First Stage

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Once inside, a hush fell over the bustling arena as Yokumiru Mera from the Public Safety Commission took the stage. He cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses before addressing the eager candidates.

"Good morning, everyone," Mera began, his voice amplified by the microphone and echoing through the stadium. "Today, we gather here for the Provisional Hero License Exam, an assessment that separates those who can protect and serve from those who are not ready."

As he continued, the bustling crowd fell into a quiet stillness. "We have a diverse group of individuals here. From different schools, different backgrounds, and with different abilities. However, you all share a common goal. To become a Pro Hero."

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "In the world of heroes, your abilities, your quirks, are only part of what makes you who you are. The true measure of a hero is their judgement, resilience, and ability to work together as a team."

His gaze swept over the audience. "The test is designed to examine these qualities in all of you. It won't be easy. The world needs heroes who can overcome difficulties, work under pressure, and make quick decisions that can save lives."

Mera's words resonated through the silence that had enveloped the stadium, his voice reverberating with a gravitas that underlined the importance of their upcoming test.

"Which brings me to the most significant aspect of this test: speed," Mera continued, his voice steady. "The window of time between the beginning of an incident and its resolution is incredibly brief. Those who can't keep up with this pace... Well, they might need to reconsider their path."

His words hung in the air, a stark reminder of the demands of the profession they were striving towards. It was not a simple task, but then again, hero work was never meant to be easy.

"The essence of being a hero is not just about having the strength to defeat villains. It is about how quickly you can assess the situation, make a decision, and act on it. Heroes don't have the luxury of time, and every second can make the difference between life and death," Mera's voice echoed across the silent arena, each word etching into the hearts of the aspiring heroes.

Mera's gaze swept across the students, pinning each one with a stern look. "In the first stage of this exam, we will test this very ability. Only the first hundred to complete the task will pass onto the next stage."

The hushed murmurs among the students grew louder, as the reality of the test started to set in. Mokami stayed silent, his mind focused and processing the information. Mina, Toru, Jiro, and Asui shared a look, their expressions a blend of determination and concern. But they knew better than to voice their worries aloud, not when they had Mokami's calm presence serving as an anchor for their nerves.

"A hundred passes out of... how many of us?" A student shouted from the crowd, his voice carrying an edge of panic. "There are 1,640 of us here! That's less than five percent!"

The question punctured the silence that had settled over the stadium, the echoes of the student's voice ringing out against the silence.

Mera, the man on the stage, paused and adjusted his glasses. His gaze was steady as he turned to address the speaker. "You're correct," he acknowledged, his voice resonating across the arena. "It is less than five percent. This means that the odds are indeed stacked against you."

He let that statement hang in the air for a moment, his gaze sweeping over the assembled students before he continued. "However, recent events have shown us that we need heroes who are capable of facing such odds and emerging victorious."

A hush descended upon the stadium once again. The students leaned forward, their attention fixated on the stage.

"The attack on Bayen Pharmaceutical, the exposure of widespread corruption within our government and corporations, the involvement of the League and Equity... the world as we know it is changing," Mera continued, his voice grave. "It is becoming more dangerous. The expectations we have of our heroes are increasing."

His words hung in the air, a tangible echo of the pressure that they were under. The silent, collective understanding of their shared responsibility was a heavy weight, settling over the candidates.

Mera cleared his throat again, bringing the focus back to him as he began explaining the rules of the test. "You will be provided with three targets, each affixed to a part of your body. Your task is to touch these targets on your opponents, using these balls," he held up a small, round object. "Every examine will have three targets. You can place them whereever you like. But it must be an exposed area, so no armpits, kneepits or soles. Each of you will have six of these balls. The moment all three of your targets are hit, you're out of the test."

A wave of comprehension washed over the students. The test was a simulation, an imitation of a real-world situation where speed, judgement, and precision mattered.

"But remember," Mera added, his eyes serious. "The key to this test is speed. You need to be quick in decision making and even quicker in execution. The first one hundred students who manage to hit all three targets on an opponent pass the first stage."

The students exchanged glances. Momo looked at Mokami, her eyebrows furrowed in thought. Mina and Toru turned to him as well, their faces reflecting their unspoken questions.

Yet, Mokami's eyes stayed focused on the stage. His mind was racing, formulating strategies and scenarios, mapping out the battlefield that the stadium would soon become.

With the rules clearly laid out, the enormity of the challenge settled on their shoulders. But so did the resolve to face it head-on. The air buzzed with a renewed sense of determination. Speed was of the essence, and they would do everything they could to rise to the challenge.


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