Find This Person at All costs!


Deng Liangcai nodded and quickly went to check the surveillance cameras.

Hua Changsheng stared intently at the acupuncture point diagram on the wall, his eyes red, "Ancestor, ancestors, thank you for blessing me. I actually let the complete Green Sachet Divine Needle see the light of day again!"


Hua Yunyan was also so excited that her eyes turned red and tears welled up.

Only she knew how important the Green Sachet Divine Needle was to their Hua family.

In order to complete the Green Sachet Divine Needle, his grandfather had studied it for his entire life and visited countless Chinese medicine experts, but he had found nothing.

However, he did not expect someone to complete the Green Sachet Divine Needle tonight.

How could she not be excited?

Soon, Deng Liangcai brought over the surveillance footage.

He handed the phone to Hua Changsheng.