Nano Bots

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His words hung in the air, the audaciousness of the declaration washing over the students. Class 1-A broke into excited chatter, their eyes alight with a shared spark of resolution. Mokami's confidence was infectious, igniting a fire in their hearts.

"That's the spirit, Mokami!" Kirishima roared, his grin matching Mokami's. The others echoed his sentiment, their apprehension replaced by a surge of excitement.

"We are the most prominent Hero School in the country, and they will all target us," Mokami continued, his grin widening. "They call it UA Crushing."

A collective hum of understanding resonated through the students at his words. The reality of their reputation, of the weight of the name of their school, had never been more palpable.

"But let's show them what a real crushing is," Mokami's grin morphed into a smirk, the glint in his eyes challenging.

The response was immediate. A chorus of agreement burst forth from Class 1-A, their collective determination creating an electric energy around them.

"Yeah!" Uraraka pumped her fist in the air, her usual bubbly personality shining through her determined expression. "Let's show them what UA is made of!"

Asui croaked her agreement, a rare grin tugging at her lips. Jiro, Itsuka, and Yui exchanged excited glances, the girls' cheeks flushed with anticipation. Momo's eyes sparkled, mirroring the fierce determination in her twin's.

Bakugo grunted, a smirk playing on his lips. "Let's blast them away."

Ida adjusted his glasses, nodding in agreement. "Indeed. Let's uphold the prestige of UA. We will show them what true heroes are."

Amidst the excitement, Mina and Toru shared a knowing look with Mokami, their eyes gleaming with shared resolve. Their silent communication was a testament to their deep bond with him.

And so, with Mokami's rallying cry echoing in their ears and their spirits buoyed with renewed confidence, Class 1-A braced themselves for the challenge. With a shared nod, they turned to face the expansive arena, their eyes filled with the fire of determination.

As they stood united, their resolve echoed louder than words ever could. It was a clear declaration to all those present, a proclamation of their shared strength and unwavering determination.

Class 1-A was ready. They were here not just to pass, but to claim victory. And nothing was going to stand in their way.

As the start was given, the previously calm and spacious area suddenly transformed into a whirlwind of chaos. Hundreds of eager eyes focused on Class 1-A, their predatory gazes causing a shiver to run down the spines of some students. Mokami, however, remained unperturbed, his small smile steadfastly in place. His arms were crossed behind his back, a silent indicator that he was the protector standing between his classmates and the onslaught about to ensue.

The tension in the air was palpable as, with a deafening roar, the students of the other schools hurled hundreds of balls at Class 1-A. Mokami remained unmoved, his eyes narrowed and focused, watching as the balls raced towards them, their trajectories indicating a clear intent to eliminate them.

It was at that moment that something truly astonishing happened. Mokami's eyes flashed, and an unseen swarm of nano robots erupted from him. They were invisible to the naked eye, but their effect was immediate and profound. Each nano robot darted through the air, attaching itself to an incoming ball.

"Mokami's not moving," Uraraka muttered, her eyes wide as she watched the spectacle.

"He doesn't need to," Momo replied, her gaze fixed on her twin. "Watch."

Bakugo snorted, his arms crossed over his chest. "He's got a plan as always."

Meanwhile, the nano robots worked with startling speed and precision, attaching to the balls and relaying information back to Mokami. He absorbed the data, his mind working to calculate the thrower of each ball.

The air was filled with a brief moment of suspense before Mokami commanded, "Reverse."

As if on cue, the balls changed course abruptly, propelled back towards their throwers with astonishing speed. There were shocked yelps and gasps as the perpetrators found themselves on the receiving end of their own attacks.

Kirishima was the first to break the silence, laughing loudly as he clapped Mokami on the back. "That's our guy! Nice one, Mokami!"

"Brilliant move!" Asui croaked, her eyes wide with admiration. The rest of Class 1-A shared in the sentiment, their apprehension now replaced by a surge of awe and renewed confidence.

However, it wasn't a moment for celebration, as more balls were being thrown their way. Mokami didn't falter, his nano robots were continuously working, attaching to the new balls and returning them to their throwers.

Mokami stood poised amidst the stunned silence that followed his calculated display of precision and power. He was surrounded by fallen students, their wide-eyed shock reflecting the general atmosphere among the hundreds of onlookers. Not a single student had escaped unscathed, each one displaying two distinct target hits.

Taking advantage of the sudden lull, Mokami moved forward. His steps were unhurried and measured, a stark contrast to the chaotic energy that had just moments ago pervaded the arena. Every pair of eyes followed him, a tangible wave of dread and shock emanating from the crowd as he approached a fallen student.

He held a ball lightly in his hand, looking down at the student. Without a word, he tapped the ball against the unhit target on the fallen student's body. An eerie silence fell over the crowd, followed by a wave of murmurs and wide-eyed stares.

Mokami turned back to face his classmates, his voice steady as he called out, "Hit the rest."

At his command, Class 1-A began to move. Their movements were fluid and confident as they picked their way through the fallen students. Like Mokami, they each found a student with an unhit target and marked them off, their actions as nonchalant as if they were shopping.

"Uraraka, take the ones on the left," Kirishima suggested, his gaze sweeping the fallen students.

"Got it!" Uraraka replied, bouncing a ball in her hand as she moved towards her assigned area.

Bakugo smirked, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the spectacle unfold. "Never thought I'd see the day when we'd be shopping for students to knock out."

Momo chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement as she glanced at her twin. "It does seem surreal, doesn't it?"

Asui croaked her agreement, a rare grin tugging at her lips as she tagged a fallen student with a ball. "This is more fun than I expected."

Throughout the crowd, there were soft chuckles and shared grins among the students of Class 1-A. They picked their targets carefully, as if they were choosing their favorite chips from a store shelf.

A.N: Is this bullying? If so, isn't it fun? I don't know.


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