Big Three

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A few days later, Mokami returned to class, a subtle radiance enveloping him, evidence of the intimate getaway he had shared with his mother. His happiness was infectious, and the mood in Class 1-A felt lighter, subtly shifting under the influence of his contentment. He settled down in his usual seat, nestled between Momo and the now-visible Toru. The hushed murmur of the students ceased abruptly as the door creaked open, revealing their instructor, Aizawa.

As the murmurs of students settled, Aizawa entered, his usual composed visage scanning over the room. "Let's talk about the Hero Internship properly," he declared. His eyes flickered towards the entrance. "Come in."

Three figures stepped through the door. First, Nejire Hado, her hair cascading down her back like a waterfall, her face wearing a cheerful expression. Following her, Mirio Togata, the epitome of liveliness, entered the room, his spiked blonde hair a stark contrast to his uniform. Lastly, there was Tamaki Amajiki, his indigo hair a shade darker than his brooding eyes, a clear contrast to the vibrancy of his companions.

The trio barely had time to introduce themselves when Nejire's face brightened, "Moka-chan!" She exclaimed, recognizing Mokami and, in her excitement, darted forward, jumping onto Mokami's lap with a surprising agility. The classroom buzzed with a soft ripple of surprise.

Mokami, unperturbed by the sudden onslaught, simply wrapped his arms around her, holding her in place. "Hey, Moka-chan," she greeted, her voice laced with enthusiasm. Mokami only responded with a small nod and a gentle smile, appreciating her energy but not feeling the need to match it.

Momo, sitting in front of him, twisted in her seat to look at her brother, her eyes glinting with mirth, used to two of them by now. Toru, on the other hand, giggled beside Mokami, her eyes shining brightly as she watched the scene unfold. Her hand subtly reached for his under the table, their fingers intertwining in a comforting squeeze.

Most of the students by now knew Mokami was close to Nejire, they even knew they lived together, but seeing their public display of affection, most were taken aback. Mineta, in particular, was gnawing at his nails, his face a mask of envy.

"Talk about lucky," Mineta grumbled under his breath, to which Kaminari, who overheard him, snickered.

"What's up, Mineta?" he asked, attempting to mask his amusement.

Mineta sighed dramatically. "Nothing, just realizing some guys have all the luck." His gaze remained fixed on Mokami, a mixture of jealousy and admiration reflecting in his eyes.

In the midst of this, Aizawa cleared his throat, demanding attention. "I hope you're all aware of why our guests are here today. We're going to be discussing the Hero Internship."

With their introductions already covered by their energetic entrance, the trio immediately shifted gears. Nejire, ever the social butterfly, opened up with an explosion of questions. Bouncing on the spot, she asked, "So, how have you all been? And what have you been learning? Do you like your teachers?" It was clear to everyone that the bubbly Pro Hero was eager to know everything about them.

Even as her companions tried to reel her in, she bounced on her toes, her cerulean eyes sparkling with anticipation. Before anyone could answer, she added another question, "Oh! How about your training? Is it fun?"

Her buoyant enthusiasm was infectious. Faces across the classroom lit up with amused smiles and soft laughter.

With Nejire bubbling away, the second member of the trio, Tamaki, shrank away. His indigo eyes darted from person to person in the room, anxiety shimmering like a quiet storm. He attempted to speak, stammering out a few words before trailing off, his face growing a deeper shade of red. It was clear that he was overwhelmed by the whole situation.

The sight of Amajiki's shy, flustered state triggered a wave of sympathetic laughter throughout the class.

As if his bottled-up energy could no longer be contained, Mirio jumped to the center of the room. His excitement seemed to match, if not exceed, Nejire's exuberance. "I can't wait to tell you all about our internship experience!" he exclaimed, hardly taking a breath before he launched into his speech.

Mirio was midway through a sentence when he stopped abruptly, realizing he was talking too fast. Looking somewhat sheepish, he rubbed the back of his head. "Ah, I guess I got carried away," he admitted. The room erupted into laughter, and even Mokami, who usually remained composed, chuckled at the sight.

"Actually," Mirio started, a sudden seriousness overtaking his expression, "I've got a better idea. How about we have a friendly match?" He suggested, pointing towards Class 1-A. "All of you against me!"

The declaration was met with a mixture of gasps, excited murmurs, and hushed conversations.

Nejire's ceaseless questions were suddenly interrupted by Mirio's bold declaration. "All of you against me!" He called out to Class 1-A, an infectious grin stretching across his face. His words stirred up a buzz in the room, causing excited whispers and astonished gasps to echo off the walls.

"Hold on, Togata," Nejire interjected, her lively eyes glinting with mischief. "This isn't one of those classes you can just bulldoze through. There are at least two monsters in here." Her gaze flickered towards Mokami and Momo, both poised and quietly listening to the exchange.

Mirio merely shrugged, his confidence not faltering. "I think I can handle it," he asserted, his tone full of playful defiance.

A broad grin stretched across Nejire's face. "Well, you asked for it, Togata."

Despite the lively discussion going on around him, Mokami stayed silent, his eyes flickering between his classmates and the trio of guests. He seemed unperturbed by Mirio's bold claim. If anything, there was a glint of amusement in his eyes.

Bakugo scoffed loudly, breaking through the chatter. "Don't underestimate us, Emoji Face," he said, bristling with competitiveness. His words seemed to ignite a spark in the class, a fierce determination taking root within them.

Mirio chuckled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Guess I'm really in for it now," he remarked, yet his eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Even the usually reticent Todoroki showed a glimmer of interest. "I guess it would be a good opportunity to test our skills," he mused aloud, the soft murmur of his voice carried across the room, silencing the chatter.


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