The protagonist wakes up in a new world as a reincarnated version of Lily Peters, an original character from the animated television series Winx Club. She has memories of her previous life and possess magical abilities, likely as a result of exposure to the dragon flame. She is determined to understand her powers and not let herself be killed by some old hags after having already died ones.
Ps: This is my first Fanfic so please leave comments on what and how I can or should change things.
Pps: English isn’t my first language, so please correct me, if I get something wrong.
Good potential but the synopsis is a bit wakey. Also the topic changes at a specific point to abruptly. Or at least it does from my perspective when he/she talks about her powers in the first chapter, during the fight. I gave this book a slightly better review because I am a sucker for fanfics of rarely used fandoms.