Revenge Must Be Taken!

Cao Huben hurriedly said, "Alright, alright, alright. Divine Doctor Hua, hurry up and take action!"

Hua Changsheng nodded and said to Hua Yunyan, "Yunyan, get the needles!"

"Grandpa, here!"

Hua Yunyan opened the medicine box, took out a box of silver needles, and handed it to Hua Changsheng.

Hua Changsheng took the silver needle box and picked up a silver needle from it. He said, "Elder Cao, unbutton Commander-in-Chief Cao's shirt."


Cao Huben responded and quickly unbuttoned Cao Yanzhong's shirt.

Then, Hua Changsheng's eyes flickered. He mobilized the True Qi in his body and shook his right hand!


Accompanied by a dazzling green light, a silver needle landed steadily on an acupuncture point on Cao Yanzhong's mouth and began to tremble gently!

"Could this be the Green Sachet Divine Needle that's ranked fifth on the Divine Needle List? It's indeed powerful!"