1 Waking Up

"Another boring day as always" thought Colt as he got out of his boring IT job that works him day and night always leaving him so tired.

As all office workers Colt was excited to read the next chapter that just got released on Webnovels which is one of his favorites when the MC gets overpowered right from the start and always faceslaps people whenever they mock him.

There is just one problem with this book is that he is completely braindead when it comes to girls. "Another chapter done and yet he is still so stupid when it comes to girls.

If I had that many girls chasing after me I would seize the opportunity and not be a dumb bitch when it comes to those things." Colt thought as he was walking across the walkway.

All of a sudden while reading the chapter, he didnt notice honking and the lights coming from the road directly towards him unable to stop. "Fuck" Colt cursed his back luck but when he noticed it was a white truck he was filled with joy for some weird reason.

"At least I'll die like every other protagonist like in the books maybe I will also get reincarnated and have a better life unlike my boring IT job I work at now." Colt thought when the truck hit him and killed him.

One second later Colt woke up and looked at the unfamiliar ceiling and took a deep breath realizing what just happened and in the next second he saw something he never thought he would see.

[Ding Achievement Unlocked 'First Breath in New World']

[Rewarding you with predecessors memories]

A sharp pain shot into Colts head after he heard that message 'Argh' Colt grunted as the pain lasted only a couple seconds the next second Colt opened his eyes.

"No fucking way Im not dead my dream has actually happed" Colt shouted not realizing that his whole family or new family was also in the house the door slammed open.

"Big Brother! why are u screaming like a lunatic did something happed" says his sister looking worried and annoyed at the same time.

Realizing what he has done he quickly recalls what his sisters name was or what he usually called her. "Ah I'm sorry to make you worry princess I was just having a bad dream that felt so real I was just so happy to see I didnt actually die." Colt quickly said to his sister making sure not to make her worry about him at all.

"Okay Big Brother you just work so much for our family I worry about you." she said worriedly. "Also dinner is about to be ready so be down soon so u can eat with us." she said before leaving the room.

"Alrighty hopefully I didnt make her to worried, Now lets digest what just happen my name still seems to be Colt but my last name is Pitman now." he thought to himself.

After going through his predecessors memories he realized he only had a sick mother named Jade and his little sister named Ruby. His father died in a car accident 3 years early. So he has been working a lot of part time jobs to make sure his family survives and it looks like today he finally overworked himself and died when he got back home.

"Dont worry Colt I promise I will look after your family as they are my family now to protect" he thought to himself. After saying that in his mind he felt the soul of colt leaving him with the last worries he had on him.

'If I recall correctly I have one of those system things' he thought 'System?' 'System' 'System can u hear me' 'Activate System' realizing no of this work he realized he dosent have an intelligent system 'Man what a shit fucking system how am I suppose to know how to work this thing' and just like that.


[Achievement Unlocked 'Curse at the system]

[Reward: Systems conscious]

'What the fuck' he thought.

[Greeting Master thank u for awaking me from my slumber let me introduce myself I am the achievement system you have gotten after your reincarnation please ask me any question you like and I will answer to the best of my knowledge]

'Nice alright first question how do I know what achievements I can unlock or what the criteria is to getting those achievements.'

[Master to see a list of achievements you first have to unlock that achievement that grants u access to the achievement board and before u ask master I cannot tell u what achievement will unlock the achievement board]

'Fuck thats not helpful at all but at least now I know how to get stuff rather that guess' he thought.

'BTW system do u have a name at all?'

[No master I do not have a name would master like to give me one?]

'Alrighty from now one your name is Alexa' Colt said as the voice sounded exactly like an Alexa from his last life.
