Hermit Expert?

Rumble rumble rumble!

The golden Buddhist palm was too huge and pressed down like a golden five-fingered mountain!

The power that erupted was also extremely powerful, causing space to explode and even distort!

"How dare you! Who dares to interfere in the matters of my Myriad Swords Gate!"

"No matter who it is, if you appear, we will definitely take your life!"

"Let's take this palm first!"

Chou Jianchi, Feng Jianming, and Li Tai'e roared as they swung their swords at the sky!

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Accompanied by a sharp sound of air being torn apart!

The three huge swords tore through the sky and slashed at the golden Buddha palm that was pressing down from the sky with sword qi and sword power that shook the world!

And in that instant!


The three huge swords collided heavily with the golden Buddha palm, emitting a thunderous collision sound!