Quirk Upgrade


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A great shout out for my newest patron! Hedgeboar! The mightiest creature in existence now supports me! I am invincible!


As he spoke, the atmosphere in the lab shifted. The girls looked at him, their expressions solemn, understanding the importance of the moment.

"Hikari isn't just an assistant to Toru. It serves as a protective shield, a tool that bars anyone from reading her thoughts, thereby safeguarding our secrets. Additionally, it allows me to locate her whenever needed. She willingly accepted the implant, understanding the implications."

Toru nodded at this, her gaze steady, confirming his words.

Mokami turned his attention to the remaining girls, his gaze focused and intent. "Mina, Pony, I have the same question for you. Would you be willing to protect my secrets?"

There was a moment of silence as his words hung in the air. The weight of his question, and the implications of their potential answers, settled heavily upon them. Pony glanced at Mina, then turned back to Mokami, her eyes gleaming with determination.

"We would, Moka-chan," she answered resolutely, with Mina echoing her response. Mokami nodded, a soft sigh escaping his lips, relief, perhaps, or satisfaction.

"Good. That's good." Mokami replied, his gaze never leaving them. A small smile graced his lips, a sign of his appreciation for their loyalty.

There was a brief pause before Mina broke the silence. "So, we'll get a chip like Toru?" she asked, curiosity tingeing her voice.

Mokami nodded, "Indeed. If you're comfortable with it, I can arrange the implantation process as soon as you're ready."

"I'm ready," Mina said instantly, her gaze resolute, followed by a soft, "Me too," from Pony.

Mokami stepped forward, his fingers lightly touching Mina's and Pony's foreheads. His creation quirk activated, and in an almost imperceptible instant, a small chip formed inside their minds, its delicate tendrils reaching out to connect with their brain's synapses. As the process concluded, the space felt eerily quiet, charged with anticipation.

A moment passed, and then, almost simultaneously, Mina and Pony's eyes widened in surprise as they heard a soft, gentle voice in their heads. It was as if they were listening to an echo of a whisper, yet the voice was crystal clear.

"Hello, I am your personal AI assistant. How may I assist you? Would you like to name me?" The voice was feminine, nurturing, like a calm breeze that brought comfort.

A shiver ran down Pony's spine, her eyes wide as she met Mokami's gaze. "It's... It's talking to me," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "She's asking for a name."

"Mine too," Mina piped up, her eyes wide with wonder. "What should we name them?"

For a moment, all the girls in the room looked at each other, lost in thought. "How about Aiko?" Pony suggested, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

Mina tilted her head, considering the name. "Aiko... That's a beautiful name, Pony-chan. What about yours?"

Before Pony could respond, Toru interjected, "Why not Akari? Like 'light'? It's kind of symbolic, isn't it?"

Pony nodded, her face breaking into a wide grin. "Yes, I love it. Akari it is."

They repeated their chosen names to their respective AIs, and almost instantly, the AI confirmed the choice. "Acknowledged. My name is Akari," Pony's AI intoned. "Acknowledged. My name is Aiko," said Mina's AI.

The room was buzzing with energy, the girls chatting excitedly amongst themselves, bouncing ideas off each other. Momo watched on, an amused smile playing on her lips. Mokami stood at a slight distance, his arms folded across his chest, watching the scene with a satisfied look in his eyes. Despite his usually composed demeanor, there was a spark of pride and contentment visible in his gaze.

"Moka-chan," Pony started, looking towards Mokami with a mix of excitement and curiosity. "What else can Akari do?"

Mokami chuckled softly. "Akari can assist you in numerous ways. She can help with your studies, enhance your training, guide you in making decisions, and protect your mind from intrusion. Moreover, Akari and Aiko will enable us to communicate with each other directly through thought, even if we are physically separated."

"That's incredible, Moka-chan!" Mina gushed, her eyes sparkling with awe. "With Aiko's help, we'll be unstoppable!"

"Let's address my secret then," Mokami began, his gaze shifting to Toru, who was effectively invisible to Pony and Mina due to her quirk. The only hint of her presence was her floating clothes. Mokami and Momo, thanks to their special lenses, could see her. Pony and Mina watched in wonder as Mokami stepped towards the seemingly floating garments.

Gently, he took Toru's wrist, his fingers gently pressing against her skin. The silence in the room was palpable, the tension thick as Mokami activated his quirk. In the next instant, a girl materialized before them, effectively breaking Toru's invisibility.

Her hair was an entrancing blend of lime, blonde, and pink, waves cascading down to her shoulders, reflecting the room's soft lighting. Her bright greenish-blue eyes stood out starkly, embodying the vibrant life within her. She had a busty body, curvaceous yet lean. The vision before them was strikingly different from the invisible girl they had known. It was as though Mokami had revealed a vibrant painting hidden beneath a blank canvas.

The shock and surprise that engulfed Mina and Pony, however, paled in comparison to Toru's own reaction. She swiftly removed her lenses, her eyes wide and shimmering. Momo, sensing her need, created a mirror out of thin air. Toru dashed towards it, her reflection staring back at her for the first time.

The sight of her own visible form brought tears to her eyes. Unfiltered emotions spilled from her, from shock to disbelief, then swiftly turning into elation. In an impulsive movement, she turned and threw her arms around Mokami, her voice choked with gratitude. "Thank you, Moka-chan, thank you," she repeated fervently, her words muffled against his chest.

Mokami simply nodded, wrapping an arm around Toru in a comforting gesture. He wore a soft smile, clearly pleased by the profound impact of his actions. Meanwhile, Momo watched them silently, an almost imperceptible smile tugging at her lips. She knew Mokami's capabilities better than anyone, and Toru's transformation was hardly surprising to her. Yet, she derived a quiet satisfaction from witnessing their happiness.


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