The End of the Exam

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To their stunned silence, Mokami was suddenly ricocheting across the arena with a speed akin to light itself, his movements nearly impossible to follow. The baffled expressions on their faces turned to understanding as they realized what Mokami had created: a set of super-charged boots.

The boots were his latest masterpiece. They were an incredible piece of technology that harnessed kinetic energy to increase speed exponentially. Each step he took built up the potential energy within them, which could then be released for a quick burst of acceleration. The boots could manipulate the direction of this energy, allowing him to bounce off walls and surfaces with the precision and speed of a well-aimed bullet.

As the dust settled, the two fighters, Gang Orca and Mokami, stood facing each other, both panting but upright. The raw intensity of the battle had drawn the attention of the onlookers, leaving the field in an eerie silence. Their eyes flickered back and forth between Gang Orca and Mokami, waiting for one to admit defeat.

The spectators watched in awe, both combatants still standing straight, showing the tenacity of true heroes. Gang Orca looked more winded, his heavy breathing echoing through the silent field. His scales shimmered, reflecting the sunlight, hinting at the exhaustion beneath.

In contrast, Mokami appeared much calmer, his Graphene Skin no different from his normal fair skin. Despite the heavy bout, his breath was steady, his demeanor unflustered. But a keen observer could see the subtle signs of fatigue. The tension in his stance, the slight flicker in his eyes.

Suddenly, Gang Orca's thunderous voice boomed across the field, "Enough!"

The students startled, their attention diverted from Mokami to Gang Orca. The villain squad paused, their expressions revealing their surprise at the sudden declaration. Gang Orca turned to the stunned crowd, his voice stern but carrying an undertone of approval, "This stage of the exam is over. Stand by for the results."

The crowd breathed a collective sigh of relief. A nervous anticipation started building up, the students' gazes flickering between Mokami and Gang Orca, awaiting the results of the fierce confrontation.

Despite the fatigue gnawing at his muscles, Mokami stood tall. He showed no signs of relaxation, his gaze still locked onto Gang Orca. He was ready for anything that might come next, his mind already processing the possible outcomes. The words of a villain couldn't be taken lightly, and in this scenario, Gang Orca was a villain.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by a loud crackling sound. The sound system had been turned on. The announcement was coming.

Mokami blinked, slowly retracting his Graphene shield and the boots he had created. His quirk allowed him to dissolve the items he had created back into his body. It was an energy-saving tactic that ensured he was ready for any surprise attacks. His Ultra-Efficient Metabolism made this process smoother, even in his worn-out state.

Gang Orca watched Mokami with a newfound respect. The young man was unlike any youngling he had faced before. He was intelligent, strategic, and physically adept. His abilities were impressive, and his composed demeanor in the face of such an intense battle was commendable.

Not long after the battle ended, Mare took the stage. The room fell into a hush as his gaze surveyed the assembled students, his stern countenance casting an imposing shadow over the room.

"Hello, everybody, and thank you for waiting. You have all worked hard," he started, his voice echoing through the large room. His gaze fell on the young heroes-in-training, their faces a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. "I will now begin by presenting the result of the examination. But before that, I have a few words."

The room was silent, all eyes fixed on the man on stage. Mare cleared his throat, an eerie quietness enveloping the room.

"In terms of how we went about evaluating you... Between us, members of the Hero Public Safety Commission and our colleagues from the HUC, we had two systems of point deduction that were combined to evaluate your performance." He paused, letting his words sink in. "In short, we were examining both the quality and nature of your conduct in situations of crisis."

His gaze swept across the room, before finally resting on a large monitor behind him. "The names of those who passed the exam will be displayed on the screen in alphabetical order. With all that in mind, go ahead and review the results yourself."

A collective breath was held as the screen flickered to life, the names of the successful candidates displayed. Mokami, his stoic demeanor never faltering, quickly scanned the list. His AI, Nigel, highlighted the names of his classmates, the members of Class 1-A. A quick count and Mokami breathed out a quiet sigh of relief - all twenty were there.

As the initial flurry of emotions settled, a few workers came down, distributing detailed evaluations. Mare took this opportunity to explain what they were.

"Moving right along," he said, his voice commanding attention once again. "The specifics of your scoring are described there in great detail. So please do look over them carefully."

Mokami accepted his paper from the agent with a polite nod, his gaze quickly scanning the details as Mare continued to explain, "The cut-off line was 50 points. We utilized a point deduction system to determine your points. You can read over the various actions and behaviors which resulted in the deduction of your points, followed by how many points were deducted for each one."

A small smirk played on Mokami's lips as he scanned his evaluation - zero points deducted. He glanced over at Momo, a silent exchange passing between the twins. Her paper was the same - no points deducted.

A collective sigh of relief filled the room as most students realized they had passed. Amidst the clatter of papers and low murmurs, the friends congregated together, exchanging notes and evaluations.

"Mokami, zero deductions?" Ida asked, his glasses pushed up his nose as he examined his friend's paper.

"Seems so," Mokami replied with a shrug.

"Let's look at these evaluations," Uraraka said, leaning over to peer at the documents in Mokami's hand. "Maybe we can find a pattern, something to improve for next time."

Mina nodded in agreement, leaning in to join the discussion. "Great idea, Uraraka. Let's make sure we're all on the same page here."

"Congratulations to all those who passed," Mare continued, his voice reverberating throughout the room. "From now on, depending on the nature of the emergency, your new position will grant you the authority to exercise privileges equal to that of pro heroes."

Mare's words resonated through the hall, the gravity of his speech causing an eerie silence to fall over the students.

"From now on, depending on the nature of the emergency, your new position will grant you the authority to exercise privileges equal to that of Pro Heroes. Combat against villains, conducting disaster and accident relief, and the like—even without orders from Pro Heroes, you are now able to act at your own discretion," he stated, his gaze fixed on the students before him.

"But remember," he continued, his stern expression emphasizing the severity of his words, "with that power comes an even greater responsibility to society. With every individual action you take, you shoulder a larger burden. You'd do well to remember that."

"The world is boiling up. New villain organizations pop up every day—first the League of Villains, then Equity, and now Mutant Ninja Vigilantes. The delicate balance we upheld is collapsing. Our world is in the midst of great change," Mare continued, his voice echoing throughout the hall.

"From now on, now that the proverbial brakes weighing on your hearts have vanished, impudent villains will appear without fail, and their crimes will grow all the more severe. Sooner rather than later, all of you young aspiring heroes will grow to become the very core upholding our society."

"In the not-so-distant future, you all, as Pro Heroes, will set the new standard. You, too, will become a pivotal existence which can inhibit and curtail evil. However, remember that as things stand now, you merely hold provisional Hero activity licenses. Think of it as being not even half of a full-fledged Hero. Therefore, we wish for you to resume your studies at each of your schools with even further zeal and diligence," Mare concluded.

With the end of his speech, the Provisional Hero Exam was officially over. The entire Class 1-A of UA had passed, all twenty students.


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