Mika(2) [R-18]


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Mokami continued his assault on her, his mouth ravishing her breasts.

With a groan he pulled back, a string of saliva connecting his lips to her nipple. Mika's eyes were locked on the string of saliva, the sight of her son making her instantly aroused. She pulled him back to her, locking her lips with his, her tongue flicking out and wrapping around the string of saliva.

Mokami could feel his erection pressing against her belly, hot and aching. He pulled back, his eyes traveling down to her pussy, his breath catching at her beauty. The lips were swollen, the folds juicy, the scent of her driving him wild.

He'd never seen Mika look so gorgeous, so sexy. He wanted her.

He bent down, his tongue flicking out and giving a long lick to her entrance. Mika's eyes rolled back as she moaned, her right hand moving down to grab his cock and giving it a long, slow stroke.

"Oh baby, this is what I've yearned," she moaned, her eyes rolling back.

"Mom," Mokami growled, his tongue flicking out again, swirling across her folds before he darted back in for another lick.

"Yes baby, more!"

Mokami growled as he pushed his tongue into her, his cock throbbing at the soft, wet, warm flesh he found within her. He pushed his tongue in deeper, lapping at her juices as they flowed from her. His hands reached up, grabbing her thighs, his tongue withdrawing and beginning to work at her clit.

"Oh God yes," Mika whimpered. Her eyes were locked onto his as his tongue began to flick at her, her moan turning into a gasp as he slid two fingers inside her.

"Yes, baby. Give mommy more!"

Mokami's tongue wrapped around her clit, the tip flicking rapidly back and forth. His hands gently held her thighs as he pushed his tongue deeper into her, his tastes buds filled with the sweet, salty flavor that was all her.

The small of Mika's back arched as his tongue moved around her throbbing sex, her juices spilling out. Her lips felt raw, swollen, her mind filled with the sensation of his tongue.

"Oh baby, yes! Yes!" she whimpered, her nails digging into his skin.

Mokami's fingernails dug into her skin as he pushed his mouth closer to her sex. He could feel the wetness spilling out of her, the flow of her juices traveling over his face. He pushed his tongue inside her one last time, pulling back and running it over her clit.

"Fuck Mokami!" Mika moaned, her body shaking as she did. She climaxed with Mokami's tongue. Her son's tongue worked on her sex, made her cum for the first time in her life. "Now it is my turn." She all but purred.

Mokami pulled his tongue back, licking his lips as Mika pushed him back. Her hands grabbed him, sliding over his chest, her nails digging into his muscles. He groaned, a shiver of pleasure traveling through him as her nails dug into his skin.

Mokami could feel his heart beating in his chest as Mika pushed him back. Her eyes were locked onto his as she grabbed his cock, her tongue darting out and licking at her lips as she did.

"Let Mommy taste you." Mika whispered as she moved her lips down to his rod.

Mokami began to tremble as his mother's lips moved towards his cock. The feeling of her warm breath on him made his erection throb in pleasure. He couldn't believe this was happening – after dreaming of her for so long, he was finally getting to be with the woman he loved.

Her lips pressed against the tip of his erection, her tongue flicking out and licking across the head of his cock.

"Oh fuck Mom." Mokami groaned as she took him in her mouth. Mokami hissed, his head thrown back as her lips slid all the way down his cock. He could feel her tongue on his slit, swirling around. Then, with a gentle pull, Mika brought her head back until only the tip remained in her mouth.

"God, I dreamed of your cock," Mika moaned. She darted her tongue out, sliding it against his slit again and again.

"It's all yours now," Mokami groaned. "I am yours."

He lifted his head, watching her. He loved the sight of her mouth wrapped around his cock. He loved the feeling of being inside her. He loved the thought of her cum dripping down his cock.

Mika moaned, her eyes locked on her son's as she began to bob her head. Her lips slid down his cock, the feeling of his glans rubbing against the roof of her mouth as she did.

"Fuck Mom." Mokami groaned. He could feel his cock throbbing in pleasure, the sensation of her tongue flicking against his slit driving him wild.

"Oh, Mokami." Mika moaned as she pulled back, her lips wrapped around his shaft. She began to bob her head, hands rising up and gripping his thighs. Her eyes rolled back.

"Fuck Mom." Mokami groaned. A gentle tug upwards, and he felt Mika's tongue coaxing his cum out of his balls. It traveled from his shaft to her mouth, then down to her throat.

"I am yours," Mika moaned, a smile on her face as she heard his words. "Now, fuck me, baby."

Mokami leaned forward, almost bringing his lips to hers. His hands wrapped around her, pulling her towards him. His lips found hers again, her tongue dancing with his as her hand grasped his cock. He felt her hand slide up and down his cock, her lips beginning to travel down from his.

Her tongue trailed down his neck, his groans of pleasure filling her ears. She loved the noises that he made – the desperate ones, the soft, whimpered moans of desire. She loved that he was hers.

"Fuck me." Mika moaned into his ear. Her tongue gave a long lick to his ear.

"Oh God Mom!" Mokami gasped, his hands sliding around and grasping her ass, standing between her legs, his cock pressing to her entrance. Mokami looked at Mika's eyes. He saw many emotions in them. Lust was the primary one, followed by love, desire, relief, then regret. He focused on that and realized what it was. He touched her stomach, and Mika felt something within him change.

"Mokami?" She asked.

"I repaired your hymen, mom. I will be your first and last. I will be yours and you will truly be mine. From now to eternity." Hearing his words, tears escaped from her eyes. Mokami leaned down to kiss her tears, as he slowly pushed into Mika, feeling every inch of her warm, tight body wrap around him like a glove.

A surge of electric excitement shot through him as he settled deep within her, breaking her newly repaired hymen in the meantime. Her muscles contracted around him, pulling him closer and tighter with each pulse.

His mind swam with the intensity of the moment, a mix of shock and amazement mingling with the primal desire pumping through his veins. This felt instinctual, right. Like they were meant to join like this, become one entity.

He watched the pleasure play out on Mika's face as he stroked in and out of her. Each movement caused his own body to react. Being inside of her was addictive, and he didn't want to let go anytime soon.

Her hands clutched at his hair, her cries of pleasure filling his ears. Each time she thrust her hips, it felt magical. The taste of her lips, the feeling of her skin, the warmth of her breath as it flowed across every inch of his body.

"Fuck, baby, more!" Mika whimpered – she could feel herself getting close to another orgasm, and she didn't want to climax without her son. She wanted his cum.

"Oh Mokami! Fuck me!" Mika whimpered. She pulled her head back, panting and moaning. The intense, sweet sensation of her son's cock driving into her from above, over and over again, filling her and covering her walls with pleasure, was almost too much for her. Her nails dug into his back as he leaned down and kissed her.

Mika moaned into his mouth, as she felt the swelling of his cock in her. She had that subtle, instinctual knowledge that he was going to cum soon. She could feel his cock throbbing, the sensation of his cum flowing into her, filling her. It drove her wild.

"I'm close Mom." Mokami groaned. He could feel her body trembling around his erection, the sensation of her warm sex nearly causing him to cum.

"Oh fuck, give me your cum, baby." Mika moaned, her nails gripping at his hair. Her body tensing with each thrust of his body.

"I'm cumming!" Mokami moaned, his hips jerking forward as he pushed himself as deep as he could go in his mother's wet, hot pussy.

"Oh fuck yes, baby. Fill mommy with your cum!" Mika moaned.

Mokami groaned into her mouth, swallowing the sounds of her moans as his body trembled with the release of his seed. The waves of his orgasm crashed down on him, but he was far from ending this pleasurable dance. He just started.

He pulled his lips from hers, and Mika let out a whimper of protest as he pulled his body away from her. She smiled at the sight of her son still thrusting into her. A stream of his cum escaping from his cock and rolling down her thigh.

"Oh baby, that was incredible." Mika moaned, gasping for air – she was already so deep in her orgasm that she couldn't form coherent sentences.

Mokami smiled, still thrusting in and out of her slowly, feeling the trembling of her body around his cock. Her hands went to his chest, unable to reach his hair or anything else. She wanted more of this, wanted him to stay inside of her. She felt so safe with him like this. Protected and adored.

"Your cum feels so good, baby." Mika whispered, a smile on her face as she heard his soft, slow panting in her ear.

"I love you, baby. Mommy loves you!"

"I love you, Mom." Mokami whispered, pulling her close to him.

Mika's heart skipped a beat. There was no doubt what he meant. A deep, passionate kiss was all the confirmation she needed.

"I am yours." Mika sighed into his ear.

Slowly, Mokami raised his hips. Mika bit her lip, the feeling of her son's cock sliding in and out of her cunt fastening. He began to thrust in and out of her harder, his eyes locked onto hers.

Mika moaned, her hands going to his ass, clutching at it. Her lips found his again. She felt her pussy tighten around her son's cock, gripping it firmly. Her eyes rolled back. Mokami felt her tighten around him.

"Mokami, fuck, baby!" Mika moaned, her whole body tingling. She could feel the pounding of her heart, her body trembling with pleasure.

Mokami's eyes opened and he looked down at his mother, his mouth open in a silent moan. Mika felt his cock swelling in her pussy.

Her hands went to his chest, her nails digging hard into his skin as the pleasure washed over her. She felt her pussy tighten around his cock as she drew closer and closer to orgasm.

"I'm close, baby. Cum with me, please." She whimpered.

"I wish I could stay inside of you forever." He groaned, his cock throbbing inside of her as his thrusting began to slow into short, slow pumps.

"You can, baby. You can stay inside of your mommy forever." Mika whispered. Mokami pulled her close, kissing her, moaning as he felt her pussy beginning to contract around him, her dewy sex gripping his cock tightly.


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