You're No exception!

Yang Luo looked through the rearview mirror and stepped on the accelerator, speeding up.

Just as Yang Luo sped up, the two trucks behind him also sped up.

"Yang Luo, what's wrong?"

Su Qingmei, who was sitting in the backseat, asked in confusion.

"That's right. Why did you suddenly speed up?"

Prajna also had a strange expression.

Yang Luo said in a deep voice, "I just realized that the two trucks behind us have been following us. Now that I've accelerated, they've also accelerated."

Prajna asked in surprise, "Are we being followed?"


Yang Luo nodded in reply.

Prajna asked, "Then who is following us?"

"Who else could it be other than those killers?"

Yang Luo said indifferently and continued, "Looks like these assassins are going to fight me to the death tonight!