2 Starter Gift Bag


[Achievement Unlocked 'Name the System']

[Reward: Starter Gift Bag]

'Let's go all the times I have read about a gift bag they bring the most op stuff out of it' Colt exclaimed as he read the message

[Master sorry to burst your bubble but sadly this gift bag is just a starter and does not have a lot of op stuff in it to get what you call op stuff that would be in a mythical gift bag but you are not getting that anytime soon master]

'Wow had to be so harsh to me Alexa oh well just open the gift bag I wanna see what I got inside it'

[Opening Starter Gift Bag....]

[Gift Bag contains: 100,000 dollars, Business knowledge LVL 5, 2,000 system points, +5 to all stats]

After seeing the notification a bunch of information about business went into his mind and quickly he learned a lot of stuff on how to build a business and other related things.

'System show me my stats'

[Of course master]


Name: Colt Pitman

Lovers: 0 (Absolute Loner)

Relationships: Ruby Pitman (Little Sister) Jade Pitman (Mother)

Age: 18

STR: 5 (+5)

STA: 7 (+5)

INT: 5 (+5)

CHA: 3 (+5)

Charm: 4

Luck: 6


Business Knowledge: Level 5

'Alexa why didnt my Charm and Luck go up at all?'

[Master even though they are in your stats the average human on this planet only have a maximum of 10 in both luck and charm you will only be able to increase those through certain challenges]

'Great well anyways good thing my stats are pretty good for now, Alexa what is the average stats for humans on this planet?'

[The average humans are usually around 20 master so u are below average as of now so u should try not to get into any fights]

'Alrighty then you were very weak werent you buddy thanks for giving me such a week body' he thought 'Wait if I think about it what if I workout there has to be an achievement in that regards right Alexa?' he questioned to Alexa

[Sorry master I am not allowed to say that information]

'Damn oh well moving onto the next reward 100,000 dollars that will help a lot when it comes to our situation as it is now but when do I get the money?' he thought next thing he notice his phone went off

[$100,000 deposited into checking account 423***]

'Oh well that was easy wait is this gonna be flagged as illegal Alexa?'

[Master dont worry all money is given to you through legal means <3]

'Well that is a relief now onto the next item Business Knowledge?' he was puzzled what did this mean 'Alexa what is this?'

[Master with business knowledge it shows how proficient u are in the subject you can get new knowledge from reading and learning about that knowledge as u learn more and more your level will go up the max level for all the professions is up to level 40 but most people have never reached level 40 most humans average at level 5-10 while only those really smart surpass that amount]

'Alrighty thank u Alexa now for the final thing which is system points which could only mean one thing I am gonna have a system shop!' he thought excitedly.

[Correct master but the only way to unlock the shop is buy complete an achievement but as u know I cannot tell you how to unlock it that is something u have to figure out your self]

'I thought as much oh well I guess I have some time to spare before dinner Alexa tell me about this world'

After Alexa explained things I realized this world is not as different as earth with some of the brands still the same as they were on earth but not every brand was the same as on earth. I also learned that we are on a planet called the Starlight Planet.

There is also only three major countries the Esmana Nation, Zowah Country, and the country I live in the Fox Nation. Right now the city I live in is Clenwood and the capital of the Fox Nation is kinda lame but it is Fox City man governments make the worst names.

After realizing how weird these names are I decided to forget about it for the time being and finally meet my mother and little sister for dinner. I guess its time to settle into this new life and hope everything goes well.

'Wait I just remembered why the hell is their a section for lovers in my stats are you saying I can have multiple lovers?!?' he thought he was seeing things

[Correct master you can definitely have multiple lovers as that is a common occurrence in this world but worry not master u will not have any for a while as u are not that handsome to be able to obtain a harem yet]

'Why do you always got to be so harsh to me cant you just simply answer yes or no you dont have to go hurting my ego along the way just because I am not the best yet'

[Master you wanted a system that had a mind so that is what the system gave you but if you do not want me just shut me off but once you shut me off you can not get me back]

'Wow okay no I like u to much to let u go I will always have someone to talk to with you around incase I ever get bored or am lonely'

[Awwwww Master your so sweet I'm blushing if you want master I will be your first lover if you would like ;)]

'No I want a real girl as my first lover not my system'

[Hmph fine master its not like I care at all. Dont talk to me for a while I wont answer]

'Whatever' he thought welp now its time to go to dinner and talk to my new family from what I saw in my memories they are really nice people I will protect them no matter what.