Definitely Can't Lose!

Seeing that the old monk had really left, everyone present finally came to their senses.

Chou Jianchi looked at Yang Luo and the others with a sinister smile, "Are you still counting on that old monk to help you?

What a pity. That old monk doesn't seem to want to interfere in your business!"

Feng Jianming chuckled and said, "If that old monk really helps, we really wouldn't have been his match!"

Li Tai'e laughed out loud, "Now, no one can help you. All of you will be buried here!"

Yang Luo stared fixedly at the three of them and said in a trembling voice, "Even if no one helps, I'll kill you!

Even if I die with you, I won't hesitate!"

"Perish together?"

Chou Jianchi laughed mockingly, "Can trash like you do it?"


Feng Jianming and Li Tai'e also laughed.

They felt that victory was already in their grasp.

Yang Luo, Xiang Kunlun, and the others had no chance of turning the tables.