License Exam Starts

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As the buses began to move, the interior fell into a natural rhythm. The mood was no longer solely about ultimate moves or battle strategies, but began to drift toward more casual conversation. The energy inside was a chaotic mix of anticipation, excitement, and shared camaraderie.

"Man, I can't believe we're actually on our way," Kirishima exclaimed, his eyes filled with a light of determination. "Feels like just yesterday we were trying to get our heads around the basics."

Shoji, sitting nearby, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. And now we're on our way to the Provisional Hero License Exam. Time flies."

"Right!" Jiro chimed in, turning in her seat to face Mokami and the others. "And look at us now, developing ultimate moves and stuff. Who would have thought?"

A round of agreement echoed through the bus, the collective sentiment filling the space with warmth. Amidst all the preparations and hard work, it was easy to forget just how far they had come as individuals and as a group.

Uraraka, having overheard Jiro's comment, added, "It's not just about the moves, right? It's about the way we've all grown. Like Toru-chan, for instance. Your quirk evolving, that's something special!"

At the mention of her name, Toru blushed, the rosy hue now visible on her face. "Yeah, it was pretty surprising. I'm just glad I don't have to worry about bumping into people anymore!"

Her comment elicited a ripple of laughter throughout the bus, lifting the atmosphere even further. Amidst the laughter, Mina leaned over to Mokami, whispering with a playful grin, "Guess she'll have to be more careful with the 'Octo-Surge' combo now."

Bakugo, for all his explosive demeanor, had to chuckle at the comment. His rare moment of amusement didn't go unnoticed, causing an outbreak of surprise followed by shared laughter.

"No way, Bakugo laughed!" Ashido exclaimed, pointing out the unusual occurrence.

Bakugo grumbled something incoherent, causing even more laughter to erupt. The shared hilarity seemed to ease some of the tension in the bus, a welcome distraction from the looming exam.

The bus ride continued, filled with spirited banter, shared jokes, and stories from their past year at U.A. High. There was talk of favorite foods, hobbies, and plans for the future.

As the bus pulled into the large, sprawling grounds of the exam venue, the buzz within the vehicles gradually ebbed. The students of Class 1-A gazed out at the expanse, its intimidating size serving as a stark reminder of the daunting task that awaited them. Their collective chatter slowly faded into a tense silence, the enormity of the moment settling heavily over them.

"Alright, we're here," Aizawa announced, his voice cutting through the stillness. "Everyone, off the bus."

One by one, the students descended from the buses, their feet touching down onto the concrete. They huddled together, their eyes scanning the vast, daunting landscape of the examination grounds.

Mokami stepped off the bus, Momo following closely behind him. He paused for a moment, his gaze sweeping across the open space. The air was buzzing with a collective sense of anticipation.

His friends and classmates started to gather around him, their eyes seeking his calm, steady presence. Mina, Toru, and Jiro joined him, their expressions a mixture of anticipation and resolve. Asui hopped over, her tongue flicking out anxiously. Itsuka and Yui moved to stand near him, their faces showing their own quiet determination.

Just as they were about to head towards the assembly area, a gust of wind suddenly whipped through the grounds. The students instinctively shielded their eyes from the dust. When the wind finally died down, a tall figure was standing before them, his boisterous laughter echoing around the grounds.

Standing before them was Inasa Yoarashi, a towering figure in the world of young heroes. A head taller than most of his peers, his buzzed, dark brown hair and black eyes served as a striking contrast against his naturally bright demeanor. He was clad in the distinctive uniform of Shiketsu High: a crisp white shirt and dark pants, with their signature hat resting atop his head, a proud symbol of his school's heritage.

His boisterous laughter echoed across the expanse, casting ripples through the tense silence that had descended over Class 1-A. "Yo, U.A. High!" he greeted enthusiastically, his arms outstretched in a friendly gesture. His broad grin was infectious, somehow cutting through the nervous energy that had gripped the group.

Despite the sudden intrusion, Mokami's smile didn't falter. Instead, it broadened into a genuine grin as he stepped forward, meeting Inasa's enthusiasm with his calm charm. "Shiketsu!" he greeted back, his voice carrying a natural, warm authority that encouraged the other students to ease their stances.

"You must be Yoarashi-san," Mokami continued, his eyes meeting Inasa's directly. His tone was both respectful and welcoming, encapsulating the composure that had made him a figure of reassurance within his class. "Pleased to meet you."

Inasa blinked, surprised by the geniality that flowed from Mokami. But the surprise quickly morphed into a grin, his eyes reflecting a newfound respect. "I've heard a lot about you, Yaoyorozu-san," Inasa responded, crossing his arms over his chest and nodding approvingly.

The students watched the interaction, their unease gradually replaced by curiosity and anticipation. The ease with which Mokami handled the encounter seemed to break some of the tension that had been building. The aura of anxiety was giving way to one of anticipation and excitement.

Aizawa's voice rang out across the assembly area, "As some of you may already know, Yoarashi Inasa scored the second-highest marks in the entrance exam." A brief pause allowed the weight of his words to settle. "His score was surpassed only by Yaoyorozu Momo, and yes, was higher than Todoroki's."

Just as Aizawa began to introduce the students from Shiketsu High, Mokami's gaze wandered to the beauty standing next to Inasa. Camie Utsushimi, her long blonde hair billowing in the breeze and her bright smile radiating a charm that was difficult to ignore. This time around, he mused, it was definitely her, not the ever-troublesome Toga. An amusing thought struck him - Toga, probably bored to death, rolling around aimlessly in her lab. The image was comical enough to draw a chuckle from him.


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