Less Than a Minute


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Meanwhile, the fallen students from the other schools could only watch in awe and disbelief. They had been rendered spectators in their own exam, left to marvel at the unity and precision of Class 1-A. The sheer audacity of the UA students left an undeniable impression on everyone present.

Back in the crowd of Class 1-A, the girls exchanged amused glances, their eyes twinkling with suppressed laughter. Jiro and Asui watched as Yui shyly tossed a ball to a fallen student, her cheeks burning. Mina and Toru were side by side, their actions synchronized as they tagged two fallen students.

Suddenly, a spontaneous cheer broke out from Class 1-A, their excitement infectious as they celebrated their effortless victory. The arena was alive with their jubilant cries, a stark contrast to the shocked silence of the defeated students.

"Let's end this," Mokami declared, his voice steady amidst the cheers. He caught the eye of every student in Class 1-A, each one nodding in agreement. The last few balls were tossed, and the exam was over.

As Mokami turned towards the building where the students who had passed waited for the second round, his classmates fell in step behind him. Momo was at his side, her arm brushing against his own while on his left, Mina and Toru stood a hair's breadth away, their presence adding to his confident aura. Around them, the defeated students from the other schools watched with a mix of envy, anger, and awe.

Mokami didn't let their reactions affect him. His eyes remained focused ahead, his steps measured. He exuded an air of authority, which was subtly emphasized by the small smile playing on his lips. There was no triumphant gloating, no smug grin. It was a simple, steady, knowing smile; the kind that said he had been expecting this outcome all along.

He reached for Momo's hand, causing her to glance up at him in surprise. However, she didn't pull away, instead allowing him to take her hand in his as they walked. The small gesture was not lost on their classmates.

"Guess this is it, huh?" Mina mused, looking around at the defeated students. Her gaze landed on Yui, who was shuffling a few steps behind them. She sent a reassuring grin her way, "Not so bad, right?"

Yui nodded, managing a small smile back at her. "It was...interesting," she said, the understatement earning her chuckles from Mina and Toru.

"Interesting?" Toru repeated, her voice laden with amusement. "That's one way to put it."

"Kinda felt bad for them, though," Asui admitted, her tongue flicking out briefly. "They didn't know what hit them."

"Their fault for underestimating us," Jiro said, a hint of pride creeping into her voice.

Bakugo snorted, his arms crossed over his chest. "They got what they deserved. Next time, they won't be so quick to judge."

"It was a good plan, Mokami," Kirishima remarked, breaking the chatter. His eyes were on Mokami, a warm admiration in his gaze. "Really knocked them off their feet."

Mokami acknowledged the comment with a nod, "This is but a prelude. The real thing is about to start."

As they left the field, the remaining students surveyed each other warily. A tangible tension lay over the battleground, a toxic atmosphere of uncertainty and anticipation. These students, with two of their three targets hit, stared at each other, the realization of their precarious situation dawning upon them.

Each student looked like a predator and prey all at once. They harbored only one unhit target on their bodies, turning each of them into potential eliminations for the others. An uncertain murmur ran through them, eyes shifting, bodies on high alert.

The unease among the remaining students was all too apparent. A wave of uncertainty washed over them, reflected in their anxious glances and clenched fists. Their bodies braced themselves for the inevitable conflict that was about to ensue, with each of them being both a potential threat and a target.

"I think they've just realized they're sitting ducks," Bakugo remarked, his voice low and laden with a particular satisfaction. His arms crossed over his chest, and he surveyed the battlefield with an air of superiority.

"Wouldn't want to be in their shoes," Jiro responded, a tinge of empathy flickering in her eyes. She shifted the jack of her earlobe, twirling it thoughtfully. "This is a different kind of fear."

"The fear of unknown," Momo added, her eyes meeting her twin's. She was aware of his hand still holding hers, a comforting presence amid the chaos. Mokami simply nodded, his gaze steady on the spectacle unfolding before them.

The wave of shock that hit the exam officials was nearly palpable. With eyes wide, Mare glanced at the screen that showcased the surprisingly quick results. His mouth was slightly agape as he looked at the data scrolling past.

"Impossible," Mare muttered to himself, furrowing his brow as he watched the replays of the first round. "Twenty students, all from UA High."

Around him, the rest of the workers shared his disbelief. The incredulous murmuring in the control room filled the air, competing with the ticking of the clocks and the humming of the computers.

Mera took a deep breath, adjusting his glasses before stepping up to the microphone. His voice echoed in the arena, announcing the results of the first stage. "Less than a minute, and we have our first set of qualifiers. All twenty students from UA High School, Class 1-A, have passed the first stage."


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