A Ray Of Hope!

Li Xuemei said, "If President Lu doesn't return the money to us, we won't leave!"

"Return money! Return money! Return money!"

The employees and children also waved their fists and shouted.

"You guys…"

The security officer captain looked furious, "What nonsense are you talking about? When did our foundation embezzle your donations?

Scram, scram, scram quickly!"

Li Xuemei said in a deep voice, "It's fine if you don't admit it. We have evidence in our hands!

"Last night, the surveillance cameras of our welfare institute captured your actions. You have to return the money!"

"That's right! Return the money!"

"Pay up!"

The employees also echoed.

"Captain Liu, what should we do now? Should we attack?"

A security officer asked the security officer captain.

The security officer frowned and said, "Don't do anything yet. I'll ask the president what to do."