New roommate

I stare at the ethereal vampire.

His hair is jet black, quite long and packed into a messy bun. His green eyes the only source of light in the room.

"What do you want,"he asks harshly.

"Your mo-- I mean Mrs Barlow insisted this girl lives with you... And you provide her clothes, food and hospitality... For reasons I'm not sure of,"she says pushing me forward.

His eyes narrow at me. "Is this... A human?"

"Seems so."

"And she trusts me not to devour her?"he asks with a look of hunger in his eyes.

"Well she mentioned nothing about it, so you're free to."

"What?!"I sputter out.

He leans forward examining my features. I casually stare back at him as he stares at me.

Deep down I'm terrified and will soon have a heart failure if he doesn't step away. But I won't show it.

He straightens up and heaves a high. "She doesn't pique my interest,"he shrugs. "And I don't want company."

About to shut his door, Haley stops it with her foot. "Mrs Barlow gave me an order... You can be stubborn all you want cause that's natural for you, but I'm going to finish it."

They immediately start a staring contest. I feel so odd being here right now.

"Fine,"he simply agrees.

"Thank you for your compliance,"she grins and walks away.

Why did she have to leave so early. Now I'm all alone with him.

He walks into his room leaving the door wide open for me. Talk about a door leading straight to hell.

I follow after him and shut the door behind me leaving us in complete darkness.

He finally switches the lights on giving me a chance to admire the room. It's commodious having a king sized bed with black sheets. There are three comfortable looking couches surrounding the mahogany coffee table. A study corner and a large arched window with a seat. It has two other doors for a bathroom and something else. Maybe his closet.

I stand there not knowing exactly what to do until my senses tell me to go sit on the couch.

He takes a book off the shelf in the corner and starts to flip through. Immediately there's a knock on his door and he releases a long groan.

Still he goes to open it reluctantly letting in a smirking brown-haired boy. "Y'know you never appreciate my--"

He pauses when his eyes land on me. "Who's the hottie?"he smirks. "A new blood slave? I thought you already had one chained in your closet."

Blood slave?

Jack nods. "I did."

"Did she finally regain consciousness after you whipped her?"


His eyes fall to the ground like he feels bad for what he did. "I only did it because she was being stubborn,"he replies. "And she's dead anyway,"he continues plainly.

"So is she the replacement?"he gestures to me.

"No... She's just a guest for now,"he replies looking like he'd finally located that page he was looking for in the book.

"When did you start having guests?"

"What do you want, Zane,"he asks slightly annoyed.

"I came to return that condom pack I took from you... Didn't end up using it."

What the hell.

His death stare could kill an eight year old. "I didn't give you any condoms Zane. Now get out of my room."

"Geez... can't take a joke,"he laughs. "Just because your lady friend is here?"

"I will rip out your vocal chords from that bald spot on your head."

To my surprise Zane remains quiet for a while feeling the top of his head. "I'm pretty sure it's covered up already,"he mumbles. "I just came to give you this letter,"he says and pulls a folded paper out of his pocket. "It's from Dina."

"You should've just said that earlier idiot,"he snatches the paper from him. "Out."

Zane rolls his eyes. "He couldn't even say thank you,"he mumbles as he approaches the door. "See you tomorrow,"he says and gives me a wink before leaving.


He closes the book and tosses Zane's letter in the trash. Then he pauses and turns to me. "Aren't you going to shower or something?"

"With what?"I ask.

"Well... There's an extra toothbrush in the cabinet above the sink and the shampoo and other stuff... Anything else?"

I shake my head and get up before walking into the bathroom. It's big and has a bath tub right underneath the shower.

I take off my clothes and place them on the sink before stepping in. I take my precious time to scrub out all the dirt I didn't in the last twenty years.

In thirty minutes I'm done. I take a towel and wrap it around me before stepping out.

I meet Jack sitting on the edge of his bed while reading through a paper.


He turns to me. "That's my towel."

I feel my cheeks heat up. "Sorry--"

"I left clothes for you by the door."

I turn around but don't see anything there.

"Inside the bathroom."

"Inside the bathroom?"I rephrase.

That means he came in during my shower. I didn't even notice.

He must have definitely seen me.

"Is there something wrong?"he asks.

"You came in while I was in the shower."

"I didn't see anything,"he shrugs.

That's what they all say.

I walk into the bathroom and change into the clothes he left for me. His shirt goes all the way down to my knees but it was still comfortable.

I step out again to meet him getting ready for bed. It's still a bit early though.

"So... Where am I going to sleep?"

"On the bed, with me."


"Just kidding,"he chuckles. "If you don't like the couch, the floor is completely free."


The couch is something.

I walk over to the one facing his bed and sit on it. Getting ready to put my feet up, my tummy makes a weird growling noise.

How embarrassing.

"Are you hungry?"he asks.


"A bit."

"What would you want for dinner?"

"Anything edible."

He nods and picks up his phone.

I honestly thought this guy was just going to dump me in a dark corner or actually just devour me.

But it seems he's nicer than I expected.

After putting in my order he drops the phone and turns to me. "I'm really tired so I'll probably sleep off before room service gets here,"he sighs. "I'll lay down the rules."

Here we go.

"There's really just one."

Thank God.

"But abide to that rule like your entire life depends on it."

I reply with a nod.

"Don't ever piss me off,"he simply says and gets unto his bed.

"What exactly pisses you off?"

"To be honest I don't know."


"Can I ask you one more question."


"Do you ever plan to use your... Er-- whip on me?"

To my horror he starts to laugh. "Is that why you've been silent?"


"I don't plan to... But there's still a possibility,"he says with a yawn. "After eating, leave the plate out the door,"he states.

And with that he's fast asleep.

I sit there not knowing what this guy is actually capable of doing.

But I have one prayer.

That he won't go for my neck while I'm asleep.