," he began, his voice holding a hint of curiosity, "would you want to join us?"

Akio's response was pure madness. He laughed, the sound echoing through the room, causing everyone to tense. "Freedom, my dear gentlemen, is a terrible, terrible thing," he began, his voice dripping with a self-aware mockery. His green eyes glinted in the dim light, a mischievous glimmer dancing within them.

"How so?" Shigaraki asked, leaning forward. His voice held a note of curiosity and skepticism. "Freedom is what we strive for."

"Freedom is chaos, Shigaraki," Akio said, grinning widely. "Freedom is destruction. Freedom is anarchy. It's the willingness to break the rules, to challenge the status quo. It's the audacity to rebel against the powers that be. It's the right to do as one pleases, no matter the consequences."

His smile faded, replaced by a hard, determined look. "Freedom, gentlemen," he continued, his voice growing darker, "is evil. But that's why I love it. That's why I am here. Because I am a creature of freedom. And thus, by my own logic, I am evil."

"You say that as if it's something to be proud of," Stain sneered, crossing his arms over his chest. "Pride in such moral corruption..."

"I say it as it is," Akio cut in, his eyes flashing with a spark of defiance. "Pride has nothing to do with it. It's a matter of fact. I am who I am."

"And why would you choose to be evil?" Kurogiri asked, his voice calm despite the tension in the room.

Akio shrugged, a smug grin creeping onto his face. "Because evil has more fun."

Dabi chuckled at that, a harsh, grating sound. "So, the kid has a sense of humor," he commented, his voice laced with sarcasm. But there was a touch of amusement in his eyes, a strange sort of respect for Akio's audacity.

Gilan, however, remained silent, watching Akio carefully. He studied the younger man, the determined set of his shoulders, the confident, almost cocky way he held himself. The way his green eyes sparkled with unspoken challenges and hidden secrets. He saw potential in Akio, raw and unrefined, but also a reckless abandon that could be a liability.

"You're young, Akio," Gilan finally said, his voice low and stern. "Young and arrogant. You think you can do anything because of your quirk. But you're wrong. Power doesn't make you invincible. It doesn't make you a god."

"Power, in the right hands, can change the world," Akio retorted, his eyes meeting Gilan's with a fiery intensity. "And who's to say my hands aren't the right ones?"

"That's for us to decide," Shigaraki replied, leaning back in his chair. His red eyes narrowed, studying Akio with a scrutinizing gaze. "And we'll be watching you, kid."

Akio's grin only widened at the challenge. "I'm looking forward to it."

The room was silent once again, the tension lingering like an unspoken threat. The villains watched Akio, their gazes filled with suspicion and wariness. But beneath it all, there was a spark of curiosity, a faint glimmer of hope. Akio was a wild card, an unpredictable force. But perhaps, just perhaps, he could be the game-changer they needed.


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