Seeking Help from Blue Luan!

The battle on the nine mountains was incomparably intense!

Everyone who was watching the battle at the foot of the mountain, as well as those who were watching the battle on the Internet, were shocked!

The battle lasted from dusk to one in the morning!

Finally, Country Hua's martial arts world could not hold on any longer!


Accompanied by screams…

The leaders of the five major groups of Hidden Dragon Pavilion and the sect masters of the eight major sects finally could not take it anymore and were sent flying one after another!

Thud thud…

They fell from a distant mountain away from Mount Fuji!

After this, the battle continued for a while.

Finally, the 16 elders of the eight great sects could not withstand it anymore. They also fell down from their respective mountain battlegrounds!

Now, only Xiang Kunlun, Mo Qingkuang, and the other eight Martial Emperor Realm elders were left!