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Mokami's personal space was as unfurnished and minimalist as it had been during the initial room inspections. The absence of clutter was interrupted only by a simple futon where he slept. For a moment, he stood still, absorbing the peace and tranquility of his sanctuary, as he had done countless times before. However, tonight was different. The remnants of the evening's vitality lingered in his mind, infusing the air with unspoken laughter, tales, and an undeniable sense of kinship that his sparse room had not witnessed previously.

"Why have you gathered us here, Moka-chan?" Mina queried, curiosity shimmering in her eyes.

His lips curved into a warm smile as he responded, "I want to show you my laboratory."

"Wait, isn't that supposed to be beneath your house?" blurted Toru, immediately clasping a hand over her mouth in apparent regret of disclosing something she shouldn't. A ripple of laughter escaped Mokami, "It's alright, Toru-chan. I trust each one of you here. You're all significant parts of my life."

"But how are we getting there without leaving the school grounds?" Toru inquired, her brow furrowed in confusion.

For a moment, the room was draped in silence before a sudden transformation began to take shape. An obscure section of the wall parted seamlessly, revealing a staircase almost camouflaged within the room's minimalist design. Matching the room's aesthetics, the stairs beckoned them downwards into a hitherto unexplored part of Mokami's personal sphere.

Without a second thought, Mokami led the way, the girls falling into step behind him, Momo standing by his side with an air of regality. His hand skimmed the wall lightly as he descended, the echoes of his firm yet quiet footsteps filling the tranquil space, his composure undeterred by the change in scenery.

Reaching the base of the staircase, they were greeted by a realm that was in stark contrast to the upstairs' minimalist ethos. This was Mokami's sanctuary, a mirror to his personal interests: a wall adorned with martial arts artifacts, an array of musical instruments, and an expansive training area. Despite the vivid personal touches, the room retained an aura of serenity, a testament to Mokami's personality.

The energy in the room shifted as everyone took in their surroundings. Toru moved closer to Mina, their eyes wide with awe, while Pony glanced at Mokami and Momo, her expression a mix of surprise and admiration. It was a testament to the complex personality of the man they had all grown to admire and care for.

"Did you build another lab under our dorms?" Mina asked, disbelief tingeing her voice as she gawked at the revealed tunnel.

Mokami shook his head, a grin playing at the corners of his lips. "No, this," he gestured to the concealed transport system, "is merely a passage that connects to my actual lab beneath my house."

He walked forward, leading them toward the solitary train cart. The walls of the tunnel were constructed with a unique blend of metals, an impressive representation of his creation quirk. The length of the tunnel stretched into the darkness, an abyss that held a promise of secrets yet to be discovered. It was a symbol of Mokami's limitless potential and intellect.

Mokami, ever the gentleman, reached out his hand to help Momo into the train cart. The girls exchanged impressed glances before following suit, their chatter and laughter filling the previously silent tunnel.

"I have to admit, this is cooler than I ever imagined," Minamurmured, breaking the stunned silence. Mokami chuckled, a soft sound that echoed around the enclosed space.

Pony tilted her head, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "Did you create all of this?"

"In a way," Mokami answered cryptically, taking a seat beside Momo.

The girls, now visibly excited, chatted animatedly as the train cart started its journey towards the concealed lab. The air was filled with a mixture of excitement, curiosity, and the shared thrill of an adventure.

"Why are we going to your lab, Moka-chan?" Mina's voice pierced through the chatter, her curious gaze fixed on Mokami.

Mokami responded with a cryptic smile, "You will see when we get there."

Meanwhile, Toru was sharing her fascinating experience with Hikari, the AI assistant Mokami had created for her. "Mokami designed Hikari so that she could aid me in my studies. He implanted a chip in my brain, allowing me to communicate directly with her. She's helped me so much with my school work, and also with training," she stated, excitement evident in her voice.

The girls listened attentively, visibly impressed. "Wow, Toru-chan, that's incredible! I can't believe Mokami made that!" Pony exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment.

Through all this, Momo remained quiet, the subtle smirk on her lips revealing her amusement. She was privy to Mokami's creations and abilities, and there wasn't much that could surprise her now. However, she did enjoy watching the others' reactions to his remarkable talents.

Soon, the train cart slowed to a halt, bringing them to their destination. They stepped out, their eyes scanning their new surroundings with awe and anticipation. The lab was a spectacle of Mokami's genius - a testament to his quirk. Similar to his room, the lab was spacious, organized, and equipped with advanced technological devices and apparatus.

After taking in the sight, Pony turned to Mokami, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion, "So, Moka-chan, why did you bring us here?"

Mokami looked at them seriously, his countenance reflecting a solemn intensity they hadn't often seen. "I brought you here to demonstrate the depth of my trust in each one of you. Your presence in my life is unchanging, an integral part of me, and I want you to understand that."

The room fell quiet, the gravity of his words sinking in, making the moment seem to stretch indefinitely. Mokami took a deep breath, and continued, his tone unwavering.

"But the secrets I'm about to share with you are precious, more valuable than my own life, even. It is for that reason I must be extremely cautious when divulging them, despite my trust in you."


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