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The day after the Provisional Hero Exam, Mokami sat in his lab, an air of calm serenity surrounding him. He was the very picture of tranquility, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of activity around him. Nestled in his lap, Toga clung to him lovingly, her arms wrapped around his neck in a comforting embrace. She, like Mokami, seemed unfazed by the controlled chaos around them.

On the other side of the table sat Jin Bubaigawara, a man transformed beyond recognition. If any member of the League were to see him now, they would undoubtedly be shocked by the metamorphosis. Gone was the unstable, crazed personality, replaced by a clean-shaven man with keen eyes and a razor-sharp intellect. This new Jin spoke with well-articulated sentences, treating Mokami with the respect one would accord a boss, reflecting his role as Mokami's hired brain for his various projects.

"Boss, if we adjust the molecular structure of this compound slightly, it should yield a more stable result," Jin said, pointing to a complex formula on the screen. He was engrossed in his work, his fingers flying over the keyboard as he ran simulations.

Mokami, a silent observer in the conversation, simply nodded, his eyes following Jin's movements on the screen. He made no attempt to interrupt, simply letting Jin guide the conversation with his intellectual prowess.

Meanwhile, Toga was resting her head on Mokami's shoulder, humming softly to herself. Even amidst the technical jargon and scientific discussions, she seemed content, her eyes closed and a faint smile gracing her lips.

"Another thing, Boss," Jin began, turning his attention back to Mokami. "I believe I've made some progress on that project you assigned me. With a bit more time, I should have something tangible to show you."

Once again, Mokami merely nodded, his silence a tacit approval of Jin's work. He wasn't one for unnecessary conversation, preferring instead to let others take the lead. His composure, an unspoken testament to his confidence in his team, was a source of inspiration for those around him.

In the background, Toga shifted slightly, her soft sighs harmonizing with the faint hum of the machines around them. The room was a symphony of sound—Jin's focused mutterings, Toga's quiet humming, and the soft click of keys as Jin worked—all underlined by Mokami's tranquil silence.

Toga's discontent simmered beneath the surface as she watched the interactions between Mokami and Jin. She tried to nudge her head into Mokami's neck more firmly, an unconscious plea for attention, but his gaze remained fixed on the screen, his ears tuned in to Jin's explanations. A small pout formed on her lips as she tightened her arms around him.

The memories of how she met Mokami trickled back into her mind, reminding her of the circumstances of their first encounter. She had been lost, alone, and scared, trying to elude the authorities while grappling with her vampiric traits. The thirst for blood was not a choice; it was an extension of her Quirk, a part of her identity that she had been forced to repress.

She remembered the cold and hostile stares of the world, her parents' horrified expressions when they realized what their daughter had become. They had locked her away, caged her in a world of isolation and despair, trying to suppress the natural tendencies of her Quirk.

But the repressed desire had been a time bomb, ticking away, waiting for a trigger to explode. And explode it did, turning her life into a living nightmare. She had been on the run, shunned by society, hunted by the authorities, and terrified of herself.

It was Mokami who had found her, a beacon of hope amidst her despair. He had extended a hand towards her, a silent invitation to escape the hellish reality of her life. And in his eyes, she saw understanding, acceptance, and a promise of a better future. He didn't see her as a monster but as a victim of circumstances, misunderstood and mistreated.

"I've always believed," Mokami had told her then, his voice echoing in her memory, "to control something, you must practice it."

And so, he had taken her under his wing, promising to help her control her Quirk rather than suppress it. Mokami had been her savior, her guide, the anchor that had kept her from drowning in the tumultuous sea of her life.

Her thoughts snapped back to the present as she glanced at Mokami's face. The sting of his apparent indifference was lessened by the understanding that Mokami had changed lately due to what happened to Momo. He was engrossed in Jin's explanations, his mind processing the information, analyzing, calculating. His silence was his strength, not a sign of disregard.

Suppressing a sigh, Toga nestled closer to him, deciding to wait for him to finish. After all, she knew better than to disrupt Mokami when he was deep in thought. Her affectionate gestures might not have caught his attention now, but she knew in time, he'd return her advances. And so, she chose to wait in silence, drawing comfort from his steady presence.

"Jin," Mokami began, breaking his long silence, "If you shift the fulcrum point of the simulation to the left, we may see the difference you were hoping for."

Jin paused, fingers hovering over the keyboard as he looked at Mokami, considering his suggestion. After a moment, he nodded, a spark of curiosity lighting up his eyes. "That could work, Boss."


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