Plan Failed!

Prajna also moved and fought Bloodshed!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Prajna and Bloodshed moved along the corridor, the sharp blades in their hands constantly colliding with each other, producing crisp sounds!

Bloodshed originally thought that he could easily kill Prajna, but he never expected Prajna to suppress him!

This made him very puzzled!

Prajna's ranking was clearly lower than his, so why was she so strong?

At this moment, because the commotion outside was too loud, it alarmed Su Qingmei, who was in the President's office.

"Prajna, what happened? Why is it so noisy?"

Su Qingmei opened the door and walked out.

When she saw Prajna and Bloodshed fighting fiercely in the corridor, Su Qingmei was shocked.

Prajna hurriedly said, "Sister Su, this guy is an assassin. He wanted to capture you to threaten Brother Yang, but I saw through him!

Hurry into the office and lock the door. Don't come out. I'll deal with him!"