3 Family Dinner

Walking to the dinner table excited about my new life. As I entered the room I noticed that both my sister and mother looked at me with worried expressions. While they were looking at me with worried expressing the first thing I noticed was that my mother was a complete milf something I never would have imagined.

I remember her from my predecessors memories but I didnt think she would be this beautiful and gorgeous I would have never thought my mom would be the milf of my dreams.

'Calm down colt that is your mother stop thinking weird things but she must be like a 10 in charm right alexa'

[Yeah yeah whatever master I am gorgeous to you know but you will never know unless you get the right achievement to find out]

Ignoring Alexas weird attitude I thought inwardly 'I must protect my mother and sister at all cost while my sister is cute and my mother is absolutely gorgeous I must not let anyone touch them' as my greed started to show I quickly settles down.

I quickly said breaking the silence "Good Evening Mother, Princess how are u guys doing?"

"Son don't play dumb we are worried about you when you suddenly started screaming im not dead when you woke up from a nap after your part time job we are worried sick did u think you died or something." mother asked worriedly.

"No mother I am quite alright more than alright actually just had a bad dream actually I think our lives will be going upwards from now on" he laughed a little after says that.

Which surprised both his sister and mother as they dont remember the last time the saw Colt so happy but as long as he was happy they were happy.

"Big Brother are you really okay." with her puppy dogs eyes looking at me. 'How am I ever suppose to lie to her when she looks at me like that' he inwardly sighed. "I am alright princess I promise" as he patted her head to let her now he was doing alright.

"Son thank you for all the things that you have done for the family *cough* as soon as I get better I promise I will find a job and take some burdens off of u so you dont have to work to death" Mom said worriedly as she looked at me all depressed.

He quickly went over and gave my mother a hug. 'Absolute Heaven these boobs are' he thought "Mother dont worry about all the struggles I am going through just to see you guys smile means the world to me and your health means more to me than anything." he said to his mother while his mother hugged him back and gave him a light smile "I love you son thank you for everything"

"Alright enough chit chat mother and big brother lets eat!" Ruby said excitedly so they all sat down.

Rest of the dinner was filled with just some fun chatting and light jokes it was a great dinner all around after the dinner when they all got up something popped up infront of Colt.


[Achievement Unlocked "First Dinner with Family"]

[Rewards 300 System Points, Cooking Knowledge LVL 10, $100,000]

He practically almost spat out all the water he was finish when he read that message and seeing all the information about cooking go to his head he was in shock.

'No way with that and business I cant definitely start a restaurant but I really dont want to be a chef every night...' he went into thinking 'Alexa is there any popular fast food resturant chains in this world'

[Master there is current only one but is only popular in the Esmana Nation not worldwide. Master are you thinking about starting your own fast food restaurant?]

'Yeah I am Alexa I know with my level 10 cooking skills I know I can start a higher end resturant but I dont want to be a chef my whole life I want to be ceo of many things and not just be alright with being a chef' after he told alexa that he suddenly realized even with all his knowledge he barely had any in restaurant management so he quickly went back to his room and looked at his phone for more information as he did not have a computer he quickly remembered to go get a computer tomorrow as the week is still the same and it is Saturday so he has all day Sunday to get all the stuff he wants started. As he was scrolling through websites reading about restaurant management for 5 hours it quickly became 11:00 pm and almost a new day when suddenly.


[Business Knowledge level up 5 -> 6]

'Oh wow I leveled up nice sad that it was only one level for 5 hours but you cant always win' as soon as he thought that.


[Achievement unlocked 'Do It Yourself': Successfully level up one Profession ]

[Rewards: One Building Card, One Decoration Card, $500,000, Business Knowledge 6 -> 10, One Owned Building]

'Alexa tell me what the two cards do'

[Of course master]

[One Building Card: Get a plot of land and or owned building and make a design for a building or if you already have and ideal iconic building you want to build just think of that when using the card (Building can only be one story and can only be a size of the land)]

[One Decoration Card: This card will decorate one building to what u want through your mind and you will not have to pay a single penny for any of these decorations]

'These are great cards now I just need to figure out where the building is.' he thought

[Master the building and permits are all in your inventory as to where the building is its in the most popular area of Clenwood the downtown of the city I gave you the location on the phone you can go visit it tomorrow]

'Thank you Alexa I will go check on it tomorrow morning when I get up but I should probably rest tonight.' 'Oh yeah Alexa can I just the Decoration and Building Cards from my home and when will everything be done?'

[Master you can use those two cards from your home just select the other building from when you want to use the cards also if you use them now the follow cards will complete by the time you go visit tomorrow]

'Wow so fast okay I have decided I will use the cards to bring McDonalds to the Starlight Planet' he thought excitedly.

'Alexa use the two cards'

[Are you sure you want to use the building and decoration cards to make a McDonalds "Confirm?"]

"Confirm!" Tomorrow is gonna be so great!