I Can Treat You

Alinda introduced, "This is my friend, Yang Luo. He's a Chinese doctor."

After a pause, Alinda asked, "Mr. He, I want to bring Mr. Yang to see the patient. I wonder if it's possible?"

"Since you're President Alinda's friend, of course he can."

He Yinghao nodded and extended his hand to Yang Luo with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Yang."

"Nice to meet you."

Yang Luo smiled back and shook hands with He Yinghao.

As they shook hands, He Yinghao sized up Yang Luo.

But no matter how he looked at it, Yang Luo gave him an ordinary feeling.

He Yinghao retracted his hand and made an inviting gesture, "President Alinda, Mr. Yang, please!"

Then, Yang Luo got into the car with Alinda and He Yinghao and drove away from Hua Mei Biomedical.

On the way…

Alinda asked, "Mr. He, how is the patient's condition now?"

He Yinghao said, "My father's condition is not good now. He has been in a coma.