
As the battle progressed,

The sun had completely set, and night had fallen.

A crescent moon hung high in the sky.

Everyone at the foot of the mountain was dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, these Country Hua Martial Warriors are actually fighting our 3,000-odd Martial Warriors to a standstill and even have the upper hand?!"

"The key is that they only have a few dozen people. Dozens against three thousand? What kind of joke is this?!"

"Could it be that our martial artists are really inferior to Country Hua's Martial Warriors?!"

"That's not right. Until now, Lord Imperial Mountain Martial God has yet to make a move!

As long as Lord Imperial Mountain Martial God makes a move, he will definitely be able to turn the tide!"

The people of Country Sakura exclaimed repeatedly, feeling very angry.

The Sakura people who were watching this battle on the Internet were also gritting their teeth in hatred.