Visible Girl

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The students of Class 1-A and 1-B assembled in front of U.A. High, the morning sun casting long shadows over the gathered crowd. Two large buses awaited them, engines idling, symbolizing the first major step in their journey towards becoming full-fledged heroes.

Aizawa, Vlad King, All Might, and Principal Nezu stood by the vehicles, their expressions a mixture of pride, anticipation, and a touch of nervousness. Even amidst the students' excitement and eagerness, the gravity of what lay ahead was not lost on them.

Clearing his throat, Aizawa stepped forward to address the group. "Today marks a significant milestone in your hero journey - the Provisional Hero License Exam. We've prepared you as best we can. Now, it's your turn to show us - and the world - what you're capable of."

The students exchanged glances, their conversations falling into silence as they absorbed the weight of Aizawa's words. Encouraged by the focused attention, Vlad King took over, explaining the logistics of the day.

"The hero qualification exams are conducted every year in June and September at three different locations across the country. Today, we've chosen different venues for both classes. This is a common practice to avoid students from the same school clashing against each other. It's your chance to demonstrate your skills against a wider variety of opponents."

The students listened attentively, the buzz of excitement giving way to focused determination. Around them, friendships seemed to tighten, knowing looks and silent promises of support exchanged.

Mokami shared a look with Momo, their silent communication showing their readiness and shared anticipation for the challenges ahead.

Catching Mokami's eye, Jiro gave him a quiet thumbs-up, her eyes reflecting her admiration and a promise of her own – to fight her best. Asui, standing next to Jiro, mirrored the sentiment, her tongue flicking out nervously as she offered Mokami an encouraging smile.

Across the yard, Mina and Pony chatted quietly, their gazes often drifting towards Mokami. Meanwhile, Itsuka, an easy smile on her face, was exchanging playful jabs with some classmates, her gaze also subtly searching for Mokami.

The atmosphere was charged with a complex mix of anticipation, excitement, and nerves, every student understanding the significance of what was to come. Today was more than just an exam; it was a testament to their efforts, their struggles, their hopes. Today, they were not merely students – they were heroes in the making.

In the midst of the solemn atmosphere, a whirlwind of color rushed into their midst, catching everyone's attention. A latecomer? The girl was stunning, her hair a striking blend of lime, blonde, and pink that cascaded down to her shoulders in mesmerizing waves. Her bright greenish-blue eyes sparkled, full of energy and life, and her curvaceous figure turned more than a few heads.

"Sorry, I'm late!" She exclaimed, her voice echoing through the yard.

As the shock of her unexpected appearance began to wear off, the students started to recognize the familiar lilt of her voice, despite the stranger's appearance.

"Hagakure?" Jiro blurted out, eyes wide with surprise.

"Hagakure?!" Iida followed suit, adjusting his glasses as if he might have seen incorrectly.

"Hagakure!" The shock echoed throughout the yard, each student expressing their disbelief in their own way.

Mokami, Momo, Mina, and Pony remained composed amidst the collective astonishment. Mokami broke the silence, "Seems like Hagakure's quirk has evolved."

"E-evolved?" Midoriya stuttered, his analytical mind kicking into overdrive as he considered the possibility.

Toru nodded, a bright smile on her now-visible face, "I guess my training's been paying off, huh?" The excitement was clear in her voice, and her eyes were alight with the thrill of her new development.

Bakugo grunted, crossing his arms. "Well, that's one way to make an entrance, Invisible Girl."

The others started to regain their composure, curiosity sparking anew. "That's awesome, Toru!" Uraraka gushed, clapping her hands excitedly. "But how did it happen?"

Toru's gaze darted over to Mokami before she responded, "I don't really know. It just...happened during training yesterday. Maybe my quirk just felt like it was time for a change?"

"Huh, quirks evolving. That's something new to think about," Tokoyami commented, chin resting on his hand in thought.

Shoji offered a thumbs-up, "It's a welcome change, Hagakure. It's nice to finally see you."

Indeed, as the students started to chat and interact with a visibly present Toru, there was a sense of warmth and acceptance that flowed through the yard. Amid the surprise, the excitement, and the chatter, there was a sense of unity - the shared understanding that they were all growing and evolving, just like Toru's quirk.

As they started to file onto the buses, Toru lingered with Mokami, Momo, Mina, and Pony. "Thanks, guys," she said, her voice soft. Her gaze rested on Mokami a moment longer, gratitude shimmering in her greenish-blue eyes.

Mokami gave her a nod, the faintest hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Just keep focusing on your training, Toru-chan. You're doing great."

As they were ushered onto the buses by Class Reps Mokami and Momo, and Vice-Rep Itsuka, the students found their seats. The atmosphere inside the buses was palpable, a vibrant fusion of anticipation, camaraderie, and an underlying layer of nerves.

Packed into the cozy space, the conversations were lively and loud. Discussions of ultimate moves, possible exam scenarios, and the unexpected evolution of Toru's quirk filled the air.

From his spot, Mokami observed his classmates. A natural listener, he was taking in the dynamics, the shared hopes, and the collective excitement. At his side, Momo shared a knowing glance with him. They had come a long way together, and now it was time to let their fellow students shine.

Behind them, Jiro and Asui were engrossed in a lively exchange. They were discussing the practical applications of their ultimate moves, often bouncing their ideas off Mokami.

"Think 'Sonic Symphony' can disorient multiple opponents at once, Mokami?" Jiro asked, her gaze questioning.

He gave a thoughtful nod. "Certainly, Jiro. But you might want to be careful not to affect your allies too."

Meanwhile, Mina and Toru were engaged in their own animated discussion. Their words flowed together, a lively torrent of laughter, ideas, and anticipation. Toru, still getting used to her newfound visibility, was soaking up the reactions and advice from her friends.

"So, what if we use 'Acid Nebula' and 'Octo-Surge' together in a combo?" Mina proposed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

"I think that could work!" Toru added, looking over at Mokami for confirmation. He responded with an affirming nod and a smile, validating their creative strategy.

In the middle of the bus, Yui and Itsuka were discussing strategies as well, often glancing Mokami's way for inputs. Itsuka, with a firm but playful tone, teased, "So, Yui, ready to take on 'Goliath's Grasp' in a one-on-one?"

Yui blushed and shyly looked away, then towards Mokami, stammering, "I-I guess I'm ready... W-what do you think, Mokami?"

"I believe in you, Yui," Mokami responded warmly. "You've been improving steadily."


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