Mika [R-18]


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Mokami didn't respond immediately, his grip around her waist tightening ever so slightly as he absorbed her words. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a shared sentiment that transcended the need for verbal affirmations. Yet, hearing Mika articulate it so plainly was a different experience altogether.

His response came in the form of a soft kiss to her neck, his lips pressing gently against her warm skin. "It's the same for me, Mika," he whispered against her skin, the low timbre of his voice vibrating through her. "You are all I could ask for."

Slowly, Mika turned her head, her eyes locking with Mokami's. The intensity in their gaze mirrored the tumultuous emotions coursing through them both. It was as though a magnetic force was pulling them together, an unseen energy that went far beyond physical attraction.

"Mokami," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rhythmic crashing of the waves.

"Yes, Mom," he responded, his voice a soothing baritone that sent a shiver down her spine.

"I…" she hesitated, searching his eyes for any sign of apprehension. But all she saw was warmth, understanding, and a depth of emotion that echoed her own. With a breathless laugh, she finally found the words. "I think we've been hiding for far too long."

Mokami gave a slow nod, his grip on her waist tightening just a fraction. His voice was quiet when he spoke, filled with an intensity that made her heart race. "Yes, we have."

There was a silence then, a pause filled with anticipation as they both realized what was about to happen. It was a precipice, a point of no return, and yet they felt no fear. They only felt the pull, a force so powerful and profound, they were helpless against it.

Their faces moved closer, the space between them slowly dwindling, the heat of their breaths mixing. Mokami's eyes flickered to Mika's lips, then back up to meet her eyes, a silent question hanging in the air. Mika gave a small nod, her heart pounding in her chest.

And then, their lips met. It was a soft, slow kiss, filled with all the pent-up emotion they had been harboring. Their bodies were pressed close, two halves of a whole, their connection deepening with each passing second.

Without any need for words, their lips met once again, this time with more heat behind it. The world around them faded away, leaving nothing but the two of them, the rhythmic sound of the waves, and the taste of each other. Mokami's hands tightened around her waist, pulling her closer while Mika's arms found their way around his neck, deepening the kiss.

Mokami's lips moved against Mika's with a fierce yet controlled intensity. It was as if all their suppressed feelings were pouring out in this singular act. His heart pounded against his chest, each beat echoing her name. His body was aflame, every nerve singing as the warmth of her body seeped into his. He was drowning, yet there was nowhere else he'd rather be.

Mika felt a spark of electricity shoot through her body as their lips moved together in a slow, deliberate dance. His kisses were intoxicating, like a heady wine, each one stirring a potent mix of emotions within her. His taste, his touch, the warmth radiating off his body – they were all she had ever wanted.

Mokami broke the kiss, a low groan escaping his lips as he leaned his forehead against hers, struggling to regain his breath. His eyes, filled with a raw and passionate intensity, bore into hers, searing her to her very soul. "Mom…" he whispered, his voice strained.

"Mokami…" she responded, her voice barely a whisper. There was a silent understanding between them, a wordless communication that spoke volumes. As they held each other close, their heartbeats syncing in the quietness of the night, they realized that their lives had irrevocably changed.

Their lips met once more in a searing kiss, as they both acknowledged the deep connection they had discovered. The intensity of the moment, the heat between them, the passion that sparked with each touch - it was all too overwhelming, yet they couldn't pull away. Mokami's hands slipped under Mika's clothes, reaching to the breasts that once fed him. He squeezed her shapely breasts earning himself a moan that exploded in his mouth.

Mika's hands traveled lower, to the hard erection that pressed against her stomach. She was surprised to find that it had grown even larger than she remembered. She gave a small laugh as she ran a hand up his length, the laughter turning to a moan as he squeezed her breasts harder.

Mokami drew back, his eyes studying her face as he reached for the hem of her shirt. She kept her eyes steady on his as he revealed her body inch by inch, his fingers trailing along her skin. He paused for a moment as he revealed her belly button, a small smile flashing on his lips before he continued, his eyes once again locked on hers.

Her breath hitched as he revealed her breasts. Their size had changed greatly since she had given birth to two, having been shrunk to the size of a D cup. Yet, as Mokami's eyes traveled along her body, Mika felt as if they had never been more beautiful.

As she broke away from his lips, her eyes sweeping down his muscular form, Mika suddenly realized how much she'd missed his hands. The memory of how they had felt on her skin was an edge she hadn't felt in too long. A slow smile spread across her lips as she realized how much she'd missed him.

"Oh baby," she whispered, her voice low and sultry. "I have missed you."

A deep, throaty groan escaped Mokami's lips as he felt her touch. He was on fire, the heat of her skin singing every inch of his skin. God, he missed her. Her hands, her lips, her body… everything. He needed her like he needed air.

"I need you, Mom," he whispered, his fingers gently grazing over her lips. "I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you."

"Oh God," she whispered, "I need you more, Mokami! I need you!"

Mokami wasted no time after that, his hands reaching for her dress and hastily undoing them. He lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist, the panties sliding down her long, shapely legs. Mika's hands traveled to his pants, deftly undoing the clasp at the front of his shorts. She reached inside, grabbing him and giving him a firm squeeze.

"Oh fuck," Mokami hissed, his eyes rolling back as her hand squeezed him.

"You liked that, did you?" she asked, her voice husky with arousal.

"God yes," Mokami hissed, his hips bucking forward in an automatic response. He kissed her hard on the mouth, his tongue managing to work its way between her lips, his free hand reaching up to her breasts and giving them a firm squeeze.

Mokami pulled back, lifting her off his erection, a single drop of precum emerging from the tip.

"Show me," he said, his voice low, deep, and full of need.

"Oh Mokami." Mika growled as she leaned forward, cupping his balls as she drew close to his lips. "You want Mommy to show you?"

"Mom," Mokami growled, a shiver running through his body as her lips traveled along his neck, "show me now."

As he spoke, Mokami reached out, grabbing onto her hair. The long, loose strands felt silky in his hand as she moaned against his neck. Her warm breath sent a shiver down his spine, his cock throbbing in response. Then, as he held her head to his neck, he began to move her hair to the side.

With a mischievous grin, Mika pushed back, her eyes locked onto his. She could see the raw desire in his eyes, the need and passion that mirrored her own.

Reaching out, she grabbed him gently by the wrist and dragged his hand to her lips. Locking her eyes on his, she slid his hand down, pressing it between her legs.

Mokami hissed softly as his fingers slid through her folds. The heat that emanated from her was intoxicating, sending a fiery shudder through his body. She was so soft, so wet… He applied more pressure to her lips as he traced her folds, a frenzied need building in his body.

"Oh Mokami," she whispered as her lips moved against his. "I want it, I want you."

Mokami grabbed her with his free arm, rolling their bodies over as he did. His hands reached up, grabbing her face, pulling her into a deep kiss as their bodies slid against each other. Each touch felt like a spark, igniting the fire that had been smoldering within him.

The two adults moaned into each other as they rolled about on the warm sand, their lips never parting. Mokami's hands traveled down to her legs, their tongues never breaking contact as he knelt over her, burying his head between her legs, giving her a kiss that traveled up. His hands traveled up her legs, her smooth skin.

Mokami froze as he saw her. His eyes traveled over her naked body, taking in every inch. Her wide, full hips, her toned legs, her round breasts – he had been dreaming of this moment for countless nights,

"Mokami," Mika whimpered, her forehead resting against his, her eyes half lidded as she watched him trace her lips. The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know – he was hers.

"Mom," he groaned, his fingers sliding through her folds again and again, pushing deeper into her. His cock throbbed in response, aching to be inside her.

"God, please Mokami,give it to me!" She whimpered.

"Let me taste you first, Mom." Mokami dove onto her breasts, sucking as he did when he was just a baby.

Her hands slid into his hair, holding him to her. She felt his tongue swirling around her nipple, her breathing quickening as he sucked harder.

Mika moaned, her fingers running through his hair. The pleasure that rippled through her made her entire body shiver in delight.

"Oh God Mokami," she screamed as a new pleasure flooded her. She arched her back, pressing her breasts against his lips even as his tongue circled her nipples. The pressure built and built, a scorching need that demanded her climax.


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