Bodily Enchancements

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"Toru-chan, you look beautiful," Mina gushed, her eyes shining with admiration. Pony echoed her sentiment, their eyes fixated on the newly visible girl in front of them.

"I… I look like a real person," Toru whispered, her voice filled with wonder and disbelief, her fingers gently brushing against her own reflection.

"You always were a real person, Toru-chan," Mokami said, his voice calm yet assertive, "Now you just have the choice to let others see you."

"You figured it out?" Toru asked in shock, her visible eyes wide and shimmering.

"Yes," Mokami replied, his voice steady, a subtle warmth enveloping his words. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. It was a smile of accomplishment, of finally seeing the fruit of his labor, but also a smile of satisfaction, knowing that he could bring happiness to someone he cared about.

"What is all this about, Mokami?" Pony asked, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. The atmosphere was charged with questions, each person in the room wrestling with a torrent of thoughts and emotions.

"My secret," Mokami began, his gaze sweeping across the room, making sure he had everyone's attention. His usually calm eyes held an intense spark as he continued, "I can create and alter living beings. My quirk is different from Momo's. It extends to the alteration of living matter. The reason why I went to Egypt for my internship was due to the criminal known as Chameleon."

The others nodded, their expressions serious. They had heard about Mokami's encounter with Chameleon, but they hadn't been aware of the full extent of his mission. The implications of Mokami's words were slowly sinking in, opening up a whole new perspective of his capabilities.

"I thought if I could gain a sample from Chameleon, I could alter it and help Toru upgrade her quirk," Mokami continued, his gaze falling on Toru, who was listening with rapt attention. "And I managed to do it just yesterday."

Mina and Pony were dumbstruck, their mouths agape as they tried to comprehend the magnitude of Mokami's revelation. Creating living things. Altering quirks. It was a power beyond human comprehension, something more befitting a god. The shock of this discovery was quickly replaced by a new realization. If Mokami had brought them here and revealed this secret, did that mean they were next in line for a quirk upgrade?

Before they could voice their thoughts, Toru, still awestruck by her newfound visibility, voiced her own questions. "So, Moka-chan, you mean you can alter any quirk? Just like you did with mine?"

Mokami nodded, "Yes, to some extent. The degree of modification depends on the quirk itself, but I believe I can at least enhance the quirks you already possess."

Toru exchanged glances with Mina and Pony, a shared understanding passing between them. Mokami had offered them a power-up, an opportunity to enhance their abilities beyond their natural capabilities. The possibility was thrilling, but also a little terrifying.

"So, Moka-chan, does this mean..." Mina started, her voice trailing off, the rest of her question hanging in the air.

"That you could have the same upgrade as Toru?" Mokami finished for her, reading the curiosity and excitement in her gaze. "Possibly. If you're willing, we can explore the possibilities."

A chorus of astonished murmurs filled the room. The girls glanced at each other, their eyes wide with excitement and anticipation. They had seen the impact of Mokami's quirk on Toru, and the possibility of their quirks being enhanced was an exhilarating prospect.

"Alright," Mokami began, his gaze sweeping across his girlfriends. "Let's think about your Quirks and the best possible upgrades. Remember, this isn't just me making decisions - we're all in this together."

"Yes, and don't forget, you're already incredible with your natural abilities," Momo chimed in, her tone supportive, "Moka-chan and I are here to guide you, but ultimately, it's your decision on how far we take this."

Mina started off the discussion, bouncing on her toes in her enthusiasm. "So, my Acid Quirk already lets me control the solubility and viscosity of the acid, and I can use it offensively or for utility. I've already increased my skin's resistance to my own acid, so what's next?"

"Dehydration," Toru interjected, her newly visible eyes meeting Mina's. "Your Quirk can be fatal if overused since it depletes your body's hydration quickly."

Mokami nodded in agreement. "That's a good observation, Toru. Perhaps we could look into modifying your body to handle dehydration better, Mina. Your body could possibly even create its own hydration to counteract the effects of the acid. It's far from human norms, but I believe it's feasible."

"I like that idea," Mina responded excitedly. "It would be great to not have to worry about that downside anymore. What else?"

"How about adding an offensive ability?" Pony suggested. "Like changing the nature of the acid itself, perhaps to a different chemical compound? Or adding another layer to your Quirk, something like a protective barrier or shield?"

"That's an interesting idea, Pony," Mokami said, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Changing the nature of the acid would require a lot of control, but it's not impossible. The protective barrier could also be a worthwhile addition."

"The potential is immense," Momo added, her tone full of enthusiasm. "You already have the capability to change your acid's properties, so enhancing that could provide a wider range of abilities."

The discussion shifted towards Pony and her Horn Cannon Quirk. "I can control the size, shape, and properties of my horns now," Pony began, her tone thoughtful. "And I can use them as projectiles and for flight. What else can we do?"

"What about controlling more horns at once?" Mina suggested, her eyes twinkling. "Imagine how powerful you would be with an army of horns at your command."

"But wouldn't that require a huge amount of concentration?" Toru asked, a note of concern in her voice. "Controlling four already sounds challenging."

"You're right, Toru," Mokami said. "But it's not an impossibility. It's a matter of adapting and conditioning your mind for multitasking, which is something we can work on. Also, we could consider adding more functionality to the horns themselves. They're already strong and can be controlled remotely. Maybe we could enhance them with some sort of energy absorption or manipulation?"

"That's incredible," Pony exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "Imagine, my horns absorbing and releasing energy! That would be amazing."

"As with Mina's case, the potential is immense," Momo said, her eyes filled with excitement. "Remember, there are no limits. We just need to think beyond the norm."


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