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The silence was heavy and unbroken following Mera's explanation, only to be shattered by his final sentence. "The most important rule is, the person who lands the third hit will be credited with the 'Take-Down.' A participant with at least two Take-Downs will pass."

There was a moment's pause as the information sunk in. Mokami saw realization dawn in the eyes of his classmates around him. The emphasis on 'kill-stealing,' a strategy where they would need to wait for the right moment to strike the final blow, thus stealing the efforts of another.

Mokami's gaze was trained on each of them, his eyes narrowing slightly as he silently assessed the implications of this rule, remembering it was the same in the original series. It was clear that the Commission wanted to stress the importance of seizing opportunities in critical moments, just as it happens in real-world hero work.

His mood was contagious, and although a flicker of unease passed over several faces in Class 1-A, they rallied, drawing strength from Mokami's relaxed demeanor. Momo's eyes met her brother's, and she nodded, a silent affirmation of their shared determination.

On Mokami's other side, Mina and Toru mirrored Momo's nod. Mina's eyes sparkled with a fiery determination while Toru's were steady and resolved. They knew Mokami was mentally already formulating a plan, and they trusted him implicitly to guide them.

Asui, standing near Momo, croaked out thoughtfully, "Seems like this test is about more than just physical speed, huh?"

Jiro nodded, her earphone jacks swaying slightly. "Right. It's about mental agility, too. Spotting the right moment to strike... It's a tactical game."

It was a quiet moment of realization for all of Class 1-A. The challenge that lay before them was more complex than any of them had initially anticipated.

Itsuka's lips pressed together in a thoughtful line. "This adds another layer of strategy. We'll need to be aware of not just our targets but everyone else's as well. Predicting when someone's about to get their third hit... It's going to be tough."

Kirishima pumped his fist, trying to lighten the mood. "Then we'll just have to be tougher, right?"

The tension in the group eased slightly at Kirishima's exclamation, and there was a murmur of agreement among the students. They would face this challenge head-on, together.

Mokami, still silent, took a step forward, his eyes sweeping over his classmates, his gaze reassuring and steadfast. He was not one for speeches, but his unspoken determination spoke volumes. He was their silent pillar, his resolve grounding them, allowing them to prepare mentally for the test ahead.

Yui, and Itsuka exchanged a glance before they turned their attention back to Mokami, their trust in him clear. The complex web of emotions – the fluttering of attraction and the solid trust they shared, did not need any words to be conveyed.

Mera's voice cut through the air again, momentarily stilling the fervent discussions. "Once the expansion is completed, the balls and targets will be distributed."

A wave of confusion washed over the students at his words, but they had little time to ponder. The previously closed stadium started to unfold before their eyes. Walls seemed to retract and the floor expanded, revealing a sprawling open area with multiple terrains and structures.

The spectators gasped in awe, but the candidates only had a moment of surprise before their focus was required elsewhere. Workers of the Public Safety Commission began filing in, their arms filled with boxes. The distribution of the balls and targets had begun.

Class 1-A fell into a stunned silence, their eyes darting between the rapidly expanding arena and the approaching officials. The enormity of the test suddenly seemed a lot more real.

"I guess this is it," Uraraka murmured, her eyes wide as she watched the workers approaching. "This is where it starts."

Jiro nodded, her fingers tapping against her thigh rhythmically. "Looks like it. Guess we're really doing this, huh?"

Kirishima grinned, his teeth gleaming. "Yeah. Let's show 'em what we've got!"

As the workers neared their group, the lively chatter of Class 1-A resumed. Their voices were softer this time, laced with the tension of the impending exam.

As the students of Class 1-A received their allotted balls and targets from the officials, their chatter quieted. Each student seemed to be in their own world, mentally preparing for the test. All eyes, however, inevitably landed on Mokami.

Mokami was pondering as he collected his items, his gaze lingering on the targets before shifting towards the students from the other schools who were also preparing for the test. His lips curved into a grin as he held the targets up, attaching them in a triangle formation directly on his chest.

"Onii-chan..." Momo's voice was soft, the concern evident in her tone as she stared at her twin's blatant display.

Mina and Toru shared a glance, the silent communication they had developed over their time together working in their favor. They turned back to Mokami, offering him matching smirks. Mokami merely winked at them, the twinkle in his eyes indicating that he was fully aware of the audacity of his act.

Jiro's eyes widened, a soft chuckle escaping her as she shook her head. "That's one way to make a statement," she said, turning to Asui, who merely nodded, her usual nonchalant expression in place.

The rest of the class watched as Mokami straightened, his targets visibly in place. It was a daring move, a challenge issued not just to the students of other schools but to the test itself.

"This is... quite a statement, Mokami," Ida acknowledged, adjusting his glasses as he looked at the confident male. "But it's also risky."

Bakugo grunted, crossing his arms over his chest. "He's not an idiot. He knows what he's doing."

Kirishima chuckled, clapping a hand on Mokami's shoulder. "That's our guy! Bold as ever."

Mokami's gaze swept across his classmates, a gleam of determination burning in his eyes. He raised his voice, addressing them with a calm that belied the intensity of his words.

"In this stage, we don't have to go against each other," he declared, his gaze steady. "We are 20 and there are 100 spots to take. Let's take the first 20 and end this show."


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